Members’ Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Meeting Begins: 7:40PM @ Rocky’s Bar & Grill
In attendance: Johnnie, Paige, Jessica, Kathy, Dan, Jeffrey T., Michael A.
Called to order (JT): So…the meeting comes to order!
President’s Report (Greg: absent): (At the meeting….from the box: the TV overhead…GO KNIGHTS GO!)
Vice President’s Report/Production Report (Johnnie): Had a call from Greg regarding the Production Report. We discussed having KUNG FU in town, late January, the 27th. Venue: HideAway. The had concerns are the amount the band is requesting—add the $500 for the ‘opening band’ (either MOKSHA, GLASSES, or MEFASCOPES) and the $300 ‘gear’ rental fee. This would require a $15-$20 cover charge to cover the amount. The group feels there wouldn’t be enough ‘support’ for this show and it would be a ‘loss’.
*The Chris Robinson Brotherhood show is Thursday, December 7th at the Brooklyn Bowl. Our friends at the Brooklyn Bowl provided the LVJBS with 10 tickets, to ‘raffle’ off to our members. There was also a bowling lane, offered to our group. There were 15 ‘friends & family’ who registered for a chance to bowl. JT had asked if possibly TWO lanes could be held for us and the ‘Bowl approved this, with the agreement to purchase appetizers throughout the night. (The Officers decided to celebrate the Holidays, and each other, by providing these snacks during the show.) *4 the Appetizers!*
Treasurer’s Report (Paige): A link was added to last month’s meeting notes for the ‘instructions’ to utilizing the LVJBS ‘AmazonSmiles’ ordering process. (Jessica to copy & paste that link for future monthly minutes reporting. (See below)
Gift cards for the Holiday party raffle-donations discussed: $100 towards a 2018 Membership, $50 for the Brooklyn Bowl Gift Card, $25 (x2) to other businesses (TBD).
Secretary’s Report (Jessica): Thanks to Paige & JT for getting the November meeting minutes posted, due to my absence.
*JT to utilize the ‘box of found Holiday cards’ and send our ‘Friends and Family-of LVJBS’ a Holiday card on behalf of the LVJBS. We will send to venues and those who have helped the LVJBS throughout the year. (Thanks, JT!) J
*ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY clean-up was decided to be held on SUNDAY, JANUARY 7th @ 10am. Details and a Facebook invite to be created soon! Mark those calendars! J
Mayor’s Report (Sub: Michael Andrieu):
COLOR: Mauve
2018 Nominations & Voting for Officers/Committee Heads
(There were a few positions with double nominees. Due to the nominees not wanting to ‘run against’ another member/losing the ‘Board of Directors’ status, the Officer positions will remain the same.
Elected 2018 Officers: President=Greg Serentsis, Vice President= Johnnie Tolson, Secretary: Jessica Gant, Treasurer: Paige Tolson, Mayor= Eric Fromhold
-----------------------------------------------------------COMMITTEE REPORTS:
*Membership Committee (JT): A new 2018 (single) Membership was purchased today. Be sure to get your 2018 dues in. (List of those who attend the LVJBS meetings was created and those attendees can get $5 credit (up to $20) towards the next year’s tax-deductible dues.) Contact JT for your discount information.
*Register at –
Shop for everyone on your gift list this holiday at and Amazon donates to Jamband Society Of America. #YouShopAmazonDonates
LVJBS Holiday Party, FRIDAY, DEC. 15th @ The HideAway:
*3369 Thom Blvd. in Las Vegas, NV 89130. SuperStar Bingo at 9pm and Moksha should play until 1am.
*Bring cash for Raffle Tickets. They will be $2 each, $5 for 3, and $10 for 7. Kathy has the Raffle Tickets, the collection buckets, posters. Paige to make the signs for the prizes.
*Check out the Facebook event for more details!
*A personalized card was ordered (thank, Paige!) for Keith A. to help send him some ‘healing vibes’ from his LVJBS family. Card sent around to be signed by those in attendance.
*Keith A.’s ‘ONE LOVE’ Fundraiser was discussed. The discussion (led by JFree) was to delay the event a bit so Keith can feel his best and attend when ready. Discussion for fundraising and collaborating was had with those who support our friend during this rough time. We will get together with the 3 bands that Keith is currently a part of.
Friends & Family Event: Holiday Party (adults only), Friday, December 15th @ the HideAway.
Dead Winter Carpenters , FREE SHOW, @ Top GOLF, Thursday, 12/28
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 9th (SECOND Tuesday, due to the New Year.)
Meeting Adjourned: 9:00PM