Las Vegas Jam Band Society
Members’ Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2019
Location: ChebaHut (Durango/Warm Springs)
Meeting Begins: 7:35 PM
In attendance: Greg, Paige, JT, Jessica, Ian, Dave B., Megan B., & Lil’ Wiley
President’s Report (Greg): “Alrighty…So—ahhhhh, Guess we’ll start this!”
*A few of us made it out to the Bunkhouse’s Soul Juice Band & New Breed Brass Band last month. It was a good show.
*A 2019 goal, as President, is to still make the 4 events/year happen. We will start this off with THIS FRIDAY, Feb. 8th’s Fruition & Dead Winter Carpenters’ show at THE BUNKHOUSE.
*Looked into having our grateful pals’ CUBENSIS come to town for the first Quarterly event, at Garage Mahal, our Spring benefit, on April 20th. They are ‘booked’, but gave us some date options. (See Production Report below)
Vice President’s Report (JT):
*Have been adding the non-LVJBS sponsored shows to our website. This has given the LVJBS some provided comped-tickets to offer to our Members. Check them out!
*The VP of Entertainment at The Cosmopolitan, Fedor Banuchi, made contact recently in regards to offering us some tickets, in exchange for advertising help. We will be offered 10 tickets, for each night of The String Cheese Incident. We will look into assisting them for future events.
Treasurer’s Report (Paige):
*Our annual LONE WOOF RESCUE Sponsorship is due again. The group supports us continuing on.
*Discussion of needing to ‘pass on the torch’ of our Fundraising Committee. Megan B. and Paige to discuss some options and ideas for this needed change.
*A monthly ‘paid members’ list will now be sent out to Officers for better communication.
* Don’t forget that attending monthly meetings can get you $5 credits for the next year’s dues. (up to $20max). Attendance is noted each month and an email is sent your way each December, letting you know the needed dues to keep current.
*We have raised $46.01, from those using their ‘Smith’s Grocery’ cards!
Be sure to add your SMITH’S GROCERY card and your AMAZONSMILES account, to the ‘Jam Band Society of America’ non-profit help, to ensure a portion of your purchases comes back our way! Tell your friends/family!
Secretary’s Report (Jessica):
*Have heard some concerns on Members ‘not’ having an easy view of our Monthly meeting minutes. JT to begin sending out the minutes to the collected emails after notification is sent his way.
*JANUARY’S ‘Friends & Family’ , showing of WIZARD OF OZ, on the ‘big screen’ on SUNDAY, JANUARY 27th was ‘so popular’ (with other patrons) that it was SOLD-OUT. No one from LVJBS showed.
*FEBRUARY’S ‘Friends & Family’: More info TBD.
Mayor’s report (absent: Jenny M. via text)
Color: Your Mom’s Magenta
*The SCOTT PEMBERTON TRIO (SCI late night after the Feb. 16th show) was booked at the SandDollar show. More details on the LVJBS helping out TBD.
Concerns are the 10pm start time, after the SCI completion of 11:30(ish) PM.
*CUBENSIS gave some dates in May (4, 11) and June (1, 8, 15, 22) for a future LVJBS show. Group things an earlier show (to avoid heat) is best. Possible venue: The Bunkhouse, with it’s outdoor area. Greg to inquire about the venue’s use and confirm the date. More info TBD.
*Garage MaHall, event on the Saturday, April 20th, is being looked into. Some bands of interest: Homecookin’, Moksha, The Higgs, Shaky Feelin’. More ideas welcome and the confirmed date/bands TBA.
*(Dave B.) Check out the band, THE REEVES BROTHERS
*(Megan B.) The discussion of what the LVJBS’s vision and goals are still had. It seems there has been some changes in the group’s membership/volunteering/positivity, which we all need to focus on and fix. Future meetings/discussions to be held to help create this needed support.
*Feb. 8—Fruition & Dead Winter Carpenters @ The Bunkhouse
*Feb. 11—Katchafire @ BBLV
*Feb. 15-17—The String Cheese Incident @ The Chelsea, Cosmopolitan
*Feb. 17 (late night)—SunSquabi @ BBLV
*Feb. 19—Dark Star Orchestra @ BBLV
*Feb. 22—The Roots @ BBLV
*Feb. 23—Duran Duran @ The Chelsea, Cosmopolitan
*Feb. 28—Lettuce w/ The Greyhounds @ BBLV
*March 1—Blues Traveler @ BBLV
*March 2—Twiddle @ BBLV
*March 8 & 9—moe. @ BBLV
*March 13—Stephen Marley @ BBLV
*March 15—The Rayford Brothers w/ Pitchfork @ The SandDollar
*March 26—Galactic @ BBLV
*March 29—Citizen Cope @ BBLV
*April 5—Trevor Hall @ BBLV
*April 20—Slightly Stoopid @ The Joint
*June 23—Long Beach Dub Allstars @ BBLV
*Aug. 18--George Clinton & P-Funk w/ Fishbone, Dumpstaphunk, etc. @ BBLV
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 5th @ ChebaHut (Sahara/Rainbow)
Meeting adjourned: 8:45 PM
January 8, 2019
Location: ChebaHut (Sahara/Rainbow)
Meeting Begins: 7:32 PM
In attendance: Paige, JT, Jessica, Ian, Rich H.
President’s Report (Greg): absent
Vice President’s Report (JT): “Happy New Year!”
*Our website, for the past two months, has been advertising non-LVJBS events, so our site can be utilized by those looking at it, wanting events to go to. We will be adding Brooklyn Bowl and other venues’ shows/events.
*We will reach out to RELIX magazine to inquire what help they may need from us, for any upcoming events/website ads.
*Been looking at random venues (which are conveniently located near the I-15 highway) and identified one that might be good for future use: LaJolla (a Spanish club) on W. Flamingo.
*The 2018 Holiday party at THE HIDEAWAY was a good time. It costed the LVJBS $170 for this event. $140 went to Keller MS’s new Mariachi program. They were grateful.
*An email will soon be going out, inquiring WHICH Committees have returning 2019 ‘Committee Heads’ and which ones need replacements. Please be sure to sign up and volunteer!
*Be sure to add your SMITH’S GROCERY card and your AMAZONSMILES account, to the ‘Jam Band Society of America’ non-profit help, to ensure a portion of your purchases comes back our way! Tell your friends/family!
*Have been in touch with N*Dot regarding our ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY. There is a new person in charge of the program (Marc Cutler) and new bags are being ordered. I will find out any new procedures, so we can keep up with our ‘Quarterly’ clean-ups.
*JANUARY’S ‘Friends & Family’ will be the Fathom Entertainment’s WIZARD OF OZ, on the ‘big screen’ on SUNDAY, JANUARY 27th @ 2pm at the Colonnade Theaters, on Eastern Ave., near the 215. A Facebook event with the info will be made with the details.
*FEBRUARY’S ‘Friends & Family’ event will be looked into by Jimmy C. Possible gathering to the LION HABITAT, in Henderson. More info TBD.
Color: Black
*TERRAPIN FLYER (feat. Melvin Seals) was looking at early February 4-10th. Ian had contacted the Bunkhouse, as suggested. Due to the preferred dates, the group feels it is not a good week, in between the SuperBowl and the busy, following weekend (DWC/Fruition) into the following weekend of SCI (& late nights).
More details on different (future) dates TBD.
*Ian spoke to Ryan (entertainment booker), at The Bunkhouse, in regards to our help with promotion in exchange for ‘comp-tickets’ to raffle amongst our members. They are down with this idea. More shows/events TBD.
*Discussed the possibility of the ‘resurrection’ of the after-Easter, pre Cinco de Mayo, LVJBS ‘Freako de Mayo’ event. Thoughts are to get a local LVJBS band to open for a touring California, or nearby, band. Ian to speak with Billy, CA band promoter, at the upcoming THE HIGGS show, to inquire about any possible band contacts. More details TBA.
*Be sure to check out LVJBS pals’, THE HIGGS, as they play THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, at THE SANDDOLLAR, 10pm, free show.
*Jan. 10th--The Higgs @ TheSandDollar
*Jan. 17—The Green @ BBLV
*Jan. 19th—Trombone Shorty @ BBLV
*Feb. 2—Badfish (Sublime tribute) @ BBLV
*Paige shared some printed crosswords/word searches/mad-lib puzzles with Las Vegas theme, fun. We decided to complete one before the meeting ended. See attached photos for the silly-fun! ;)
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 5th @ ChebaHut (Durango/Warm Springs)
Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM
December 4, 2018
Location: ChebaHut
Meeting Begins: 7:30 PM
In attendance: Greg, Paige, JT, Jessica, Larry, Ellen, Jimmy C., Eric F., Ben Z., Megan B., Jenny M.
2019 Elected Offices:
The Nominations of the 2019 Officers were made. The only Office needing a vote is MAYOR. The two nominees are: Eric Frommhold and Jennifer Minucci.
(Online votes will be taken through 12/11 and the chosen 2019 Officers will be announced on 12/15 to be ready for the January 2019 meeting.)
Our 2018 Holiday Party will be on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14th at The HideAway (3369 Thom Blvd.) Doors will be at 7pm, with a show time around 8:30-9pm. The venue’s ‘curfew’ is 12:30am. FLUX will provide the entertainment. There will be NO opener. Food and drinks are available for purchase. There will be a 50/50 Raffle with half the monies going to a selected winner and the other portion going towards a local school’s music program: Duane D. Keller MS.
GOAL for 2019: We want to start having 1 show/per month, since there seem to be less ‘jamband’ type shows at the Brooklyn Bowl. We took 2018 ‘slow’ die to the Brooklyn Bowl’s addition to our scene. (*Brought up concern was to find a venue with the needed size—not too big, not too small. The venue thoughts: Vinyl at the Hard Rock Hotel, The HideAway, and the E-String.
Thoguhts for future event: A food truck and music, outdoor event at The HideAway or GarageMahal
Trying to get our website more views, so have been adding additional local events. Also, working on getting sponsors. (Questions/Concerns brought up by advertising local medicinal dispensaries for our events. More details and list of possible sponsors TBD. Please send us any thoughts on sponsorship.)
*Received an email from the Neon Museum, with updates on the ‘refurbishing’ of the Hard Rock Café’s Guitar sign. It is in process.
*The merch-table at the Tecopa Takeover made $99. ($94 in Merchandise sales and $5 donation.)
*Donations to the LONE WOOF RESCUE will be happily taken at this weekend’s FLUX event at Aces& Ales and our upcoming Holiday party.
*Lisa M. was the ‘winner’ of last year’s 6mo. free dues. She had already paid, so will be credited $60 for her 2019 dues.
*Thank you to the TECOPA TAKEOVER team who worked SO hard to create such a great weekend event.
*The DECEMBER ‘Friends & Family’ event is going to be our ‘Holiday Party’ (It is NOT all-ages, but the LONE WOOF RESCUE’s Blanket/Supply drive can be a GREAT Family Activity!)
*JANUARY’S ‘Friends & Family’ event will be looked into by Jimmy C. Possible gathering to the LION HABITAT, in Henderson. More info TBD.
Mayor’s report (Eric F.): Color : Hazy Purple
(Thanks to the ‘Tecopa Takeover Productions’ for their hard work towards a great weekend & to Fred & Max for their HORSESHOE win!)
*No update with the discussed JAMES BROWN DANCE PARTY (feat. George Porter Jr., Jennifer Hartswick) are interested in a possible ‘Vinyl’ event, Jan. 31-Feb. 2. Officers thought the Friday, Feb. 1st date would be best. More details TBD (Greg to inquire)
*TERRAPIN FLYER (feat. Melvin Seals) is still looking at early February 4-10th. More details TBD. (Greg to inquire)
*Megan shared the update with the SCOTT PEMBERTON TRIO’S interest in one of the SCI late nights Feb. 15-17, at the SandDollar. The SandDollar books their events far in advance, for less money that the band expects/receives elsewhere. Greg to contact Andrew at the Hard Rock/Vinyl to inquire if they are available and want to take on this event. More details TBD.
*Discussed the Facebook messages that bands/musicians have posted in regards to us hosting them. No one has heard of the recent post re: Achilles Wheel
*The DECEMBER Lone Woof Blankets, Food, Toys Drive is happening now! Please contact an Office or Jenny M. to get your items their way OR bring them to one of our upcoming events: FLUX, Saturday, Dec. 8th OR our Holiday party on Dec. 14th.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 8th (2nd Tuesday, due to New Years’ Day) @ ChebaHut (Sahara/Rainbow)
November 6, 2018
Location: Rocky’s Bar & Grill
Meeting Begins: 7:40 PM
In attendance: Greg, Paige, JT, Jessica, Dan R., Ellen
President’s Report (Greg): “Alrighty—Let’s get to my mail…”
Next stop on our adventure is the TECOPA TAKEOVER 6 & the LVJBS Holiday Party will be decided by the created ‘online poll’ to decide the date of Friday or Saturday, Dec. 14 or 15, with the location being at THE HIDEAWAY.
The Nominations of the 2019 Officers will be now through Nov. 22nd. Then, those nominated will confirm their nomination from 11/22 through 11/30. (Jessica to print out ballots for the December 4th ChebaHut meeting, or votes can be submitted online through 12/11.)
(Chosen 2019 Officers will be announced on 12/15 to be ready for the January 2019 meeting.)
Discussion of the LVJBS’s assistance to the Tecopa Takeover Festival, by increasing our $500 support to $1000. Officers are all in agreement. (We are hoping to use some of the LVJBS table proceeds/vending of old posters/swag to help with that outgoing cost.)
*There will be an LVJBS table at TECOPA TAKEOVER. Our archived goods (posters/fliers/T-shirts) will be available for donations and possible Raffle prizes. We are still looking for Volunteers to help with wristbands and ticket sales. More info TBA.
*”Thank you” to the RELIX volunteers for committing to the weekend and working the event, with success. We, as a group, are going to add continued support to the BROOKLYN BOWL by advertising for ALL of their events (not only the ‘jam’ rock ones). This helps support our ‘mission statement’ and supports a wonderful venue who are great to us.
*Holiday Party will be discussed via online polls this month and the finalized plans will be discussed at the NOVEMBER meeting. Date options: Friday or Saturday, 14/15.
Band thoughts: Megascopes, Moksha, or Cubensis.
We raised: $20.73 for Smith’s and $7.61 for AmazonSmiles, this past month.
*Paige is trying to remind others and trying to recruit new people to work, so others participate. Those who join the Officers/Have more of a presence amongst our new members.
(We will create a RAFFLE basket/Swag-Bag for the event.)
*Met musician Keller Williams, at the bar, at the Saturday Disco Biscuits’ late night event. When I thanked him for playing Fab Las Vegas and mentioned the LVJBS’ love for him and his music, He asked about LEGENDS LOUNGE and inquired if it was still in business. He was glad to hear of the LVJBS’ successes.
*Thanks to those who helped out at the October ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY event: (Jessica, Paige, Tobie, Fred, & Kathy) (*The tied bags were still at the sign when Paige went by two weeks later. Jessica to call to inquire and order additional bags.)
*The “November Friends & Family” event, Brooklyn Bowl’s Petty Grass, was a success. It was nice to see a few of our ‘all ages’ guests attending and enjoying themselves. The Brooklyn Bowl gave some of their ‘promotional posters’ to hand out to Members/Friends. (Contact Jessica or Paige to set a MOTET event poster aside for you OR possibly find one at Tecopa). The DECEMBER ‘Friends & Family’ event is TBA/TBD.
*There have been 27 new LVJBS Facebook page likes this past month.
Mayor’s report (Eric F. via text):
Color : “Cool Amber” & He says, “Hello” to all…..
*NEXT EVENT: Khruangbin @ Vinyl, Hard Rock Hotel, 9pm, WEDNESDAY, November 7th. Vinyl going to provide 2 LVJBS passes.
*JT asked about the ‘Press Release’ which Jenny M. had mentioned to get additional advertising help from local networks/stations for the Tecopa Takeover. (Information/progress unknown.)
Band Contacts: TNERTILE (asked about 10/31 through 11/2)—dates have since passed.
Other Contacts (through Hard Rock Live):
*JAMES BROWN DANCE PARTY (feat. George Porter Jr., Jennifer Hartswick) are interested in a possible ‘Vinyl’ event, Jan. 31-Feb. 2. Officers think the Friday, Feb. 1st date would be best. More details TBD.
*TERRAPIN FLYER (feat. Melvin Seals) is looking at early February 4-10th. More details TBD.
*The November Lone Woof Blankets, Food, Toys Drive is happening now! Please contact an Office or Jenny M. to get your items their way!
*The Jam Band Society of America’s NON-PROFIT status has just had its 15th year anniversary (2003-2018)
Next Meeting: Tuesday, December 4th @ ChebaHut (Sahara/Rainbow)
(*2019 Officer Elections)
October 2, 2018
Location: Cheba Hut
Meeting Begins: 7:31 PM
In attendance: Paige, JT, Jessica, Dan R., Kathy G., Ian Z., Jenny M., Eric F., Rich H., Ellen
Vice President’s Report (JT): “Okay….Are we ready?”
Spoke with President Greg. He is unable to attend tonight’s meeting. There has been no contact with any Production matters and no October Production report.
*Have been trying to fill the needed spots for the Brooklyn Bowl, October Volunteer-Relix table spots. We will soon post to our LVJBS site to find additional helpers for the night 3 of Disco Biscuits show. Interested? Contact JT or any Officer.
*Spoke with Harrison Ezratty (new Relix Rep) who will be coming to the BBLV for his first time, bringing hats, T-shirts, etc. for the table merch.
Upcoming Brooklyn Bowl supported shows:
*Leftover Salmon
*The Motet
*Disco Biscuits
*Petty Grass (matinee)
*There will be an LVJBS table at TECOPA TAKEOVER. Our archived goods (posters/fliers/T-shirts) will be available for donations and possible Raffle prizes. We will be looking for Volunteers to help with wristbands and ticket sales. More info TBA.
*Holiday Party will be discussed via online polls this month and the finalized plans will be discussed at the NOVEMBER meeting. Date thoughts: Friday or Saturday, Dec. 7/8 or 14/15. Band thoughts: Megascopes, Moksha, or Cubensis.
President’s Report (Greg):
*The Neon Museum, September Friends & Family event, was a success. Thanks, Ian, for an awesome tour and for helping our Members and Friends who couldn’t make it, by granting them a free, future tour.
*Our annual LONE WOOF RESCUE Dog Sponsorship will continue. We’ve had ‘Laverne’ since June and will be ‘choosing’ a new pup to sponsor. More info TBD.
*Provided some themed Jack ‘O’ Lantern Carving stencil sheets: The Simpsons, Grateful Dead, etc.
*ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY will be on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th @ 9am. Please RSVP on the Facebook Event Invite.
Mayor’s report (Eric F.):
Color : ‘Rock-tober Jack o’ Lantern Orange’
*Kathy and Jenny will continue the traditional Tecopa Saturday Pot-Luck Brunch. More details TBA.
*Jenny to continue the November Lone Woof Blankets, Food, Toys Drive. More details TBA.
*Kathy will arrange the recently discussed ‘Mt. Charleston Amphitheater’ event for next year’s Father’s Day Friends & Family event.
*Eric F. mentioned checking out our LVJBS member, Adam P.’s band SAGE COURAGEOUS at the E-String Bar & Grill, Saturday, October 6th @ 9PM.
*October Friends & Family Event will be the Saturday, October 6th CATFISH JOHN, FLUX, Drum Circle Event:
BARN BUDDIES: Heart of Gold Benefit Event. See the Facebook Event post for more information.
*November Friends & Family Event will be the Saturday, Nov. 3rd, matinee, at Brooklyn Bowl: Petty Grass.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 6th @ Rocky’s Bar & Grill
(*2019 Officer Nominations, Holiday Party Planning, & Tecopa Takeover Volunteer-list)
Meeting adjourned: 8:05 PM
September 4, 2018
Meeting Begins: 7:45PM
In attendance: Greg, Paige, JT, Jessica, Dan R., Kathy G., Ian Z., Jenny M., Rich H., Larry W., Jennifer Pynch
President’s Report (Greg): “Okay, Let’s get on with the meeting!”
We’ll check in with the other Officers and I’ll get to the Production report.
*We were contacted by RELIX Magazine for our help, once again, providing responsible volunteers for the Phish after-shows’/matinee brunch shows’ information table. More information, with the number of needed volunteers will soon be sent to the WildApricot page.
Assistance needed for the late night Oct. 31st, MOTET, the Nov. 1st-3rd late night (x3) DISCO BISCUITS, the Nov. 2nd, 12pm-4pm: “Lunch you in the Eye” Bowling Tournament, & the Nov. 4th’s Keller Williams’ PettyGrass.
*Update on the Pink Talking Fish aftershows’ pre-sales: Thursday late night, approx. 75 sold and Friday late night, approx. 100 sold. Get those tickets!
*Money has been given to The Neon Museum for our LVJBS contribution to the Hard Rock Café’s sign & our LVJBS acknowledgement which will be placed upon it.
*Be sure to pre-pay for THE NEON MUSEUM tour, our upcoming September ‘Friends & Family” Event. Only 22 tickets will be sold. Tour is prompt at 6:30pm.
*Smith’s Grocery enrollments will get an email about any renewal to the ‘non-profit’, so keep an eye out & tell your friends! (Also, will allow you to choose JAM BAND SOCIETY OF AMERICA as your focus.)
*The NEXT Adopt-A-Highway date will be on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th @ 9am. Please tell your friends & mark your calendars!
Mayor’s report (Eric F. absent):
Color (Ian Z.): Neon Red
Fundraising Committee (Kathy):
The random LVJBS extra fliers/posters, etc. will be on display again, PRIOR, to the October 2nd’s LVJBS meeting, next door to the Cheba Hut (thanks Kurt D. for helping to arrange the ‘space’). Please come by and make a donation-offer for any needed gear!
The website also has a ‘POSTER STORE’ link where the recent photos (taken by Kathy and JT) of our extra posters, fliers, misc. memorabilia will be on display.
Social Media Committee (Jenny M.): Jenny to gladly post more about being sure to ‘share’ posts and ‘like’ posts, so others see more ‘action’ within the Facebook media.
(Other media: R.J. has been ‘tweeting’ on the TWITTER page, Jessica & Greg help out with the Facebook page posts, and JT has been covering the Website/Wild Apricot page.)
*THE MOVES COLLECTION, THE HIGGS, EMINENCE ENSEMBLE have asked for the LVJBS to assist them in advertising for their late-night shows following the PHISH shows. **We will help them out on our website/fb page (sharing their posts) yet our focus will continue to be the Pink Talking Fish shows at Vinyl, Hard Rock Hotel, which we are co-hosting….
*We tried for DAVID GANS’ interested dates of 9/21, 9/22, 9/23, & 9/29 at The Sand Dollar Lounge. Those dates wouldn’t work this time around. Be sure to check him out at the ‘Dead on the Hilltop’ festival (with Catfish John), in Apple Valley, CA, weekend of Sept. 14th.
*Contacted by Monty’s SmokeHouse BBQ, which is at the LEGENDS BAR on Boulder Highway for a future collaboration. They describe themselves as a “great dive bar, with cheap drinks and amazing food!”
*Dave B. shared that there has been great progress with the NOVEMBER ‘Friends & Family’ annual event: THE TECOPA TAKEOVER, for the weekend of November 16-18, prior to Thanksgiving week. Great bands have been booked. Formal announcement and schedules to be posted soon!
*The Holiday LVJBS Party planning is soon! Greg to make a Facebook-poll to see which weekend dates/day would be best for the Jambanders: Friday or Saturday, December 7/8 or 14/15. More details TBA.
*Greg shared about his upcoming Birthday fun: Great Basin National Park, Lehman Caves, weekend of Sept. 21-23. Contact Greg Serentsis for more information.
*Kathy gave an update on the Mt. Charleston pavilion/amphitheater use inquiry: Possibly May/June 2019, would need approval for the covered area, for $160, 2pm-7pm.
*Welcome Jennifer Pynch who wanted us to know about her sitar musician friend ( or Reggae-Dead band (pals from New York), Kaleidoscope Sky to possibly play our Holiday Party.
Another mentioned band: EDGE OF THE WEST (described as ‘Cosmic Honkeytonk’)
*Jennifer also shared the possibility of hosting a YOGA event, at TOP GOLF, for the mornings of the Halloween PHISH weekend. More details TBD.
*Local musician, David Tatlock, contacted us to: Check out the SOUL JUICE BAND (formerly Soul Joos Band), at Container Park, on Sept. 30th, for their JAZZ IN THE PARK series.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 2nd @ ChebaHut (Sahara/Rainbow), 7:30PM*
(*Get there early, 6:30-7:30PM, to check out the displayed LVJBS posters/archive, which will be on display in the meeting room next door! Make an offer & take home some memories!)
Meeting adjourned: 9PM
August 7, 2018
Meeting Begins: 7:35PM
In attendance: Paige, JT, Jessica, Dan R., Kathy G., Ian Z., Keith C., Julie C.
Vice President’s Report (JT): “Greg’s flat tire will require a Fat Tire!”
We have had recent contact with Chris at the Brooklyn Bowl. They are continuing the “advertising for ticket-trades”, for our Member Raffles. Ten tickets for each of the following shows:
*Hot Tuna
*Rodrigo & Gabriella
*MC 50th Anniversary Tour
--Tim is working on the website to help ‘clean it up’ and update it. The question was brought up about the noticed ‘changing direction of our organization’ which appears on the Facebook ad for the WildApricot site. This will be looked into, as well.
**absent** Production report call-update happened at meeting’s end.
*Our Virtual Dog Adoption update: Darth, our last sponsored Pup was adopted & now, the LVJBS sponsored dog will be a cute Pit-Terrier Mix, Laverne.
*Our 2017 Holiday party ½ year membership winner was Lisa M. She was credited for the January-June membership.
*Thank you to The Lyons Den radio show, Fathom Entertainment, & to Paige for the assistance with the August Friends & Family event (Annual Grateful Dead Meet-up-at-the-Movies). Each of our theaters had a ‘rep’ who helped to distribute the tickets and helped to archive photos, for KUNV’s ‘Thank You’.
Color : Smokin’ Peach (…due to the Georgia shows being on-phire!)
The random LVJBS extra fliers/posters, etc. will be on display, PRIOR, to the September 4th’s LVJBS meeting, next door to the Cheba Hut (thanks Kurt D. for helping to arrange the ‘space’). Please come by and make a donation-offer for any needed gear!
PRODUCTION REPORT (JT & President Greg via phone):
*PSYMBIONIC has given us many tour date options for a future show. Any interest?
*CASCADE CRESENDO (bluegrass) sent an interest for an 11/3 show. Due to the Disco Biscuits show at the Brooklyn Bowl LV, we declined their request.
*EMINECE ENSEMBLE has asked for the LVJBS to assist them in advertising for the late-night (free) show at the Hard Rock Live, after Phish, October 31st/Nov. 1st. We will help them out on our website/fb page, yet our focus is the Pink Talking Phish show at Vinyl, Hard Rock Hotel.
*Andrew, at Vinyl-Hard Rock Hotel, has offered all LVJBS members a ‘free’ ticket to Grateful Shred, Friday, August 10th. JT to send the free-ticket inquiry and Greg to get the list of names to Andrew.
*Our long-time LVJBS pal, DAVID GANS, had interest in 9/21, 9/22, 9/23, & 9/29. Discussion of a possible Saturday, 9/29, show at The Sand Dollar Lounge. We may connect the two together.
*SKULL & ROSES FESTIVAL organizer made contact with us, through the PinkTalking Fish agent, for a 2019 future collaboration.
*Ian Z., has offered to host our SEPTEMBER Friends & Family Event, at the NEON MUSEUM. This is a special event, which would require pre-purchased tickets. It would be a Sunset-Tour, requiring guests to be NO LATER than 6:40PM, on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th. The cost would be $24/per person. The Neon Museum would donate 2 tickets to the LVJBS to ‘member-raffle’ off two comp’d passes for the night’s tour. (Be on the lookout for the LVJBS Facebook event with the details and link to purchase your prepaid pass!)
*Ian Z. also shared the donation-restoration of the Hard Rock Café (Paradise Rd.) Guitar sign, which is soon to be placed in the city’s Neon Museum. It needs to be refurbished and, for $250, the LVJBS can have our group’s name added to the guitar’s frets, as a ‘thank you’. Due to the LVJBS’s longtime history with the iconic Hard Rock Café’s music-venue, the group thinks this will be money well-spent. (Ian to send Paige/JT the link for LVJBS’s help.) for more details.
*Kathy shared the update on the Mt. Charleston, 250 person outdoor Ampitheater area (stage/gazebos), near the Visitors’ Center. It can be ‘privately’ rented for ½ day, for $700. An area can be reserved, varies from $80-$360, depending on the time of year. Questions had: Can we sell beer? Is there a noise level concern in town? Are vendors allowed? (Kathy to inquire those answers and group will decide if it might make for a future Friends & Family event.)
*The NEXT Adopt-A-Highway date will be on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14th. Please tell your friends & mark your calendars!
DUMPSTAPHUNK w/ GLASSES: Thursday, Aug. 9th @ BBLV
GRATEFUL SHRED: Friday, Aug. 10th @ Vinyl
CATFISH JOHN: Sunday, Aug. 12th @ BBLV (early show)
RODRIGO y GABRIELA: Friday, Aug. 24th @ BBLV
Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 4th @ ChebaHut (Sahara/Rainbow), 7:30PM
(Get there early, 6:30-7:30PM, to check out the displayed LVJBS posters/archive, which will be on display!)
Meeting adjourned: 8:45PM
JULY Members’ Meeting Minutes
July 10, 2018
Meeting Begins: 7:39 PM
In Attendance: Greg S., John T., Paige T., Jessica G., Kathy G., Ian Z., Eric Frommhold, Kurt D., Jen Sol, Rich H., Max A., & Jordan Chefner(sp.?)
President’s Report (Greg): “Alrighty…So….”
*The late-night, after Phish shows have been confirmed after speaking with Andrew and HR and PTF’s manager, Mike:
PINK TALKING FISH will play, late nights, Thursday, Nov. 1st & Friday, Nov. 2nd at VINYL, at the Hard Rock Hotel. The LVJBS will not be financially responsible for the show. We will, however, help with advertising to make it a ‘collaborative effort’/’in conjunction with’ type show. We will be trading complimentary tickets to membership raffle.
Vice President’s Report (John): Not much going on…Just bouncing off of the energies of the past shows….As far as Membership goes, we have TWO new members from our last show at The HideAway.
*Friends & Family Events: The discussed, June event at the Wetlands Park did not happen and there is not one planned for July. The August event will be the ‘Grateful Dead Meet-Up at the Movies’ on AUGUST 1st. More details and location(s) TBD. (Jessica to touch base with George and the LyonsDen Radio to inquire about comp-tickets.)
*The Fahreed Show, at the HideAway, was a successful night of music. We received $50 in donations from the set-up LVJBS table. The LVJBS did provide Hotel rooms for the musicians.
Mayor’s Report (Eric F.) Color: Steal-Your-Face Red-White & Blue!
Committee Heads’ Report:
FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE (Kathy): A ‘thank you’ card went around for previous donation donors.
ARCHIVE COMMITTEE (Kathy): Fred & Kathy recently went through their storage unit where some of the LVJBS Archive items are located. The company had some nearby pest/rodent issues. None of the LVJBS’s items were harmed. It was noticed that there were MULTIPLE fliers of (playbills, posters, etc.) that we need to condense for space concern. We will have a future LVJBS meeting (confirmed: September’s Cheba Hut Meeting, Sept. 4th , with the use of the next door area, via Kurt D.) where these items will be on display for any guests to take with and reuse/recycle.
*THE GRANT FARM (feat. Tyler Grant from EmmetNershi) contacted us and are available October 1-6, or week prior, late Sept. The October weekend dates are the 5th & 6th. (Greg to put out a Social media/Facebook vote to see if there are any immediate interests and we will discuss at the August meeting. Kathy to post some video clips.)
*DAVID GANS (from the Grateful Dead, ch. 23 Hour) is available solo or with Fragile Thunder/Steven Inglies, a Hawaiian Guitar player, on Thursday, September 20th. We may possibly book him (them?) at the SandDollar or the HideAway. More info TBD.
*(Max) TopGolf will no longer be hosting music-events. Max will start looking into booking more shows at The SandDollar or The HideAway.
(Jordan): July 18th, 721 S. 1st St., all are welcome to a ‘glass event’.
*Re: Moves Collection (discussed at last meeting): possible August collaboration with Jay Matt’s band(s). More details TBD. LVJBS will support it, if Jay/SandDollar want to book it.
*Late Nights, Halloween week: Delta Nove: Oct. 31st @ Hard Rock Live, The Motet: Oct. 31st @ The Brooklyn Bowl, Eminence Ensemble @ HR Live, Nov. 1st, The Disco Biscuits, Nov.1-3 @ Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas.
*8/4 (and other residency dates) STEVIE WONDER @ The Park Theater
*8/10: Grateful Shred @ Vinyl, Hard Rock Hotel
*8/12: Catfish John @ The Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas
*8/12: Rebelution @ The Chelsea
*8/17: DISPATCH & Naako w/ Medicine for the People @ The Brooklyn Bowl
*8/18: Icicle Tricycle @ The SandDollar
*9/7: HOT TUNA feat. Steve Kimock @ The Brooklyn Bowl
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 7th @ Rocky’s Bar & Grill
Meeting Adjourned: 8:48 PM
June Members’ Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2018
Meeting Begins: 7:38 PM
In Attendance: Greg S., John T., Paige T., Dan R., Jessica G., Larry W., Stacie Hummel (LWR)
President’s Report (Greg): “Alrighty…We’ll get this thing on the way….”
*We will be working with THE HIDEAWAY to welcome Fahreed Haque (GarajMahal), on Sunday, July 1st, for an early Sunday show, 6pm-10pm. Music at 7pm.
*Our goal is to have more LVJBS sponsored shows in the Fall and Winter.
*Discussion of the possible Phish and/or Widespread Panic aftershow(s) will be discussed during the Production Report (see below).
*Other than that, all is “status quo”
Vice President’s Report (John):
*An update to the webpage was recently done. We added ‘Jam in the Barn’, ‘Eminence Ensemble’, and other minor changes.
*Discussion of whether or not to keep the domain was had. It’s up for renewal again ($18/year). Group decided to keep it keepin’ on….
*The recent Adopt-A-Highway poll, to decide a majority’s preference on a clean-up date/time was created. Only 6 votes came though.
*Adopt-A-Highway: THANKS to MAY’s Clean-up Volunteers: Paige, Kathy, Fred, Tobie, & Jessica (The next clean up will be in September, after the Summertime heat.)
*Friends & Family Events:
--May was Golden Knights View party @ Henderson Pavilion
--June (TBD): Wetlands Discovery Walk/bees pollination party 6/22 or Nighttime Bat Walk 6/24 (Greg to create online poll to decide most popular evening & create Facebook Invite, etc. when decided.)
--July/August: Ideas, anyone!?!?
*Please note: There may be a delay in June’s Members’ Meeting Minutes getting posted. Thank you for your patience.
*2018 Membership cards are available. Please find an Officer at an upcoming event to help locate yours!
*Pirate Fest sent their money for their soundsystem/Dan rental.
Mayor’s Report (Eric F.) absent, Color via text: KNIGHT-TIME GOLD
Committee Heads’ Report (none present)
Update: Pink Talking Fish--The Hard Rock Live is no longer offering the ‘same’ contract with outside license/insurance policy concerns. Due to past HipHop/etc. events that the HRLive worked with, this has made for a $5million dollar insurance policy requirement. This would be a loss for LVJBS. After discussion about lack of volunteers for a table, due to the ‘busy’ weekend of fun, we decided to simply enjoy the event the HR Live throws, for that weekend.
*Andrew, at Vinyl (Hard Rock Hotel) will be looking at numbers and any policy changes for the smaller venue. More info TBD.
*Robert Walters (plays in Mike Gordon’s side band) is interested in late nights of November 1 or November 2. (Late nights, Thursday/Friday). Message sent to inquire IF Mike Gordon would ‘possibly’ stop by venue. More info TBD.
*Contacted by Bill Laymon with EDGE OF THE WEST BAND, a New Riders of the Purple Sage/Supergroup. They wanted to introduce their “amazing band/new project” to the LVJBS.
*YakAttack (from Portland, OR) are interested in any aftershow bookings.
*THE MOVES COLLECTIVE showed interest in an August date and have been discussing a possible collaboration with one of Jay Matt’s bands to join the event. More details TBD.
*Welcome STACIE HUMMEL, from Lone Woof Rescue. She has recently purchased the property in Sandy Valley and has helped the LWR become more professional and organized, as Secretary of the non-profit. She came to ‘thank’ the LVJBS for our support of LWR and share what progress has been done since her take-over. Stacie organizes the projects and manages the pop-up events and retail stores (featuring Dean Russo’s T-Shirts/items). She works alongside our pal, JD, who deals with the dog-adoption side of the Rescue. (Currently, there are 30 dogs needing adoption and 3 in Foster Care. We discussed identifying a ‘new’ LVJBS sponsored dog.) VOLUNTEERS: Please contact or (702)496-7885.
*6/10: Eminence Ensemble @ HR Live
*6/30: ORGONE @ Top Golf
*7/7: Thievery Corporation @ Brooklyn Bowl
*8/17: DISPATCH @ The Brooklyn Bowl
Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 10th (SECOND TUESDAY) due to the 4th of July Holiday & the July 3rd PRIMUS & JjuJjuJjuu show, downtown, that evening. The meeting will be at CheebaHut, Sahara/Rainbow, 7:30pm, 7/10/18.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:38 PM
Memebers’ Meeting Minutes
May 1, 2018
Location: Cheeba Hut
Meeting Begins: 7:38PM
In attendance: Greg, JT, Jessica, Paige, Dan, David B., Cody T., Lisa M., Megan B., Dave B. (& Wiley), Indigo B., Ellen, Ian, Brian Riley
President’s Report & Production Report (Greg): “I guess we’ll get started!”
*As you can see, Brooklyn Bowl has a series of upcoming events which we will help advertise in exchange for comp tickets. JT has been on top of the ‘auto-generated’ raffle-lotteries.
*Even though we haven’t been promoting too many bands with our local venues taking care of that—the LVJBS is still doing what our mission states: Promoting Jam Band Music.
*EMINENCE ENSEMBLE is playing a FREE SHOW on Sunday, June 10th at the HARD ROCK LIVE. The band asked the LVJBS to help advertise and share their Facebook posts. Group supports this, yet reminded the band that SUNDAY shows are tough, especially when parking isn’t ‘free’ any longer.
*Fahreed Haque (from GarajMahal) has his new band, The Fahreed Haque Band. They are interested in Sunday, July 1st. They contacted us, due to the series of Southern California shows. We put him in contact with the OCJBS and the ShakeyFeelin’ band members. The options for local venues were either INDOORS at The Bunkhouse OR The HideAway. More info TBD.
Upcoming Lotteries:
5/4-7: STS9 (3nights)
5/8: As the Crow Flies
5/17: Big Sam’s Funky Nation (w/ The Soul Juice Band)
5/28: Devon Allman Project
7/7: Thievery Corporation
8/17: Dispatch
9/7: Hot Tuna
*Members can get $5 credits—up to $20—for attending monthly meetings.
*Auto-reminders for DUES getting paid was sent.
*Check for Lotteries for tickets.
**Don’t forget to add the Las Vegas Jam Band Society to your ‘Smith’s Grocery’ club card and utilize the LVJBS with the ‘AmazonSmiles’ page. (Simply add the LAS VEGAS JAM BAND SOCIETY as the non-profit of your choice, when utilizing the Smith’s Grocery Rewards card and go to when ordering anything through the ‘’ site.) (*A percentage of money spent automatically comes back the LVJBS’ way! A recent check for $10.61 has come our way for the AmazonSmiles orders.)
*We raised @27.93 last month for Smith’s.
*Membership cards have been ordered and will be on their way soon!
FRIENDS & FAMILY MAY EVENT: Wednesday, May 2nd: Vegas Golden Knights Viewing Party at Henderson Pavilion. Gates at 5pm. Food trucks, games for families, all ages, free.
Ideas for future events: Please contact an Officer and/or come to our June meeting to share ideas!
The NEXT Adopt-A-Highway date will be in May. The two dates will be either SATURDAY, MAY 18th or SUNDAY, MAY 19th. Look for the Facebook poll to choose the better date! We want to do it once more before the Summer heat. JOIN US! No more than 2 hours. Check & mark those calendars!
Color (via ChebaHut): “Indica Purple”
Committee Heads: ~absent~
*Don’t forget to support the Orange County Jam Band Society (OCJBS), in California. They are having an awesome 3 day, Grateful Campout, with 15 bands for $99 festival in May—headliners: GrooveSession, Cubensis, & others. May 4th-6th. We will share their event to our page. Any local musicians/bands with interest can contact them on their Facebook page, mentioning the LVJBS. for more info
*Ideas are needed for future ‘Friends & Family’ events.
*Tecopa Takeover VI weekend: It will now be November 16th-18th. The LVJBS will collaborate, once again, with this event.
*The 16th Annual CHRONIC CLASSIC was a success. Congrats to JENNY MINUCCI for taking the FIRST PLACE PRIZE!
*Thank you to Indigo B. for donating a few posters: A signed Yonder Mtn. String Band one and a few Conscious Alliance posters. These will keep for a future Raffle.
Next Meeting:
Tuesday June 5th @ Rocky’s Bar & Grill
Meeting adjourned: 8:24PM