• September 10, 2021 9:16 PM | Tiffany Belcher

    August 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: August 3, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:05 PM

    Location: Virtual via Zoom 

    Attendees: Johnnie T., Paige T., Tiffany B., Jessica G., Greg S., Dan R.   


    Item 1: President’s Introduction (Johnnie) 

     A.   By-Law Committee: Dan will put together a draft of meetings that occurred and come up with a final draft before next month’s meeting. 

    B.   Grant Writing Committee: Will meet again soon.

    C.  Discussed changes in mask mandates and how that may impact future shows.  Which music venues would be to our advantage to host future endeavors, such as Bootleggers. 


    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

    A.  Not in attendance, no report.

    Item 3:  Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    A.  Paige reviewed balances from accounts. 

    B.  $10K Grant still pending in the bank.

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Tiffany)

    A.  Doug, from Terrapin Flyer in Chicago, continued conversations about potential show on November 14th. Contact information was forwarded to Jammin On.

    Item 5: Mayor’s Report (Jay)

    A.  Not in attendance.  Color:  Orange

    Item 6: Open Floor

     A.  (Greg S.)  Steely Dead Show: waiting on response from Andrew.  

    B. (Greg S.)  Grateful Shred is locked in for October 28th and 29th! Pink Talking Fish is locked in for October 30th and 31st! A limited number of tickets will be available to LVJBS members. 

     B. (Greg S.)    Cubensis and Moon Alice are still a possibility and a work in progress. Stay tuned! 

    D. (Jessic G.)  Moe announced December 30th and December 31st in Vegas, baby! 

    Meeting adjourned:  7:35 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, September 7th via Zoom

  • September 07, 2021 8:02 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    SEPTEMBER LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: September 7, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:32 PM (technical difficulties)

    Location: Virtual via Zoom 

    Attendees: Johnnie T, Paige T., Jessica G., Dan R.,  Adam P., Megan B., David B., & Jenny M.

    Item 1: President’s Report (Johnnie)

     “Thanks for your patience with the technical delay!”

    • A.    Our elected Secretary, Tiffany Belcher, has decided to step down from her position for the rest of 2021.  A motion was held to have our former LVJBS Secretary, Jessica Grant, take over the 2021 Office of Secretary.  (Jessica agreed to the task at hand.)
    • B.    The last month’s meeting minutes were not recorded, nor posted to WildApricot.  (JT to send the recording to Paige so the meeting’s minutes can be noted.)
    • C.    An email at September’s end will go out to begin the 2022 Officer Nominations.  In October, the nominated Members will be announced.  In November, the acceptance/denial of the nominated offices will be held & the voting for the 2022 Offices will be held in December.
    • D.    The Bylaw Committee met to make changes to the JamBandSociety of America’s document.  We will soon ensure they are typed, reviewed, and are readied to be shared for the October Members’ meeting (last week of September). 

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

    • A.    No new news. 

    Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    • A.     Review of balances.
    • B.    The AmazonSmile account raised additional funds.

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Jessica)

    • A.   Glad to be back as part of the LVJBS Officers. 
    • B. Been in contact, via our LVJBS Messenger, with the promotor for Mike Gantzer's AQ & Friends (feat. members of Aqueous, Dopapod, & more! (Oct. 3rd) @ Fremont Country Club & Backstage Bar & Billiards.  We shared their flyer and info on our page.  They are willing to offer up a pair of tickets to their event to raffle off to our Members.  (More info to come!)

    Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Jay)

    • A.    Color:  Turquoise

    Item 6: Production Report (Greg—absent)

    • A.     Some comp-tix to the Virgin Event Lawn shows were offered to Members, at the last minute & possibly more for future shows will be provided.  More info to come.

    Open Floor

    • A.    (Jessica G.)  We recently got a call from Marc Cutler (N*Dot) about our group still participating in the ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY clean-up area because there are other groups wanting to help the program.  (I did mention that August is a month we often don’t participate due to the heat of the summer—Yet, we drive by to ensure there is not any immediate need.)  Marc did ask for us to ‘pin’ the area that we cover and send his way. The next Adopt-A-Highway clean up date is scheduled for Saturday, September 25th @ 9 AM.  (Facebook and email invite to be sent out soon!)
    • B.    (Dave B. & Megan B.) Due to Covid regulations, we have decided to cancel the 2021 TECOPA TAKEOVER (weekend of Nov. 11-14).  The LVJBS donated (& will still provide) $1k to assist with the bills and it has been decided that a less formal event will still take place, while we celebrate one another, while having a great 2-day party.  So far, MegaScopes, Shaky Feelin’, & a few other local music acts will still be sharing in the fun.  Camping and lodging is up to the individuals who attend. (More info to come.)


                *The Blues Bender (Sept. 10-13) @ The Westgate

                *SteelyDead (Sept. 12th) @ 24 Oxford Virgin Hotel

                *Gary Clark Jr. (Sept. 11) @ 24 Oxford Virgin Hotel

               *Andy Frasco (Sept. 16) @ JamminOn Main

    *Catfish John (Sept. 18) @ The SandDollar

    *GrooveSession (Sept. 23) @ The SandDollar

    *Get the Led Out (Sept. 29th) @ BBLV

    *Ween (Oct. 1-3) @ Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas

    *Mike Gantzer's AQ & Friends (feat. members of Aqueous, Dopapod, & more!               (Oct. 3rd) @ Fremont Country Club & Backstage Bar & Billiards (see ad on our    LVJBS Facebook page)

    *Reggae Rise-up Festival w/ Matisyahu/Slightly Stoopid/SOJA, etc. (10/9 &                  10/10) @Downtown LV Events Center

            *Wilco (Oct. 22) @ BBLV

             *JJ Grey & Mofro (Nov. 4) @ BBLV

             *moe. (Dec. 30 & 31) @ BBLV


    Meeting adjourned:   7:55 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, October 5th @ 7 PM.  Location:  via Zoom

  • July 09, 2021 5:07 AM | Tiffany Belcher

    July 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: July 6, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:03 PM

    Location: Virtual via Zoom 

    Attendees: Johnnie T., Adam P., Paige T., Tiffany B., Jay M., Jessica G., Jenny M., Jeffrey T., Greg S., Dan R.   


    Item 1: President’s Introduction (Johnnie) 

     A.   By-Law meeting will be immediately following tonight’s monthly LVJBS meeting via Zoom. 

    B.   Grant Writing Committee will be meeting next week, hopefully. 

    C.  Copa at Bootleggers is reopening! Johnnie will reach out for details in hopes of joint ventures at their facility.  We’d also like to consider teaming up with the Blues Society. 

    D.  Ashley, a promoter of a band from Chicago, contacted Johnnie. Johnnie will forward the information to Greg S. 

    E.  We’d like to host another LVJBS concert soon! We are looking at possible dates in August for our next event so stay tuned!

    F.  Ween is coming October 1st-3rd. Johnnie will contact Brooklyn Bowl to see if they will honor giving LVJBS tickets as planned for the 2020 shows that were cancelled due to Covid. 

    G.  Relix reached out to see if LVJBS is interested in assisting with tables for Ween shows and Halloween after shows. 

    H.  Discussed Scholarship money disbursement of funds. 

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

    A.  Adam has kept lines of communication open with The Space. They are booking a lot of shows and events. With higher capacity limits now, they may be open to discussing 2-set shows in the future! 

    Item 3:  Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    A.  Paige reviewed balances from accounts. 

    B.  Went through the process for the $10K Grant and the money should hopefully process soon! 

    C.  Basia’s stream party was a success!  We sold 12 tickets online and additional tickets in person. We also had a couple sign up for new LVJBS memberships! We are excited to welcome new members.

    D.  Smith’s Quarterly earnings were $30.10. 

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Tiffany)

    A.  Doug, from Terrapin Flyer in Chicago, reached out about booking a show on November 14th. Due to the overlap with Tecopa weekend, we will forward the potential interest to other venues. 

    Item 5: Mayor’s Report (Jay)

    A.  Color:  Turquoise

    B.  Shows in Oregon often mix 2 bands for one set each.  Discussed thoughts about exploring shows like this held by LVJBS in the future. 

    Item 6: Open Floor

     A.  (Jenny M.)  Let’s follow up on contacting Blues Society about possible joint endeavors.  We may discover new local bands.

    B. (Greg S.)    TV Broken 3rd Eye Open reached out to Greg about their interest in doing a show between 9/19 - 9/23.  Greg will refer the information to The Sand Dollar to see if they are interested. 

    D. (Greg S.)  Cubensis and Moon Alice would like to play a show between  10/13 - 10/17.  Yak Attack is also interested. 

    E. (Jeffrey T.)  

    1. Tecopa is in full force! Jeffrey will be running a side stage variety show so they will be looking for acts! This can be anything from acoustic acts, fun artsy performances, etc. 

    2. Gambit, formerly known as E-String, is open and their PA system sounds great! They may be a place to consider for live shows.

    3. There’s a Rolling Rhythm Cart currently being stored at a space with First Friday. There’s about 30 pieces of percussion instruments sponsored by Remo drums. Perhaps, we could look into peaking interest with Jammin On to store and use for various purposes. For example, Squirt the Shirt events with schools including drums and percussion. 

    F.  (Greg S.)  Discussed having another Golf outing in September for LVJBS. 

    G.  (Jessica G.)  There’s an online event celebrating Further Festival on July 9th. Check it out on goingfurther.com 

    Meeting adjourned:  8:18 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, Aug 3rd via In-person @ Crown and Anchor Bar

  • June 01, 2021 7:00 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    JUNE 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: June 1, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:00 PM

    Location: Remedy’s Tavern (location change) 

    Attendees: Johnnie T, Paige T., & Jessica G., (in-person), Greg S. (via text), Basia Y., Steven Y., Kathy G., Fred G., Dan R., & Adam P. (via Zoom)

    Item 1: President’s Introduction (Johnnie)

    • A.    (Johnnie) “Thanks to everyone who attended & those who were flexible with the change.”
    • --We need to reschedule (in advance) any meeting where the majority of the Officers are not going to be present. Officers needs to ‘step-down’ from their position if time doesn’t allow them to hold their position. More information on this will be discussed at our upcoming ‘Bi-Law’ Committee meeting. There have been some who have shown interest in reevaluating our current Bi-Laws.  They will soon get an email with date options for a meeting week of June 7-11.  (Dan R. will be out of town, but will join via Zoom.)
    • B.   There have been two who have shown interest in the needed Grant-Writing.  Jenny M. will be a big part of the ‘Google Grant’.
    • C.    The next event is our ‘Friends & Family’ event at Basia and Steve’s home on Saturday, June 12th (2:30-10:30 PM) with the LiveStream of the Telluride Bluegrass Festival.  $5 members & $10 non-members.  LVJBS to cover the cost difference to help pay for the ‘Porta-Potty’ and excess costs.
    • D.   We are looking into an August event, with Andrew at the new Virgin Hotel. (More info in the Production report, via Greg).
    • E.    Optional Venues:  The Gambit & 9th Island (Lake Mead, near Boulder Highway).
    • F.    Officers to meet at some point this month to discuss the ‘LVJBS Scholarship’ Distribution so this process can move along.

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

      A.   No new news. 

    Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    • A.    Review of balances.
    • B.    The AmazonSmile account raised $24.22 this past month.
    • C.   Basia/Steve will be reimbursed for the Porta-Potty for the upcoming, 6/12, event.

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Tiffany:  absent via Jessica)

    • A.    No report.  (Jessica to post minutes within 24 hours.)

    Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Jay:  absent via Jessica)

    • A.   Color:  MINT

    Item 6: Production Report (Greg text via Jessica):

    • A.    Sunday, September 12th, STEELY DEAD @ 24 Oxford, Virgin Hotel & Casino
    • B.    Additional bands still being looked into through Andrew at 24 Oxford (former Vinyl @ the HRH). TBA.

    Open Floor

                A. (Jessica G.)  Facebook contact from ‘Mitch’, representing the SoCal Dead cover band, LIGHTNING DAN & THE CRAWDADS, who are interested and available to play in the Fall.

         B. (Dan R.)  The renewing of the Area51Soundtest website name is happening                                once again. 

        C.  (Johnnie T.)  Will be meeting with a new connect, Gene, who is hosting a VGK                              view party this week, so a possible new venue/stage area can be      looked into. More details shared at next month’s meeting.


    *TheeMessArounds @ JamminOn, First Friday, 6/7 & Saturday, 6/8 @ Soul Belly BBQ

    *Catfish John, Saturday, 6/8 @ SandDollar Lounge

    *Scott Pemberton, Friday, 6/11 @ SandDollar Lounge

    *The Moanin’ Blacksnakes, Saturday, 6/12 @ SandDollar Lounge, 10 PM

    *THE MEGASCOPES, Saturday, June 19th @ SandDollar Lounge, 10 PM


    Meeting adjourned 7:30 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, July 6th @ 7 PM. 

    Location:  TBD: Either the Tolson’s home OR  the Sporting Life Bar (4570 W. Sahara) 

  • May 04, 2021 7:00 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    MAY 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: May 4, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:12 PM

    Location: Crown & Anchor Patio 

    Attendees: Johnnie T., Adam P., Paige T., Jessica G., Jenny M., Greg S., Basia Y., Steven Y., Jimmy C. 


    Item 1: President’s Introduction (Johnnie)

    • A.    (Johnnie) “Thank you for showing up!  Appreciate that.”
    • We’ve had four shows at The Space.  (3 were financially successful.)  Hoping for one more show there, within the next 2-3 months.  Open dates: 6/25, 7/30, 7/31, or early August weekends. (Max. capacity @ The Space is 410 with “the sweet spot” being 205.)  Will speak with Mark @ The Space for more info.
    • After that, we will continue looking into the old E-String Bar & Grill which is now remodeled to The Gambit.  (Opening soon—date TBD)  Thoughts for the first booked band there: Moksha, The Moanin’ Blacksnakes, Pitchfork, Terrapin Flyer (Chicago)

    Item 2: President’s Report (Johnnie)

    • A.   Been working on refreshing the website.  Will be able to draft/clone the site to play around & make edits.  More updates to follow.
    • B.   Bi-Law Committee discussed. An email was sent to LVJBS members to see who wants to join & 5 had volunteered.  Another request will go out, asking for others & a future Zoom meeting to be held.  Date TBD.

    Item 3: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

    • A. No new news.  Side note:  Punk Rock Bowling (Sept. 24-26) has changed the headliner from NoFX to the Descendants. 
    • B.  Follow-up on the “grants/money” that The Space has which will help us to book shows that are guaranteed to bring in revenue.  More details after JT speaks to Mark @ The Space.

    Item 4: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    • A.    We had 4 shows at The Space.  For FLUX, we sold 51 tickets & 1 Live Stream.  It was a small loss. The total losses of all 4 shows were approx. $800, so for a “safe, socially distanced, fun time of live music”, we averaged a loss of $200/ea.
    • B.    Scholarship fund money distribution to be further looked into.  We can look into CCSD, if the former recipient names don’t work out.  More info to follow.

    Item 5: Secretary’s Report (Tiffany:  absent via Jessica)

    • A.    Contact with Terrapin Flyer (from Chicago) was had.  Doug is interested in a Vegas date.

    Item 6: Mayor’s Report (Jay:  absent via Jessica)

    • A.   Color:  Blue
    • B.   “Nothing new to report.  Feels like music is creeping out slowly, but we’re still on the way to the promised land.”

    Item 7: Open Floor

         A. (Jenny M.)  The vacant house that was mentioned at the last meeting has approximately 3 weeks before it is listed and unavailable. Possibly a Catfish John local show. Greg to contact Scott T. More details TBA.

         B. (Greg S.)   Followed up with Steely Dead, a Steely Dan/Grateful Dead band for a future show.  Negotiations still in progress. More details TBD.  

        C.  (Jessica G.)  Adopt-A-Highway Thanks to those who volunteered for the Spring Clean-up.  It was a success.  The group ended up on a Field Trip across the road to the ‘Wheel of Misfortune’ site.

        D. (Basia & Steve) Looking into a future June weekend event at their home again.  Possibly with Pitchfork.  More info TBD.

         E.  (Jessica G.)  Be sure to check out JOE MARCINEK at JamminOn this Friday, May 7th

    Meeting adjourned 8:00 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, June 1st @ 7 PM.  Location:  Tenaya Creek Brewery

  • April 11, 2021 3:51 PM | Tiffany Belcher

    April 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: April 6, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:00PM

    Location: Virtual via Zoom 

    Attendees: Johnnie T., Adam P., Paige T., Tiffany B., Jay M., Jessica G., Jenny M., Patrick H., Greg S.   


    Item 1: President’s Introduction (Johnnie) and Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

     A.    (Johnnie)  Thank you to everyone who has been supporting our live shows! We appreciate being able to share live music experiences with all of you! 

    B.    (Paige) 

    Thee Messarounds show: had 31 tickets sold, 14 were pre-sale for LVJBS members; no livestream for this show. 

    The Mega-Scopes show:  Sold out event!  72 tickets were sold total including pre-sale tickets to LVJBS members; 25 livestreams were sold. 


    Item 2: President’s Report (Johnnie)

    A.  Upcoming shows in April, so get your tickets!

    On Friday, April 16th Basia’s pool event with Todd Shaeffer, from Rail Road Earth, and Chris Thompson is @ 6:00 pm.

    FLUX is playing Saturday, April 17th at The Space @ 8:00 pm.  

    B.  By-Law Committee discussed. JT will send an email to LVJBS members to see who wants to join.

    C.  LA Jambands, Blues Society & Bluegrass Society are all amazing groups we can join forces with.  We’d like to have Pitchfork and Moanin Blacksnakes play live with these societies. Jenny M. was approached by Blues Society about doing a show in the future. 

    D.  The facility named Genesis may be opening its doors soon.  This may be a good venue to host live music! 

    E.  Scholarship fund money distribution discussed.  Jessica G. can send it out to all of CCSD’s music departments to get the ball rolling. 

    Item 3: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

    A.  Keeping an eye on FLUX’s ticket sales. We discussed the livestream and bringing options up to the band.

    B.  California will be opening up more soon.  This may impact the reopening in Vegas soon.  Especially for the possibility of booking bands from out of state (Ex: Delta Nove, Shaky Feeling).

    C.  Certain venues are starting to get “grants/money” to book shows that they know are guaranteed to bring in revenue, especially from other states, this may be to our advantage with continued reopening. 

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Tiffany)

    A.  Discussed the virtual tip jar/donation jar for LVJBS on the webcasts to help continue bringing live music events to Las Vegas.  Possibility of bringing an in-person donation jar at our live events.

    B.  Going forward after feedback from Thee Mess Arounds, let’s involve the bands with more options with the webcast/live video/payment options.  Some bands may prefer the live video over cash if ticket sales are low due to circumstances, especially if they tour a lot and want it for promotional purposes. This is a learning process for all of us and we are learning that different bands may have different needs.  

    C.  Everyone who played at The Space in The Mess Arounds was impressed with the quality of sound and the venue! 

    D.  Discussed possibility of an event such as a Water Gun/Water Balloon War held at Garage Majal or somewhere similar with a $5.00 donation to benefit LVJBS. People can bring kids and food, have fun in the sun, and raise money for live music events. Jessica G. said she spoke with owners of Garage Majal about this and they are looking forward to hosting events once Covid is more under control. 

    Item 5: Mayor’s Report (Jay)

    A.  Color:  Purple

    Item 6: Open Floor

     A.  (Jenny M.)    She knows a great house for possible events to be held in the future!  It has a pool and about 1 acre of land. She shared the address for us to check it out. 

     B. (Jenny M.)  Let’s follow up and find out if we know any grand writers for the Google Grant.  Johnnie will send out a request on Facebook to see if we know any Grantwriters on our LVJBS Facebook page.  Oftentimes, writing grants is deductible on your taxes! 

     C. (Greg S.)    Steely Dead, a Steely Dan/Grateful Dead band, reached out to him about playing a show in August. It sounds like an interesting gig and he will follow up! 

    D. (Johnnie T.)  E-Strings Bar and Grill is a possible site for live music in the future. 

    E. (Jessica G.)  Adopt-A-Highway:  April 25th at 8:00am will be our next event!  Come on out! She will make her event on our LVJBS Facebook page. 

    Meeting adjourned:  8:25 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, May 4th via In-person @ Crown and Anchor Bar on the patio 

  • March 11, 2021 11:11 PM | Tiffany Belcher

    March 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes

    Date: March 2, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:03PM

    Location: Virtual via Zoom 

    Attendees: Johnnie T., Adam P., Paige T., Tiffany B., Jay M., Jessica G., Daniel R., Ian Z., Basia Y., Megan B.    


    Item 1: President’s Report (Johnnie)

     A.    Thank you for making the first even at The Space a success! Great feedback from people who attended in-person and from people who watched the stream.  The event was sold out with all 48 tickets sold and 31 streams sold. Feedback from the streamers included: fantastic sound and camera quality, enjoyed multiple angles of band members, would like to see shots from the crowd in the future, if possible. Feedback from Ian Z., who also watched the stream: steam felt similar to platforms such as Twitch with being able to use reactions during the chat feature, nice to have the band respond to the streamers’ comments during show, the stream link was easy to access once purchased and very user-friendly. 

    B.    Screenshots of the crowd for the next show at The Space can be possible if we get authorization from ticket buyers at time of purchase. Possible statement/clause included in purchase information.

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

    A.  Feedback from Adam P. and The Space crew was that they really enjoyed our fans! We were respectful, had great energy, and showed them how we enjoyed our time at their place. 

    B.  Possible dates to lock-in for future shows at The Space were discussed. Adam will double check with the team at The Space. (April 3rd, 16th, 17th) possible dates in March, as well.


    Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    A.  The Space was paid for tickets bought by LVJBS members for the Catfish John event.  Catfish John was paid, as well. 

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Tiffany)

    A.  Safety truly was a priority at the Catfish John event.  Temperature checks allowed people to feel safe and come out, including people who ventured out for their first indoor event since Covid started.  This was the first music event for a number of people and it had a real “concert” feel to it that people were commenting about throughout the night.  The lights, sound, and set-up of the venue made the night truly feel special! The added gift of the LVJBS guitar pick necklace that was welcoming each guest at their tables really stepped it up an extra notch. Props to Jessica and everyone who got those together! We came together and shared in the groove, shared laughs, goosebumps, and even tears together… This is just the beginning of many more to come! 

    Item 5: Mayor’s Report (Jay)

    A.  Color:  Turquoise

    Item 6: Open Floor

     A.  (Johnnie T.)  Wild Apricot App is now available for members if we choose to stay with them. It features include using a QR code to show for paid concert tickets, members can pay dues, and access their account with ease. Decision will be made about keeping Wild Apricot as our platform by April.    

     B. (Johnnie T.)  By Law Committee Meeting needs to be scheduled and assembled. Goal is to define roles, review by laws, term limits, new technology, etc. Those interested in discussing and/or joining the committee include: Daniel, Tiffany, Greg, Paige, Jessica, Johnnie.  *Follow up: Tiffany will create a Google Form and post so those interested can let us know. 

     C. (Johnnie T.)  Discussed bands to start thinking about for the next shows at The Space. (Thee Mess Arounds, Moanin Blacksnakes, The Mega Scopes, etc.)  Discussed ticket price increasing from $20 to $25.   

    D. (Megan)  Mega Scopes is interested in playing at The Space. She will follow up with the band and discuss our offer and a possible date of March 27th.  

    E. (Johnnie T.)  He will follow up with Thee Mess Around and discuss our offer with them and a possible date in April. 

    F. (Basia)  Chris Thompson of Coral Creek and Todd Scheaffer of Railroad Earth are interested in performing a private show. The date will be either April 18th or April 19th. She is thinking Sunday afternoon or Monday evening after everyone would be off work (6-8pm).  Approximately 30-40 people to keep the gathering private and intimate. The performers want $2000 so we are thinking $30 per ticket to attend or more. 

    G. (Jay)  Going forward let’s try to minimize how many events are created for our events to ensure social media cohesiveness.  Too many events confuse fans and if one event created gets a lot of people marking interested/going and others don’t, it may sway people away from the event by thinking it doesn’t look interesting. 

    Meeting adjourned:  8:13 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, April 6th via Zoom or In-person, TBD

  • February 09, 2021 12:06 AM | Tiffany Belcher

    February 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: February 2, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:06PM

    Location: Virtual via Zoom 

    Attendees: Johnnie T., Adam P., Paige T., Tiffany B., Jay M., Jessica G., Jenny M., Greg S., Daniel R., Ian Z.        


    Item 1: President’s Report (Johnnie)

     A.    20 tickets to Catfish John’s event at The Space were held for LVJBS members. A 2nd email will be sent to members to purchase tickets by Friday, February 5th. Tickets will then go on-sale to the public on Saturday, February 6th. Looking forward to making our first show since Covid a big success! 

    B.    Johnnie, Adam, and Greg will meet with The Space to finalize details such as: What does the band need for set-up? Bar set-up? Etc.? 

    C.    Discussed possible next show TBD in late March or early April.

    D.  Possible stream show in the future such as Area 51 shows or another show, if we have streaming rights. Mike Parks and Rob Schuder will be contacted to follow up.

     E.    LVJBS Guitar Picks arrived! They look great and the team is excited about getting them out to the public. Discussed possible donation price in-person versus on-line of $3.00. TBD. 

    F.    Network for Good will generate a minimum of $2400 annually. Team discussed making the switch from Wild Apricot. 

    G.  'Adopt A Highway' event: Jessica got more bags for future clean ups. 

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

    A.  The Space is pumped and ready for Catfish John on February 27th. Final details will be worked out with JT.   

    Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    A. We have 2 new members in LVJBS since last report.

    B. Taxes have been filed for 2020.

    C. She is working on the Annual list that needs to be completed with the State of Nevada. 

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Tiffany)

    A.  People are excited about the upcoming Catfish John show! Tickets sold quickly and people were reaching out asking if they were sold out. Taylor, from Thee Mess Arounds, reached out stating he was interested in us booking a show for his band in the future!  

    Item 5: Mayor’s Report (Jay)

    A.  Color:  “Blood Orange”- looking forward to our first show being fire at the end of the month! 

    Item 6: Open Floor

     A.  (Jenny) “Pop-up” shows idea revisited. For example, having bands play pop up shows that are announced the day of.  These can occur at a park, a backyard, etc. and can be free or collect donations for artist(s). Goal is to keep it moving, be announced quickly, and create hype!  

     B.  (Jessica)  ‘Adopt-A-Highway’ event was a success. Thank you to everyone who came out! The weather was nice and there was less trash to clean up this time around.     

     C.  (Jenny)  We should start looking into filing out the Google Grants. Google gives out $80,000 in grants.  We can look into using professional grant writers, if needed. Recommended timeline to get this started is before April (tax season).   

    D.  (Jenny)  Bootleggers as a potential spot for live music. JT will look into it this week. 

    E.  (Jessica) By-laws meeting needs to be scheduled. We will invite elders and anyone who would like to participate. 

    F.  (Tiffany)  The Space is a possible place to stream The Knights hockey games from Tahoe the weekend of February 20th, if pricing is suitable. 

    G.  (Tiffany) Let’s use our LVJBS Team page to increase communication with each other as we are accomplishing our goals together. 

    H.  (Jenny)  Revisited the idea that we should define Officer Roles, as previously suggested in a monthly meeting. 

    I.  (Johnnie)  Let’s make this show at The Space a huge success! We are all looking forward to coming together with friends again and sharing music!

    J.  (Johnnie) We will play it by ear whether to have next month’s meeting via Zoom or in person. Location TBD. Will look into Mia's establishment.

    Meeting adjourned:  8:23 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, March 2nd via Zoom or In-person, TBD

  • January 18, 2021 11:26 PM | Tiffany Belcher

    LVJBS Team’s Meeting Minutes to discuss February’s event at The Space

    Date: January 15, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:06PM

    Location: Virtual via Zoom 

    Attendees: Johnnie T., Adam P., Paige T., Tiffany B., Jay M., Jessica G., Jenny M., Greg S., (Mark, The Space, sat in briefly with Adam P.)

    Item 1:  Survey Responses

    1. 81 responses to the LVJBS GoogleForm Survey.
    2. Data discussed to plan the February show with Catfish John and to get an idea of additional bands suggested by members, including pricing.

    3. Data used to discuss what members are looking for with a live stream, including pricing.

    Item 2:  The Space confirmed with Mark via Zoom

    1. Confirmed date February 27th at 7:00pm.

    2. Confirmed ticket price and livestream price.

    3. JT will look into a special code or way for LVJBS to offer early-bird/pre-sale ticket sales to members before tickets go on sale to general public.

    4. Adam will set up donation link available during the stream.

    5. Paige will prepare the donation jar for live event.

    6. Graphics for LVJBS and Catfish will be sent to Adam so The Space can prepare a graphic to use to promote the event on our social media, etc.

    7. Discussed possibility of using The Space for private stream parties with the bar in the future.

    Item 3:  The Network for Good

    1. $2400 per year.

    2. They will promote this event for us at NO cost.

    3. Point of contact is Jeff.

    4. We will use their services for this event as a way to get Nationwide promotion coverage. This will be useful to gain new attention to LVJBS and new people can access the livestream. 

    Item 4:  Book band for event

    1. Catfish John previously stated they were interested in playing on February 27th.

    2. LVJBS team agreed upon the band's pricing for the event.

    3. JT will contact the band to confirm pricing and confirm the event with the band.


    Meeting adjourned:  8:25 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, February 2nd via Zoom, subject to change


  • January 07, 2021 10:49 PM | Tiffany Belcher

    January 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: January 5, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:05PM

    Location: Virtual via Zoom 

    Attendees: Johnnie T., Adam P., Paige T., Tiffany B., Jay M., Jessica G., Jenny M., Greg S., Daniel R., Mia Q.        


    Item 1: President’s Report (Johnnie)

     A.    Added new officer positions to the Wild Apricot website.

    B.    Updated Paige’s new email to the Wild Apricot website. 

    C.    Invoices for adjusted members’ dues were created for 2021 membership and notification sent to members.

     D.    Contacted Network for Good about the possibility of working with them to get more donations for LVJBS (nationally and with larger sponsors). Jeffrey Schneider is the point of contact. Looking forward to hearing more.

    E.   The GoogleForm Survey, regarding our live show in February, was sent out on our Wild Apricot platform and via LVJBS Facebook page had 5 respondents so far. The information was useful, but we need a larger pool of people to make an informed decision with the data. Recommend LVJBS officers post the GoogleForm Survey on our personal Facebook pages, repost on our social media accounts, etc. then reconvene once more data is gathered.  So far Catfish John has been contacted to see their interest in playing our February show and we are in discussions. 

    Please fill out our Google Survey to give us your opinion! 


    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

    A.  The Space is closed until January 15th. Adam will be in touch with him once it reopens to discuss more details about dates in February and continue moving forward with our plans.   

    B. Looking forward to a New Year in office and new opportunities!

    Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    A. We have 27 current members in LVJBS.

    B. Our LVJBS keychains have been purchased. This is the first purchase of 2021. We are excited about being able to provide these to our members.

    C. Our Zoom account has been paid to provide virtual LVJBS meetings, as long as we may require in 2021. 

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Tiffany)

    A.  Excited about the GoogleForm survey results so far. Also, recommend sending the survey to friends through Facebook Messenger and asking them to fill it out. 

    B.  Possibility of turning the new LVJBS keychains into earrings in the future once we receive them and discuss as a team. 

    Item 5: Mayor’s Report (Jay)

    A.  Color:  “Mellow Yellow” in hopes of more mellow times to come! 


    B.  2021 is going to be a great year! 

    Item 6: Open Floor

     A.  (Mia) One of our local supporters, Mia Quinn, works at ‘The Sporting Life Bar’ (Robindale & Jones).  They have upstairs space at the bar that may be a great spot for monthly LVJBS meetings.  Johnnie and Paige are going to check out the space.  A second location is opening up soon! They have an amazing juke box with many jamband friendly favorites, including the Dead. Come on out for a food special, a tasty beverage, and a great atmosphere!  If you bring a small donation for a dog such as an old blanket or towel, you can get your first drink FREE!   

    The Sporting Life Bar 7770 S Jones Blvd, Las Vegas NV, 89139


     B. (Jessica)  She will create a Facebook event for the next ‘Adopt-A-Highway’ event. The date proposed is Sunday, January 31st at 9:00am.   

     C. (Jenny)  Let’s reach out to The Blues Society and try to network with them for future shows.    

    D. (Paige) Will contact Stellar Tickets for more information about ticketing and get back to the team. 

    E. (Jenny) Possibilities of future Cross Marketing. Let’s develop a Social Media Committee to reach out to and develop partnerships within our community. Opportunities to promote the opening of Mia’s new bar location/ The Space / Lyon’s Den, etc. 

    F. (JT and Paige)  Plan to schedule a meeting to go over Bylaws, and will reach out to current members and previous members, including elders and board members. Let’s make this all inclusive! Paige will get a copy of the Bylaws to all members for review. 

    G. (Dan R.)  Looked into our committees (Nominations, Memberships, Publications, Bylaws, Fundraising). Should we discuss perhaps changing some things such as the Publications committee into a Social Media Committee. TBD at a future meeting. Great ideas are on the horizon!

    H. (Tiffany)  Let's consider defining each role for officers and committees when we meet to discuss along with Bylaws.

    Meeting adjourned:  8:33 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, February 2nd via Zoom, subject to change
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