• April 03, 2022 1:13 PM | John Tolson (Administrator)

    Jamband Society of America, Inc.

    a Nevada non-profit corporation, aka the Las Vegas Jamband Society



    Section 1 NAME

    The name of this Corporation shall be: Jamband Society of America, aka the Las

    Vegas Jamband Society (hereinafter also referred to as the “Jamband Society” or

    the “LVJBS”).


    The purposes of the organization shall be:

    1. To provide an environment to educate and enrich musical awareness

    in southern Nevada and across the country;

    2. To advance public awareness, appreciation, experience and

    understanding of the broad spectrum of contemporary and historical

    improvisational music at affordable, below-market rates;

    3. To educate the public as to how music, as the universal language,

    and particularly improvisational music, can bridge gaps between

    generations, cultures, and persons of disparate points of view and

    experience, fostering peace and understanding through the sharing of

    a common, uplifting, and unifying experience of live improvisational


    4. To promote and develop improvisational musical art forms;

    5. The publication, sale, and distribution of educational materials

    related to improvisational music at below-market rates;

    6. The conducting of public discussion groups, forums, panels,

    lectures, workshops, and concerts to educate the public and the

    membership regarding contemporary improvisational music;

    7. The production and/or support of radio and television programs

    and/or internet materials to advance public knowledge, awareness

    and understanding of contemporary and historical improvisational


    8. The documentation, chronicling, recording, preserving, and

    archiving of records of the historical development, interaction,

    evolution, and growth of contemporary and historical

    improvisational musical forms.


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    Section 3 STRUCTURE

    1. Each chapter must have a minimum of 10 members upon formation;

    2. Active Members shall consist of individuals interested in the goals

    and objectives of the Jamband Society of America without regard to

    race, creed, gender or national origin, who are current in the

    payment of their Jamband Society of America dues. Non-dues

    paying persons may be guests at member meetings, but shall not be

    entitled to vote.


    Section 1 APPLICATION

    Application for membership shall be made in accordance with methods determined

    by the Executive Board and forwarded to the Treasurer of the society with any

    appropriate dues. Membership will begin on the first day of the month in which a

    member joins the society.


    Section 1 VOTING MEMBERS

    All Active Members shall be Voting Members of the Corporation, and each such

    active member shall be entitled to one vote on each issue or official election held at

    a regular or special meeting of the Members.


    The Charter Members shall consist of those Active Members who have been Active

    Members since the pre-incorporation inception of the Jamband Society of America

    as evidenced by a membership number lower than 100. The Tribal Elders shall

    consist of former Officers and Committee Chairs who have served for a minimum

    of one year as an Officer or two years as a Committee Chair or both, and who have

    not lost their last election or otherwise been removed from office for cause. The

    Shamen shall consist of Tribal Elders who have served either five years as an

    Officer or Tribal Elder, applied to become a Shaman, received a two thirds majority

    of votes by the Executive Board (Shaman applicant not voting), and not been

    removed for cause. Votes to elevate a Tribal Elder to Shaman shall be held within

    sixty (60) days of application. Shamen will not lose their seat on the Executive

    Board upon losing an election. Charter Members, Tribal Elders, and Shamen shall

    lose their status after a one year delinquency in dues payment. Charter Members,

    Tribal Elders, and Shamen who become delinquent in their dues may be reinstated

    to their position at the discretion of the Executive Board upon paying all back dues.


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    Section 3 OFFICERS

    The Voting Members shall elect the Officers of the Corporation at the annual

    meeting of the members in December of each year. Only persons who are active

    members of the Jamband Society of America may be elected as Officers. The

    Officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and

    Mayor; and such Officers shall serve as members of the Executive Board (herein

    alternatively referred to as the “Board of Directors,” or simply, “the Board”). Each

    Officer shall be elected for a term of one year. The Officers will assume office on

    January 1 of each year.


    The Executive Board of Directors (alternatively referred to herein as the “Executive

    Board” or simply, “the Board”) shall be comprised of each of the elected Officers,

    each of the Standing Committee Chairpersons, together with the Charter Members

    of the Corporation, the Shamen, and the Tribal Elders. Each member of the

    Executive Board shall be entitled to one and only one vote on each matter which

    comes before the Executive Board. Chairpersons of Ad Hoc Committees shall not

    be construed as members of the Executive Board merely by virtue of such position.

    Section 5 ELECTIONS

    Annual elections shall occur during the final quarterly members’ meeting in

    December of each year. Nominations for Officers shall be distributed to the

    Membership in writing, by email, or by other means determined by the Executive

    Board by the November meeting in accordance with the provisions set forth below

    in Article VI, Section 2(A). Elections will take place by a popular vote at the

    December meeting of the active membership. Active members who cannot be in

    attendance may supply a written proxy to any member entitled to vote.

    Ballots will be tallied by two members of the Board of Directors and certified

    accurate by

    the President. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes shall be declared

    the winner. The voting results shall be forwarded to the Jamband Society of America

    headquarters within 30 days of the tally.


    A. All Officers of the Corporation share a duty to attend meeting of the

    organization. Officers who have more than two unexcused absences during a term

    of office shall be deemed as having resigned their office, and will forfeit all rights,

    privileges, and duties of said office. An “unexcused absence” is defined as missing

    a meeting without notifying the President or Vice-President. What constitutes an


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    “unexcused absence” as well as the number of “unexcused absences” may be

    changed at the discretion of the Executive board as long as such change is related to

    meetings attendance.

    B. PRESIDENT - The President/Chair shall be the chief elected Officer. The

    President shall preside at all regular and special meetings. The President shall have

    the right to call special meetings of the active membership, upon at least 7 days

    written or e-mail notification to each member. The President shall be an ex-officio

    member of all committees.

    If any executive board position should become vacant for any reason, the President

    shall appoint an executive office pro-tempore until a special election can be held

    for the purpose of electing a new executive officer. Such election must be held

    within 60 days of vacancy.

    C. VICE PRESIDENT - The Vice President shall be responsible for

    maintaining communications with all committee chairs and reporting the progress

    of each committee to the President. The Vice President may determine the need for

    the creation of additional committees. If the Vice President determines such a need

    exists, the final decision for creation will be decided by a majority vote of the

    Executive Board.

    During the temporary absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume the

    duties of the President. If the office of the President becomes vacant for any

    reason, the Vice President shall immediately assume the office of President.

    D. TREASURER - The Treasurer shall be custodian of the organization’s

    funds; shall supervise receipts and expenditures; shall render an annual statement to

    the membership on the financial condition of the association; maintain an up-todate membership roster.

    E. SECRETARY - The Secretary shall record and maintain minutes of all

    meetings; shall have charge of all papers, archives, records, and property; shall

    issue all notices of meetings; and shall provide periodic reports on the activities of

    the association to the society.

    F. MAYOR - The Mayor shall be in charge of Jamband security; shall have

    charge of all activities surrounding committee projects; and provide the association

    with an overall nurturing hand. The Mayor shall also handle such other duties as

    the Officers deem necessary.


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    Section 1 FUNDS

    Funds may be derived from dues collected from each active member, income from

    musical programs/events as well as funds generated from sponsors, raffles,

    donations, contributions, and merchandise sales.

    Section 2 FISCAL YEAR

    The fiscal year shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of

    December each year.

    Section 3 DUES

    Dues whose amount shall be set by the Board of Directors at the December monthly

    meeting not to exceed $25 per month or $300 per year will be required of all active

    members. Dues are to be paid as determined by the Executive Board. Dues shall be

    payable by the last day of every month and become delinquent thirty-one days

    thereafter. Any member delinquent in his/her dues may be removed from the

    membership rolls.

    Section 4 LOANS

    No loans shall be incurred on behalf of the Corporation and no evidence of

    indebtedness shall be issued in its name unless authorized by a majority vote of the

    Board of Directors.

    Section 5 AUTHORITY

    The Board of Directors, by majority vote of those present at any regular or special

    meeting of the Board, or by written consent to action, must approve any project

    requiring the expenditure in funds in excess of $500 dollars. The President or Vice

    President, acting with the consent of the Treasurer, shall have the authority to

    authorize lesser expenses as an inherent part of their normal duties.


    1. Any other provisions of this instrument notwithstanding, the

    Directors shall distribute the Corporation’s income for each tax year

    at a time and in a manner as not to become subject to the tax on

    undistributed income imposed by section 4942 of the Internal

    Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal

    tax code.

    2. Any other provisions of this instrument notwithstanding, the

    Directors will not engage in any act of self-dealing as defined in

    section 4941(d) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding


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    section of any future federal tax code; nor retain any excess business

    holdings as defined in section 4943(c) of the Internal Revenue

    Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code;

    nor make any investments in a manner as to incur tax liability under

    section 4944 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding

    section of any future federal tax code; nor make any taxable

    expenditures as defined in section 4945(d) of the Internal Revenue

    Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.


    Section 1 Member Meetings. A meeting of the membership of the Jamband

    Society of America shall be held on the twenty first day of every

    third month, or at such other time as the President may declare with

    appropriate notice as provided elsewhere in these bylaws. Such

    meetings shall be open to the public although only active members

    may vote.

    Section 2 Board Meetings. The Executive Board shall meet on the first

    Tuesday of each month, or at such other times as the President may

    declare with appropriate notice as provided elsewhere in these


    Section 3 Notice. Notice of each annual or special meeting shall be in writing

    and signed by the President or Vice President, or the Secretary, or

    an assistant secretary, or by such other natural person or persons

    designated by the Board of Directors. The notice must state the

    purpose or purposes for which the meeting is called and the date and

    time when, and the place where it is to be held. The notice shall

    contain such additional information as may be required by

    applicable law or determined by the Board of Directors. Subject to

    the requirements of applicable law, notice shall be given to such

    persons at such time, and in such manner, as the Board of Directors

    shall determine or if no determination is made, as the President, or

    any other Officer so authorized by the Board of Directors or the

    President, shall determine.


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    Section 4 Waiver of Notice. Any member may waive notice of any meeting by

    a submitting a signed written waiver by such member, either before

    or after the meeting.

    Section 5

    Quorum. The presence in person or by proxy of persons comprising

    at least a majority of the Active Membership at a meeting of

    members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


    Section 1 COMMITTEES

    Each Member, at the time of becoming a Member and again annually following the

    election of Officers or at such other time as shall be designated by the President,

    shall be formally presented with the opportunity to select at least one committee on

    which that Member shall thereafter serve. The Member may decline to participate

    in any committee if he or she so chooses.

    Standing and ad-hoc committees shall function in an advisory capacity to the

    President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and together with those officers,

    the Chairpersons of the various Standing Committees shall comprise the Executive

    Board. Committees may develop and implement programs and policies authorized

    by the active membership. Committees shall not independently contract outside

    sources without prior approval from the President.

    Committee Chairs shall report on their activities at least annually and at such times

    as directed by the President. The members of all standing committees shall hold

    office until relieved by their successors. All committee chairpersons should prepare

    an oral report to be given at a regular monthly meeting summarizing their

    respective committee’s activities during their term of office.


    Each committee shall be comprised of at least three persons unless otherwise

    expressly approved by the Board of Directors. Each committee is responsible for

    electing a committee chairperson. Efforts should be made to elect a chairperson

    that does not hold position as an elected Officer. In cases where the committee

    does not appoint a chairperson, the President shall then appoint a chair person. The

    Chair of each committee shall convene a meeting of his or her committee on a

    monthly basis. Each respective committee chair shall provide an update to the Vice

    President as necessary.


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    A. NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE - The Nominations Committee shall be

    composed of the President and two active members appointed by consensus of the

    Executive Board. The Nominations Committee shall be responsible for reviewing

    the credentials of interested members and preparing a final slate for all elected

    officers. The Nominations Committee shall operate on a consensus basis. Only

    active members nominated by the Nominations Committee shall be eligible to be

    slated for an election. Nominations for elected offices must be received by the

    Elections Committee must be received by the October meeting.

    B. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE - The Membership Committee will conduct

    an ongoing recruitment effort that identifies potential new members. This committee

    shall also develop a formal mechanism for encouraging music lovers who are nonmembers of the Jamband Society of America to join both the national Jamband

    Society of America as well as the LVJBS or other appropriate local chapter. A

    summary of the effects of these efforts must be submitted with the chapter’s annual

    report. The Membership Committee will also be comprised of a Specialty Track

    Subcommittee that will be responsible for identifying specialty areas and promoting

    their respective goals.

    C. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE - The Communications Committee

    shall consist of two sub-committees, a Newsletter Committee and a Webpage

    Committee. The Newsletter Committee will publish a newsletter and the Webpage

    Committee will be responsible for maintaining electronic communications and a

    homepage for the local chapter.

    D. BY-LAWS COMMITTEE - The By-laws Committee shall be responsible

    for reviewing the by-laws and revising the by-laws as necessary. Amendments to

    these by-laws may be considered at any meeting of the membership. Amendments

    may be initiated by a proposal signed by at least two voting members, and shall be

    delivered to the Chairman of the By-laws Committee. Within thirty (30) days

    thereafter, the Chairman of the By-laws Committee shall send notice of the

    proposed amendment to the Executive Board. Such notification must be sent not

    less than thirty (30) days prior to a meeting of the membership where such

    amendment is to be considered. Amendments to these By-laws shall be approved

    by a majority of votes cast. All revisions to the By-laws must be approved by a

    vote of a Jamband Society of America Active Members present and shall prevail at

    all meetings, except when contrary to the By-laws or any standing rule.

    E. FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE - The Fundraising Committee shall be

    responsible for identifying means of raising revenue to support the expense incurred

    by any local chapter. The Fundraising Committee shall insure:


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    1. That the Corporation receives at least one-third of its total support from

    governmental units, from contributions made directly or indirectly by the general

    public, or from a combination of these sources; or

    2. That the total amount of governmental and public support normally received

    is at least 10% of the total support normally received by the Corporation; and

    3. That the Corporation is constantly attracting new and additional public or

    governmental support on a continuous basis by continuously maintaining programs

    for the solicitation of funds from the general public, the community and the


    For the purpose of this provision, the term “support” shall include, but is not limited

    to gifts, grants, contributions, membership fees, net income from unrelated business

    activities, and gross investment income. For the purpose of this provision, the term,

    “support” shall not include amounts received from the exercise or performance by

    the Corporation of its tax exempt purposes, nor contributions of services for which

    deductions are not allowed.


    Ad-Hoc Committees may be appointed at the discretion of the President, or Vice

    President. Such committees shall remain active until they have accomplished the

    purposes for which they were appointed or until inauguration of the succeeding



    Section 1

    Any member of the Executive Board of the LVJBS may be stripped of their titles

    and powers for gross disregard of the purposes/goals of the Jamband Society and/or

    their duties as an Executive Board member. To remove a member an Ad-Hoc

    Grievance Review Committee shall be formed to review the appropriateness and

    validity of the charges and to hold a hearing to adjudicate the charges.

    Section 2

    The Executive Board will elect five (5) current Active members to serve on the


    Section 3

    The member shall be informed of the charges in writing at least fourteen (14) days

    prior to a hearing. Any evidence to be used at the hearing for removal shall be

    provided to the accused member at the time of notice, and continuing through the

    hearing date as further evidence is gathered. All members of the LVJBS must be

    notified (either via email, phone, written letter) that a hearing has been scheduled at


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    least one week prior to the hearing at which a vote by the Active Membership will

    be held.

    Section 4

    The Vice President shall be responsible for all notifications and be presiding officer

    at the hearing. If the member is the Vice President, the President shall be

    responsible for all notifications and be the presiding officer.

    Section 5

    The member shall be informed of the charges along with any evidence before the

    Executive Board with the complainant present. The member shall have the right to

    have an advisor present to question the complainant, present, challenge and/or to

    submit rebuttal evidence.

    Section 6

    A two-thirds vote of the Active Membership shall be necessary for removal. Any

    Executive Board Officer removed shall surrender all positions and powers held in

    the LVJBS.


    The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall prevail at all meetings, except

    when contrary to the By-laws or any standing rule. The Chapter should strive to

    govern itself by consensus, though when this is not possible, the majority shall rule

    at the discretion of the President.


    Section 1 DISSOLUTION

    In order to dissolve this organization, the President must present a resolution

    recommending that the organization be dissolved to the active membership. A

    proposal for dissolution may be considered at a regular or special meeting of the

    active membership only for thirty (30) days notice in writing is given to each

    member in good standing. The resolution to dissolve shall be adopted upon

    receiving at least 80% of the votes to be cast by active members present at such

    regular or special meeting. This organization shall not be dissolved while 20% of

    active members in good standing dissent.

    Section 2 RESOLUTION

    Upon adoption of the resolution for dissolution, this organization shall cease to

    conduct its affairs, except insofar as may be necessary for the proper completion

    thereof, and shall immediately cause a notice for the proposed dissolution to be


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    mailed to each known creditor and shall proceed to collect its assets and apply and

    distribute them as provided in the Articles of Incorporation. All monies will be

    transferred to the Jamband Society of America Central Office and be withheld for a

    period of not less than 2 years to be used in case another chapter is formed.

  • March 01, 2022 7:00 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    MARCH 2022 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: March 1, 2022 

    Meeting Start: 7:00 PM

    Location: Rocky’s Bar & Grill 

    Attendees: Johnnie T, Adam P., Paige T., Jessica G., Greg S.

    Item 1: President’s Report (Johnnie):

    “Okay—Let’s get this party started!”

    Follow-up from last month:

    *JT & Paige (&/or Jessica) still plan to check ROSIE’S SALOON & CAFÉ (formerly Rosie’s Den) to see what it has to offer the LVJBS....*off the US93, in White Hills, AZ, recently being remodeled by Terribles’ Casino group.  They have a stage area and are welcoming to have us work with them.  (More details TBA)

    *Recently met the Marketing/Communications Director for GoodWill.  She mentioned the many donated instruments and other available items that might be helpful for our Scholarship/Donation focus. (Our Members, Basia & Steve, mentioned recently purchasing a Clarinet on the ‘Goodwill’ online auction, through their ‘musical instrument’ section.)

    *We decided to cancel our participation with SaddleNSpurs for the 2nd Sunday, in April, event due to the conflicting CA Skull & Roses festival.  We want to ensure the LVJBS members are representing/attending these Sunday events.  Future event TBD. (Sending some interested Bands/Musicians names their way!)

    *To help get our LVJBS names out/possible donations from the community, we looked into a ‘Bulk-Mailer’ flyer that is distributed through various zip codes.

    *Our website will be updated and some links added for the various venues and businesses that we work with.  Removal of previous businesses that are no longer associated with the LVJBS.  (Jessica & Paige to get list to JT to make the needed edits.)

    *We have a collaboration with the BBLV and a few other venues to help advertise in exchange for comp-tickets for our members.  Greg contacted Virgin Hotels to see about us possibly working with them, as well.

    *The Lion Habitat ‘April Friends & Family’ registration link has about 15-20 listed.  We will continue to advertise the event, in hopes to reach the needed 30 paid for the ‘discount’ offer.

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

    *Will contact Mark Shunock regarding the 15-20 ‘grants’ that The Space supposedly received and see what we can help distribute.

    Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    ·         A.    Review of balances. Monies in both checking and savings (Scholarship fund money)

    ·         B.     The Payment ($250) to Chuck Garvey (moe.) was cashed/received & glad to hear He’s doing better each day!

    ·         C. Received a $50 check from TISBEST.org in regards to some recently purchased Gift Cards that gave back to a non-profit.

    ·         D. Received a 1099-NEC form due to the Mark Shunock collaboration of funds—non-profit to non-profit. This won’t affect our tax reports.

    ·         E.    PAY YOUR DUES!  J

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Jessica)

    ·         A.    REMINDER of the APRIL ‘Friends & Family Event” will be to the LION HABITAT in West Henderson. We had asked for a non-profit group discount & have been offered a $5 savings per ticket, if 30 tickets are purchased (They will be $20/ea. if 30 tickets (for ages 15 and up) aren’t sold.)  Each adult ticket allows a child, under the age of 14 free admission. This event will be on Saturday, April 2nd, from 11am-3pm. Be on the lookout for a Facebook Event with the information and a WildApricot sign-up/RSVP.  Tell your friends & bring your family!

    ·         B. A musician from SoCal, Kenny Metcalf, stars as Elton John, in a tribute performance of “Elton, The Early Years” and would like to play a Las Vegas event.  (Info will be sent to JT to connect TheSpace with him for a possible future event.)

    Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Greg)

    ·         A.    Color:  SUNFLOWER YELLOW & UKRANIAN BLUE

    ·         B. Our first Terror Alert level (since 2003) has been raised to DefCon3.  Sending peace to the Ukraine!

    Item 6: Production Report (Greg via text at VGK game)

    ·         A.    TERRAPIN FLYER is looking for a Tuesday, 4/26 venue.  We sent their info to the SandDollar, yet their weeknight shows are booked through May.  This 4/26 date is now booked in Phoenix.

    ·         B.     Jesse Dunn of Deadwinter Carpenters contacted us in regards to a new collaboration EXTRA GOLD (cosmic country-rock:  Dead/Allman Bros.) & were interested in Friday, July 8th.  Greg contacted the SandDollar who already has every weekend booked through June.

    ·         C.  SHAKEY FEELIN’ is interested in coming back to Las Vegas.  We are trying to figure out a good date and a location since the SandDollar is booked and a Sunday night show isn’t always the best for local music.  More info TBD.


    ·         A.    BY-LAW Committee:  The updated 2022 LVJBS By-laws have been created.  The final document will be posted on WildApricot, under the ‘NEWS’ tab, where the ‘Minutes’ are posted.

    ·         B.     FUNDRAISING Committee:  JT is getting the revised letter to Jessica/Paige to proofread once again and add to letterhead.  This will be a LVJBS/Band agreement contract for bands to read and sign-off on, to ensure all rules for the hired bands are followed.  More details TBA.


    Open Floor:

    ·         Greg is hoping to arrange a GOLF OUTING at Angel Park in the Spring. More info TBD.

    ·         An April or May Adopt-a-Highway clean-up will be planned soon.  Possibly Sunday, 4/24 or Sunday, 5/22.  Date to be confirmed soon. 


    *March 11:  John Mayer @ MGM Grand

    *March 11-13:  Widespread Panic @ Virgin Theater

    *March 17:  TheeMessArounds @ The SandDollar

    *March 25:  Clutch @ BBLV

    *March 26:  Catfish John @ The SandDollar

    *March 26:  Incubus @ Virgin Theater

    *April 3:  AltJ & Portugal the Man @ Virgin Theater

    *April 14:  MEUTE @ BBLV

    *April 15th:  Billy Strings @ BBLV

    *April 15/16:  The StoryTellers @ Gilley’s (Treasure Island)

    *April 22:  (online event) LETTUCE

    *April 30:  Kansas @ The Smith Center

    *April 30:  BillyBob Thornton & the Box Masers @ Santa Fe Station

    *April 30:  Gin Blossoms @ GVR Ampitheater

    *May 6:  Los Lobos @ Boulder Station

    *May 8:  The Cult @ HOB

    *May 19: Michael Franti & Spearhead @ BBLV

    *May 20:  The Shmarties (Pink Floyd tribute) @ The SandDollar


    Meeting adjourned:   8:00 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, April 5th @ 7 PM. 

    Location:  PKWY Tavern

                   (511 Dale Rd./South LV Blvd., right off St. Rose Parkway & the I-15)

  • February 01, 2022 7:00 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    FEBRUARY 2022 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: February 1, 2022 

    Meeting Start: 7:10 PM

    Location: Jacksons Bar & Grill 

    Attendees: Johnnie T, Paige T., Jessica G., Teah H., (Greg by text)

    Item 1: President’s Report (Johnnie):

    “Thanks for coming!”

    *Heard back from BBLV regarding the ticket distribution for the Melvin Seals/JGB show.  All of the comp-tickets were picked up, except one.  (That person did cancel the ticket need, but within 24 hours, not the needed 48 hours.  Be sure to remember to not get penalized for future ticket registrations, a 48 hour window is needed to allow time for the ‘runners-up’ to get on the will-call list.)

    *A concern was had from one of our longtime members in why a ticket was not offered for her proper ‘tagging of 5 non-members’ & we identified the problem was the lack of ‘registering’ the ticket request on the WildApricot email. We are adding her name to an upcoming raffle, due to the miscommunication to compensate this mistake. **Please be sure to follow ALL steps of the ticket process.

    *Also, BBLV has offered ‘unlimited’ comps for LVJBS ‘Members, Friends & Family’ for the upcoming ‘Rock & Roll Playhouse”, matinee--all-ages event, for Saturday, February 12th, featuring CATFISH JOHN.  Be on the look out to sign-up & register your ticket requests on WildApricot.  Also, a Facebook, “LVJBS February Friends & Family” event invite will soon go out. 

    *The WildApricot’s webpage for registration has been modified and updated.  Check it out!

    Also, there’s now a ‘Virtual Tip Jar’ link for events, so donations to specific bands/events can be made.

    *When LVJBS posted and asked, “what jambands should be contacted for future Las Vegas BBLV shows” & over 256 comments were made.  We have narrowed it down to the top 10 and will be providing BBLV with the list.

    *Spoke with ART DURAN, a BBLV Employee who also plays in a local, reggae band.  We will be sharing his contact info with SaddleN’Spurs for a possible future event.

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam):   -absent-

    Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    • A.    Review of balances. Monies in both checking and savings (Scholarship fund money)
    • B.     Payment ($250) to Chuck Garvey (moe.)--"The check is in the mail"…..Sent to moe.’s financial account.
    • C.     Smith’s grocery-card gave us $31.31 this quarter—8 households participating.
    • D.    PAY YOUR DUES!  J

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Jessica)

    • A.    The APRIL ‘Friends & Family Event” will be to the LION HABITAT in West Henderson. We had asked for a non-profit group discount & have been offered a $5 savings per ticket, if 30 tickets are purchased (They will be $20/ea. if 30 tickets (for ages 15 and up) aren’t sold.)  Each adult ticket allows a child, under the age of 14 free admission. This event will be on Saturday, April 2nd, from 11am-3pm. Be on the lookout for a Facebook Event with the information and a WildApricot sign-up/RSVP.  Tell your friends & bring your family!
    Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Greg via text at VGK vs. Buffalo Sabers game)
    • A.    Color:  Buffalo Wing Sauce Red

    Item 6: Production Report (Greg via text at VGK game)

    • A.    TERRAPIN FLYER is looking for a Tuesday, 4/26 venue.  We sent their info to the SandDollar. More info TBD.
    • B.     We are still working on booking a band for the 2nd Sunday in March at SaddleNSpurs (possible Reggae band in the event it can’t get booked in time), yet, we will ask to give us until 2/6 to get something locked in.


    • A.    BY-LAW Committee:  The updated 2022 LVJBS By-laws have been created.  The final document will be discussed at the March LVJBS meeting & posted on WildApricot, under the ‘NEWS’ tab, where the ‘Minutes’ are posted.
    • B.     FUNDRAISING Committee:  JT is getting a letter to Jessica/Paige to proofread and add to letterhead, which will be a LVJBS/Band agreement contract for bands to read and sign-off on, to ensure all rules for the hired bands are followed.  More details TBA.
    Open Floor:
    • A.    JT & Paige (&/or Jessica) to check ROSIE’S SALOON & CAFÉ (formerly Rosie’s Den) to see what it has to offer the LVJBS....*off the US93, in White Hills, AZ, recently being remodeled by Terribles’ Casino group.  They have a stage area and are welcoming to have us work with them.  (More details TBA)


    *TheeMessArounds @ SandDollar LV (Feb. 3)

    *Dinosaur Jr. & Built to Spill @ BBLV (Feb. 4)

    *THE GREEN @ BBLV (Feb. 5)

    *Billy Ray Charles & Moanin’ Blacksnakes @ SandDollarLV (Feb. 5)

    *Jimmy Carpenter @ SandDollarLV (Feb. 6)

    *Unique Massive @ SandDollarLV (Feb. 9)

    *The Black Crowes @ HOB (Feb. 11 & Feb. 12)

    *Catfish John (Grateful Dead for Kids daytime event) @ BBLV (Feb. 12)

    *The Unwieldies @ Gold Mine Tavern (Feb. 12)

    *GALACTIC w/ Too Many Zoos @ BBLV (Feb. 16)

    *The Funk Jam @ SandDollarLV (Feb. 16)

    *Coheed & Cambria w/ Sheer Mag (Feb. 17)

    *The Soul Juice Band @ SandDollar LV (Feb. 18)

    *Allman Family Revival @ Virgin Theater (Feb. 24)

    *TheeMessArounds @ SandDollar LV (Feb. 24)

    *Metallica w/ Greta VanFleet @ Allegiant Stadium (Feb. 25)

    *Billy Joel @ Allegiant Stadium (Feb. 26)

    Meeting adjourned:   8:00 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, March 1st @ 7 PM. 

    Location:  Rocky’s Bar & Grill

  • January 04, 2022 8:05 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    JANUARY 2022 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: January 4, 2022 

    Meeting Start: 7:05 PM

    Location: Crown & Anchor Pub 

    Attendees: Johnnie T, Paige T., Jessica G., Adam P., Steve Galbraith

    Item 1: President’s Report (Johnnie):

     “Thanks for coming.  It’s a new year, so let’s get started…”

    Updated Elected 2022 Officers are:

    President:  Johnnie Tolson

    Vice President: Adam Peiken

    Treasurer:  Paige Tolson

    Secretary:  Jessica Grant

    Mayor:  Greg Serensits


    *MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL info will be reviewed.  There were a few issues with members using ‘discount codes’, so some troubleshooting occurred and that helped:


    *$10/month, if paid monthly

    *$100/year (single membership), if paid in full by March 1st

    *$150/year (couple--same address membership), if paid in full by March 1st

    (Possible discounts:  If attendance in 4 or more monthly meetings the year prior was had, $20 can be taken off your year’s membership cost.)


    **At the December 2021 meeting, the discussion of having any future elected Officer’s Membership cost reduced to $25/each (single membership) was had.  The LVJBS Team members agreed to this discount.  (**Discount only valid for those Officers who were paid in full members the year prior and attended meetings/held up to their Elected duties (Found coverage when needed, Volunteered throughout the year, etc.)


    *TICKET LOTTERY information:

    --We have extended the MELVIN SEALS & JGB lotto with the BBLV until Saturday, Jan. 8th.  Members and any interested music fan, can help advertise the BBLV event by sharing the event to their own Facebook page, tagging at least 5 non-LVJBS members and by completing the online registration form. 25 free tickets will be distributed to those who meet the requests.

    (*See the LVJBS email and/or Facebook page for complete details and forms.) 


    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam):

    • A.    Wasn’t able to make the Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas (BBLV) meeting with JT and BBLV’s Director of Marketing, Kirk Reed.  An update of the meeting was shared by JT: 
    • The BBLV wants to continue their relationship with the LVJBS, by us helping them to find ‘JamBand’ related bands for contacting and helping them to advertise their events.  This assistance will earn us an allotment of comp’d tickets for disbursement to our members.
    • (Jessica to soon send out a Facebook post, asking Jambanders to share their thoughts or hopes of future Jamband groups/musician names which they would like to see in our city.  From there, we will get those suggestions the BBLV’s way so they can contact and arrange events.)


    Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    • A.    Review of balances. Monies in both checking and savings (Scholarship fund money)
    • B.    Renewed the P.O. Box account fee
    • C.   Canceled the ZOOM auto-renewal, since it’s not used any longer.
    • D.   Payment ($250) to Chuck Garvey (moe.) will be sent from the LVJBS as He recovers.
    • E.    PAY YOUR DUES!  J 

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Jessica)

    • A.    The next ‘Friends & Family Event” mention was a trip to the LION HABITAT in West Henderson. The date we will look into after making contact with the Lion Habitat (asking for non-profit group discount) is Saturday, April 2nd. (More details TBD at February’s meeting.)

    • Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Greg via text at VGK game)
    • A.    Color: GOAL’d


    Item 6: Production Report (Greg via text at VGK game)

    • A.    Saddles N’ Spurs had reached out, offering us the 2nd Sunday/mo., (7-11PM shows), where $250 would be given to pay any brought in band & the ‘tip jar’ for us to use as needed. 
    • B.    We had made contact with HOT BUTTERED RUN, for Tuesday, 2/10, yet their tour route had changed.  (More details on if/when they’ll be near Las Vegas again TBD.)
    • C.    JT suggests:  Creating an online tip-jar when events are announced, so musicians can get some extra funds.  Also, in addition to the given $250, the LVJBS wants to offer a stipend of $75/additional band member, paid by the LVJBS.
    • D.    We will look into hosting an event there in March.


    • A.    BY-LAW Committee:  The updated 2022 LVJBS By-laws have been created. The Officers are going to make any final edits/corrections, so they can be updated and published.  Members can get a copy, by requesting one.  The final document will be discussed at the March LVJBS meeting.

    • B.    FUNDRAISING Committee: We’re looking for Corporate Sponsors to help us with financing future events.
    • JT’s 2022 goal is to send 5 letters/month to business sponsors in hopes for them to donate money, in exchange for their names/business names to be added to our events.  Also, depending on the given donations, a certain number of LVJBS memberships can be given to their company to share with their employees/staff, as they choose.
    • **We will be reaching out to ‘Google Grants’ for a hopeful non-profit $15k grant.  More info TBA.


    • Open Floor:
    • A.    JT to follow up with ROSIE’S SALOON & CAFÉ (formerly Rosie’s Den) *off the US93, in White Hills, AZ, recently being remodeled by Terribles’ Casino group.  They have a stage area and are welcoming to have us work with them.  (More details TBA)


                *The Unwieldies w/ Big Texas @ Gold Mine Tavern (Jan. 7)

                *Moanin’ Blacksnakes @ SandDollar LV (Jan. 8)

                *The StoryTellers @ SandDollar LV (Jan. 20)

                *The StoryTellers @ Gilleys BBQ (Jan. 21)

    *TOOL w/ BlondeRedhead @ T*Mobile (Jan. 22)

    *CATFISH JOHN w/ The Alligators @ SandDollar LV (Jan. 22)

    *Steve Vai @ House of Blues (Jan. 27)

    *Melvin Seals & JGB @ BBLV (Jan. 28)

    *THE GREEN @ BBLV (Feb. 5)

    *The Black Crowes @ HOB (Feb. 11 & 12)

    *Catfish John (Grateful Dead for Kids daytime event) @ BBLV (Feb. 12)

    *Allman Family Revival @ Virgin Theater (Feb. 24)

    *Metallica w/ Greta VanFleet @ Allegiant Stadium (Feb. 25)

    *Billy Joel @ Allegiant Stadium (Feb. 26)

    Meeting adjourned:   8:05 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, February 1st  @ 7 PM. 

    Location:  Jackson’s Bar & Grill

  • December 08, 2021 7:35 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    DECEMBER 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: December 8, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:02 PM

    Location: Rocky’s Bar & Grill 

    Attendees: Johnnie T, Paige T., Jessica G., Adam P.

    Item 1: President’s Report (Johnnie):

     “Quick meeting…A lot to do!”

    Our Elected 2022 Officers are:

    President:  Johnnie Tolson

    Vice President: Jessica Grant

    Treasurer:  Paige Tolson

    Secretary:  Dianna Hank

    Mayor:  Greg Serensits

    *The mentioned LVJBS Holiday Party for Saturday, 12/11 will not be happening, as hoped.  We didn’t secure a location, nor band to play.  Group thought seeing ‘Donzos Cosmos’ at Tenaya Creek might be a good plan ‘B’, yet He’s not playing there until 12/18.  (More details about a gathering TBD and announced soon.)

    *A ‘thank you’ to the Adopt-A-Highway Team for following through with our clean-up commitment, with N*Dot.

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam):

    No news. Glad to help out with TheSpace LV for the past year, as VP.

    Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    • A.    Review of balances.
    • B.    Looking into The HideAway Lounge for a possible Holiday venue. There are no bands playing, as of yet.
    • C.   The Tolsons will be hosting a SuperBowl Party on Sunday, 2/13.

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Jessica)

    • A.    Another thanks to our Adopt-A-Highway volunteers!
    • B.    The next ‘Friends & Family Event” mention was a trip to the LION HABITAT in West Henderson. (More details TBD)

    • Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Jay via text reply)
    • A.    Color:  ORANGE

    Item 6: Production Report (Greg) absent

     Open Floor:

    • A.    We are sending going to donate $250 to Chuck Garvey, of moe., to share our support for his health, from afar.
    • B.    The mention to make a motion for 2022 Officers, who attend 10-12 of the previous year’s meetings, to get a 50% off the next year’s Members’ dues will be brought up at January’s meeting. (i.e. $100 to be $50, if paid by March & the couples’ rate of $150 to be $75, if paid by March.)
    • C.   Kevin, manager of Rocky’s, mentioned the ROSIE’S SALOON & CAFÉ (formerly Rosie’s Den), which is off the US93, in White Hills, AZ, recently being remodeled by Terribles’ Casino group.  They have a stage area and are welcoming to have us work with them. 

    UPCOMING (LVJBS & non-LVJBS) EVENTS:            

    *Pauly Shore & The Crusty’s @ The SandDollar (Dec. 9)

    *Brown Chicken Brown Cow @ GoldMine Tavern (Dec. 11)

    *PettyCash @ The SandDollar (Dec. 16)

    *The AllmanFamily Revival @ Virgin Theater (Dec. 17)

    *The StoryTellers @ Gilley’s (Treasure Island), (Dec. 17-19)

    *Black Pumas @ House of Blues (Dec. 18)

    *TheeMessArounds @ The SandDollar (Dec. 24)

    *HomeCookin’ @ The Usual Space (Dec. 29)

    *TOOL @ T*Mobile (Jan. 22)

    *Steve Vai @ House of Blues (Jan. 27)

    *Melvin Seals & JGB @ BBLV (Jan. 28)

    Meeting adjourned:   7:35 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, January 4th @ 7 PM. 

    Location:  The Crown & Anchor

  • November 02, 2021 7:13 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    NOVEMBER 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: November 2, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:13 PM

    Location: Jackson’s Bar & Grill 

    Attendees: Johnnie T, Paige T., Jessica G., Adam P., Ian Z., Greg S. (via phone)

    Item 1: President’s Report (Johnnie):

     “It was a great 4-day weekend with Phish!”

    • A.    Thanks to the volunteers who helped out at the Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas’ RELIX booth:  Bruce Plath, Brenda Walsh, David DeGroot, Janet & Carl Swartz, Paige & JT Tolson.
    • B.    Harrison Ezratty, from RELIX, is thankful for our support and has now left a suitcase with the needed supplies for future table set-up needs.
    • C.    We learned that the ‘Grateful Shred’ event at the 24Oxford was aRELIX sponsored event after all.
    • D.    The 2022 LVJBS Officer Nominations were announced. A new LVJBS member, Deanna Hank, was nominated for Secretary and accepted the nomination.  JT to discuss the needed role-requirements to see if that is something she will commit to. (If not, the nomination for Mayor will be an option.) Paige & Greg accepted the Treasurer nomination. Greg accepted the Mayor nomination (awaiting to hear from Lisa M., Jimmy C. for their acceptance or denial of the Mayor nomination.  Scott C. declined his nomination.) Jessica accepted the Secretary nomination ‘if’ needed & accepted the Vice President Nomination ‘if’ someone responsibly covers the Secretary position and both won’t need coverage (Adam P. accepts it, if needed, but may not be able to commit to all meetings due to his schedule.) Johnnie T. accepted the President nomination once again. (More details TBD.)
    • E.    The ballots will go out soon and anonymous votes will be placed via GoogleSheets, by Nov. 15th. The Dec. 7th LVJBS meeting will announce the voted-in Officers.
    • F.    The Bylaws were edited and awaiting the ‘final draft’ to be shared with all.  More info on the finalized date TBD. 

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam):

    • A.    Offered to Volunteer at the SpaceLV.  No reply yet.   
    • B.    It was a great weekend.

    Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    • A.    Review of balances.
    • B.    Smith’s grocery card use has given us additional funds.  (Please continue using the AmazonSmile and/or Smith’s Groceries accounts to help us earn monies!)
    • C.    The Tecopa Takeover (Fri.-Sun., Nov. 12-14) will be a no cost event/no scheduled bands.  Hoping The MegaScopes & ShakeyFeelin’ will play.  Any musician needs to set-up their own sound systems, etc.  This is a NON-LVJBS gathering this time around.    

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Jessica)

    • A.    Our next Adopt-A-Highway event will be on Saturday, December 4th @ 9 AM.  Please look for the event-invite soon!
    • B.    Our recent ‘Friends & Family Event”, the TOM PETTY ‘Wildflowers’ movie was a great time out. Great documentary.  It will be showing in 4k resolution on Thursday, Nov. 11th, on YouTube! Check it out!  

    • Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Jay via text reply)
    • A.    Color:  Purple (Due to today’s news of the band TURQUAZ breaking up.)

    Item 6: Production Report (Greg via phone):

    • A.    Spoke with Andrew regarding HOT BUTTERED RUM’s availability for Saturday, February 6th @ TheSpaceLV (3460 Cavaretta Ct.) Confirmed details TBD.
    • B.    LVJBS Holiday Party is reaching out to CUBENSIS for a December 11th event.  More details TBD.
    • C.    Facebook message sent our way by Scott Frasier with a ‘missing person’ search request for Cherilyn Beardall. He’s asking for our group’s possible help to find her remains, with the possible use of a drone/search party. LVJBS Team to discuss our participation, if any, since we are ‘for the music’. (Any LVJBS member can reach out his way, if you’d like to be a part of this search effort: Contact Scott Frasier on Facebook.) We wish him and the family of Cherilyn the best. 
    • D.    Bobby Kingston, owner of Saddle N’ Spurs, asked for a possible jam collaboration on the second Sunday of ea./month—A cross collaboration of the Blues Society and the LVJBS.  More details TBD.

    • Open Floor:
    • A.    We are sending the String Cheese Incident family our love & support for the sudden loss of their Madison House Partner & SCI booking agent, JESSE ARATOW, who suddenly left us at age 48. 


    *JJ Grey & Mofro (Nov. 4) @ BBLV

    *Blackberry Smoke @ Virgin Lawn (Nov. 5 & 6)

    *MacSabbath @ TheSpace LV (Nov. 6)

    *The Rolling Stones @ Allegiant Stadium (Nov. 6)

    *The Black Crowes @ House of Blues (Nov. 18 & 19)

    *The Foo Fighters @ Park Theater (Dec. 2)

    *Pauly Shore & The Crusty’s @ The SandDollar (Dec. 9)

    *The AllmanFamily Revival @ Virgin Theater (Dec. 17)

    *Black Pumas @ House of Blues (Dec. 18)

    *moe. (Dec. 30 & 31) @ BBLV

    Meeting adjourned:   7:55 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, December 7th @ 7 PM. 

    Location:  Rocky’s Bar & Grill

  • October 05, 2021 7:00 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    OCTOBER 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: October 5, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:15 PM

    Location: The Crown & Anchor patio 

    Attendees: Johnnie T, Paige T., Jessica G., Kathy G., Fred G., Diana, Sam, & Dave (from CO)

    Item 1: President’s Report (Johnnie)


    • A.    Thanks to those who helped out at our Fall Adopt-A-Highway roadside clean-up last month. 
    • B.    The email to start nominating the Officers for the 2022 LVJBS year will soon be sent out.  The November LVJBS meeting will have the nominees accept/deny their nomination & the December meeting will conclude the voting process and announce the 2022 LVJBS Officers.
    • C.   The Bi-Law Committee Members (JT, Dan, & Jessica) will soon review and finalize the created draft.

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)  (absent)

    Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    • A.     Review of balances.
    • B.     Donated the $1k towards the Tecopa musicians fund:                      (Reminder notes from Sept.’s meeting: Due to Covid regulations, we have decided to cancel the 2021 TECOPA TAKEOVER (weekend of Nov. 11-14).  The LVJBS donated (& will still provide) $1k to assist with the bills and it has been decided that a less formal event will still take place, while we celebrate one another, while having a great 2-day party.  So far, MegaScopes, Shaky Feelin’, & a few other local music acts will still be sharing in the fun.  Camping and lodging is up to the individuals who attend. (More info to come.)
    • C.   We are still awaiting the Federal Grant monies for the scholarship funds.  More details TBA.
    • D.   Welcome back to the Secretary position, Jessica Grant.

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Jessica)

    • A.    I will be phoning the N*Dot (Adopt-A-Highway) director, Marc Cutler, this week to ensure He knows our roadside sign has once again been ‘tagged’ & ensure He knows that the ‘Wheel of Misfortune’ attraction is one of the leading causes of the left debris and that our ‘sign area’ seems to be the attendees’ parking area for its visitors.
    • B.    There is a TOM PETTY ‘Wildflowers’ movie that is playing nationwide on Wednesday, October 20th.  I will create an invite for a local theater for our members/guests to enjoy together.  More details TBA.

    Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Jay via text reply)

    • A.    Color: Kind Blue

    Item 6: Production Report (Greg)

    • A.     The DIRK QUINN BAND has once again shown interest in coming through Las Vegas in 2022.
    • B.    HOT BUTTERED RUM is available 2/1/22 through 2/6/22 (Tuesday-Saturday).  The group supports this event.  Superbowl Sunday is that Sunday, 2/7. 
    • Venue options: Diversion Amusement (@ 5321 Cameron St.), TheSpaceLV (3460 Cavaretta Ct.), private home (maybe Basia & Steve’s?)  More details TBD.

    Open Floor:

    • A.    Our annual HOLIDAY PARTY will be here before we know it!  Thoughts are to have CUBENSIS join us. Date thoughts:  Fridays/Saturdays--12/3, 12/4, 12/10, or 12/11
    • B.    Diana mentioned the ‘NYC Freaks’ which started in her home state of NY, as an email-chain in 1995 by a group of WSP fans.  (This was similar to our ‘ol LVJBS YahooGroup email-blasts, which could be read as a daily email blast or individual emails as they came through.)  Greg & Diana spoke at the SandDollar recently about bringing back the ‘YahooGroup’ feeling, by possibly adding a Gmail/Google folder where people could share tickets for sale/give aways/garage sales/party info invites, free giveaways, etc. 
    • Other thoughts:  An LVJBS phone APP/QR Code events or posts, or a DISCORD software platform: Discord is a VoIP, instant messaging and digital distribution platform. Users communicate with voice calls, video calls, text messaging, media and files in private chats or as part of communities called "servers". Servers are a collection of persistent chat rooms and voice chat channels. 


    *Reggae Rise-up Festival w/ Matisyahu/Slightly Stoopid/SOJA, etc. (10/9 & 10/10)

     @Downtown LV Events Center

    *Pauly Shore & The Crusty’s @ The SandDollar (Oct. 18)

    *Wilco (Oct. 22) @ BBLV

    *The StoryTellers @ Gilley’s BBQ (Oct. 22 & 23)

    *TheeMessArounds @ The SandDollar (Oct. 28)

    *Grateful Shred @ 24 Oxford (Oct. 28 & 29)

    *PHISH @ MGM Grand (Oct. 28-31)

    *(late night) DISCO BISCUITS @ BBLV (Oct. 28-30)

    *The Moanin’Blacksnakes @ The SandDollar (Oct. 29)

    *Catfish John @ The SandDollar (Oct. 30)

    *PinkTalkingFish @ 24 Oxford (Oct. 30 & 31)

    *JJ Grey & Mofro (Nov. 4) @ BBLV

    *The Rolling Stones @ Allegiant Stadium (Nov. 6)

    *The Black Crowes @ House of Blues (Nov. 18 & 19)

    *The Foo Fighters @ Park Theater (Dec. 2)

    *The AllmanFamily Revival @ Virgin Theater (Dec. 17)

    *Black Pumas @ House of Blues (Dec. 18)

    *moe. (Dec. 30 & 31) @ BBLV

    Meeting adjourned:   8:15 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, November 2nd @ 7 PM.  Location:  Jackson’s Bar & Grill

  • September 10, 2021 9:16 PM | Tiffany Belcher

    August 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: August 3, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:05 PM

    Location: Virtual via Zoom 

    Attendees: Johnnie T., Paige T., Tiffany B., Jessica G., Greg S., Dan R.   


    Item 1: President’s Introduction (Johnnie) 

     A.   By-Law Committee: Dan will put together a draft of meetings that occurred and come up with a final draft before next month’s meeting. 

    B.   Grant Writing Committee: Will meet again soon.

    C.  Discussed changes in mask mandates and how that may impact future shows.  Which music venues would be to our advantage to host future endeavors, such as Bootleggers. 


    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

    A.  Not in attendance, no report.

    Item 3:  Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    A.  Paige reviewed balances from accounts. 

    B.  $10K Grant still pending in the bank.

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Tiffany)

    A.  Doug, from Terrapin Flyer in Chicago, continued conversations about potential show on November 14th. Contact information was forwarded to Jammin On.

    Item 5: Mayor’s Report (Jay)

    A.  Not in attendance.  Color:  Orange

    Item 6: Open Floor

     A.  (Greg S.)  Steely Dead Show: waiting on response from Andrew.  

    B. (Greg S.)  Grateful Shred is locked in for October 28th and 29th! Pink Talking Fish is locked in for October 30th and 31st! A limited number of tickets will be available to LVJBS members. 

     B. (Greg S.)    Cubensis and Moon Alice are still a possibility and a work in progress. Stay tuned! 

    D. (Jessic G.)  Moe announced December 30th and December 31st in Vegas, baby! 

    Meeting adjourned:  7:35 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, September 7th via Zoom

  • September 07, 2021 8:02 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    SEPTEMBER LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: September 7, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:32 PM (technical difficulties)

    Location: Virtual via Zoom 

    Attendees: Johnnie T, Paige T., Jessica G., Dan R.,  Adam P., Megan B., David B., & Jenny M.

    Item 1: President’s Report (Johnnie)

     “Thanks for your patience with the technical delay!”

    • A.    Our elected Secretary, Tiffany Belcher, has decided to step down from her position for the rest of 2021.  A motion was held to have our former LVJBS Secretary, Jessica Grant, take over the 2021 Office of Secretary.  (Jessica agreed to the task at hand.)
    • B.    The last month’s meeting minutes were not recorded, nor posted to WildApricot.  (JT to send the recording to Paige so the meeting’s minutes can be noted.)
    • C.    An email at September’s end will go out to begin the 2022 Officer Nominations.  In October, the nominated Members will be announced.  In November, the acceptance/denial of the nominated offices will be held & the voting for the 2022 Offices will be held in December.
    • D.    The Bylaw Committee met to make changes to the JamBandSociety of America’s document.  We will soon ensure they are typed, reviewed, and are readied to be shared for the October Members’ meeting (last week of September). 

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

    • A.    No new news. 

    Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    • A.     Review of balances.
    • B.    The AmazonSmile account raised additional funds.

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Jessica)

    • A.   Glad to be back as part of the LVJBS Officers. 
    • B. Been in contact, via our LVJBS Messenger, with the promotor for Mike Gantzer's AQ & Friends (feat. members of Aqueous, Dopapod, & more! (Oct. 3rd) @ Fremont Country Club & Backstage Bar & Billiards.  We shared their flyer and info on our page.  They are willing to offer up a pair of tickets to their event to raffle off to our Members.  (More info to come!)

    Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Jay)

    • A.    Color:  Turquoise

    Item 6: Production Report (Greg—absent)

    • A.     Some comp-tix to the Virgin Event Lawn shows were offered to Members, at the last minute & possibly more for future shows will be provided.  More info to come.

    Open Floor

    • A.    (Jessica G.)  We recently got a call from Marc Cutler (N*Dot) about our group still participating in the ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY clean-up area because there are other groups wanting to help the program.  (I did mention that August is a month we often don’t participate due to the heat of the summer—Yet, we drive by to ensure there is not any immediate need.)  Marc did ask for us to ‘pin’ the area that we cover and send his way. The next Adopt-A-Highway clean up date is scheduled for Saturday, September 25th @ 9 AM.  (Facebook and email invite to be sent out soon!)
    • B.    (Dave B. & Megan B.) Due to Covid regulations, we have decided to cancel the 2021 TECOPA TAKEOVER (weekend of Nov. 11-14).  The LVJBS donated (& will still provide) $1k to assist with the bills and it has been decided that a less formal event will still take place, while we celebrate one another, while having a great 2-day party.  So far, MegaScopes, Shaky Feelin’, & a few other local music acts will still be sharing in the fun.  Camping and lodging is up to the individuals who attend. (More info to come.)


                *The Blues Bender (Sept. 10-13) @ The Westgate

                *SteelyDead (Sept. 12th) @ 24 Oxford Virgin Hotel

                *Gary Clark Jr. (Sept. 11) @ 24 Oxford Virgin Hotel

               *Andy Frasco (Sept. 16) @ JamminOn Main

    *Catfish John (Sept. 18) @ The SandDollar

    *GrooveSession (Sept. 23) @ The SandDollar

    *Get the Led Out (Sept. 29th) @ BBLV

    *Ween (Oct. 1-3) @ Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas

    *Mike Gantzer's AQ & Friends (feat. members of Aqueous, Dopapod, & more!               (Oct. 3rd) @ Fremont Country Club & Backstage Bar & Billiards (see ad on our    LVJBS Facebook page)

    *Reggae Rise-up Festival w/ Matisyahu/Slightly Stoopid/SOJA, etc. (10/9 &                  10/10) @Downtown LV Events Center

            *Wilco (Oct. 22) @ BBLV

             *JJ Grey & Mofro (Nov. 4) @ BBLV

             *moe. (Dec. 30 & 31) @ BBLV


    Meeting adjourned:   7:55 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, October 5th @ 7 PM.  Location:  via Zoom

  • July 09, 2021 5:07 AM | Tiffany Belcher

    July 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: July 6, 2021 

    Meeting Start: 7:03 PM

    Location: Virtual via Zoom 

    Attendees: Johnnie T., Adam P., Paige T., Tiffany B., Jay M., Jessica G., Jenny M., Jeffrey T., Greg S., Dan R.   


    Item 1: President’s Introduction (Johnnie) 

     A.   By-Law meeting will be immediately following tonight’s monthly LVJBS meeting via Zoom. 

    B.   Grant Writing Committee will be meeting next week, hopefully. 

    C.  Copa at Bootleggers is reopening! Johnnie will reach out for details in hopes of joint ventures at their facility.  We’d also like to consider teaming up with the Blues Society. 

    D.  Ashley, a promoter of a band from Chicago, contacted Johnnie. Johnnie will forward the information to Greg S. 

    E.  We’d like to host another LVJBS concert soon! We are looking at possible dates in August for our next event so stay tuned!

    F.  Ween is coming October 1st-3rd. Johnnie will contact Brooklyn Bowl to see if they will honor giving LVJBS tickets as planned for the 2020 shows that were cancelled due to Covid. 

    G.  Relix reached out to see if LVJBS is interested in assisting with tables for Ween shows and Halloween after shows. 

    H.  Discussed Scholarship money disbursement of funds. 

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

    A.  Adam has kept lines of communication open with The Space. They are booking a lot of shows and events. With higher capacity limits now, they may be open to discussing 2-set shows in the future! 

    Item 3:  Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

    A.  Paige reviewed balances from accounts. 

    B.  Went through the process for the $10K Grant and the money should hopefully process soon! 

    C.  Basia’s stream party was a success!  We sold 12 tickets online and additional tickets in person. We also had a couple sign up for new LVJBS memberships! We are excited to welcome new members.

    D.  Smith’s Quarterly earnings were $30.10. 

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Tiffany)

    A.  Doug, from Terrapin Flyer in Chicago, reached out about booking a show on November 14th. Due to the overlap with Tecopa weekend, we will forward the potential interest to other venues. 

    Item 5: Mayor’s Report (Jay)

    A.  Color:  Turquoise

    B.  Shows in Oregon often mix 2 bands for one set each.  Discussed thoughts about exploring shows like this held by LVJBS in the future. 

    Item 6: Open Floor

     A.  (Jenny M.)  Let’s follow up on contacting Blues Society about possible joint endeavors.  We may discover new local bands.

    B. (Greg S.)    TV Broken 3rd Eye Open reached out to Greg about their interest in doing a show between 9/19 - 9/23.  Greg will refer the information to The Sand Dollar to see if they are interested. 

    D. (Greg S.)  Cubensis and Moon Alice would like to play a show between  10/13 - 10/17.  Yak Attack is also interested. 

    E. (Jeffrey T.)  

    1. Tecopa is in full force! Jeffrey will be running a side stage variety show so they will be looking for acts! This can be anything from acoustic acts, fun artsy performances, etc. 

    2. Gambit, formerly known as E-String, is open and their PA system sounds great! They may be a place to consider for live shows.

    3. There’s a Rolling Rhythm Cart currently being stored at a space with First Friday. There’s about 30 pieces of percussion instruments sponsored by Remo drums. Perhaps, we could look into peaking interest with Jammin On to store and use for various purposes. For example, Squirt the Shirt events with schools including drums and percussion. 

    F.  (Greg S.)  Discussed having another Golf outing in September for LVJBS. 

    G.  (Jessica G.)  There’s an online event celebrating Further Festival on July 9th. Check it out on goingfurther.com 

    Meeting adjourned:  8:18 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, Aug 3rd via In-person @ Crown and Anchor Bar

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