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  • October 01, 2024 7:00 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    LVJBS OCTOBER 2024 (Virtual) 

    Meeting’s Minutes

    Date: Tuesday, October 1, 2024

    Meeting Start: 7:05 PM 

    Location: Virtual, via GoogleMeet

    Attendees: Jessica G., Paige T., Angela C., Greg S., Jimmy C., Liani D.

    Item1: President’s Report (Jessica):

    “Hey Everyone!  It’s October already!”

    A.    Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas Partnership update:

    * Sent email requesting the following shows for an October partnership:  Dropkick Murphys (10/6), Rival Sons & Clutch w/ Black Stone Cherry (10/10), Highly Suspect w/ Dead Poet Society (10/13), The Crane Wives (w/ Rett Madison) (10/24), Bowling for Soup (10/25). 

    *They replied today offering 10 tickets for Bowling for Soup on 10/25. (This is the same day as Pretty Lights @ MGM.)

    B.  LVJBS Holiday Party planning needs to occur. 

    DATE?  BAND(S)? FOOD?  GIFT EXCHANGE (White Elephant Style?)

    Considered dates: Saturday or Sunday, December 7th or 8th   

    Discussed possible bands:  Local–Maybe Moksha? Former local Member, Keith Kevula of The Withdrawals recently expressed interest. (He lives in New Mexico.) Paige will connect him with Greg. 

    Possible locations – Tuscany, Swan Dive, Bonfire  (Greg to get contact info from Liani and make contact with Bonfire first.)

    *Discussed announcing a ‘Thank You’ to those that supported us a Shakedown. Still need to determine the number of people and the dollar amount.  (Jessica and Paige to collaborate.)

    C. November meeting—We will need to start the Nominations for the 2025 LVJBS   Officers & December will start the Elections.

    D. Thanks to JT for helping to get the WildApricot advertisements/Online registration for the Shaky Feelin’ event taken care of.  (Had some delay due to the lack of clarity with making it one/two days, the flier not having a final edit due to lack of communication with our VP’s phone/email issues.)

    Item 2: Vice Presidents/PRODUCTION REPORT(Greg):

    1. SHAKY FEELIN’ event: October 18th & 19th @ Garage Mahal. 

    Time: 7:30-11 PM (doors at 6 PM) 

    $15 for one night/ $25 for both nights

    *porta-potty & hand-wash station – ordered by Paige. Handicap and wash station. Will be dropped on 18th and picked up on Monday, the 21st. (Connected the Company with Richard, of Garage MaHall for pick-up/drop-off ease.)

    *Raffle: RHCP stickered (autographed by Cubensis) Guitar. Jessica will make signs and bring a light so it is visible. 

    *50/50 Cash Drawing ($5/ea., 5 for $20)

    *MERCH TABLE: Liani to get the tubs to the venue. Paige to connect with Robert regarding license plates.

    *We will be having a ‘Facebook Contest’ this week (by Friday) to help with the next 2-weeks of advertising with a “like this post/share it/tag 3 friends” for a chance to win a guest-list ticket. One night of their choice if they win.

    *FRIDAY:  BYOB Cooler of beverages.  Food provided for JC’s Birthday. Jimmy C has offered to pay for the food. They provide the plates/utensils/napkins. Food available from 6-9 PM.

    *SATURDAY:  BYOB Cooler & Foods (& a Pot-Luck style food share table) *Plates/Utensils (LVJBS will provide. Jessica purchased a box of plastic utensils & will pick up plates/napkins before the event.)

    *Jessica to create signs for the Raffles/50-50, the price of event signs for the entry table & will bring clipboards to help with outside winds, etc. Paige: will bring Money Box/2 different Raffle Jar/Tub/color of Tickets.

    *Jessica to organize a Volunteer sign-up to staff the entry/raffle table 

    *Payment amounts given to the Treasurer for payments.

    *Lodging – 4 band members will be lodging at GarageMahal. 1 prefers to stay at a hotel. 

    *Food will be provided to the band Friday and Saturday. 

    *Richard will be paid $200 by Jimmy C and $200 from LVJBS for use of the venue.

    1. Jam Band Society of America (additional chapters).  Jessica reached out to Dan R. to help get those questions answered.  No response. Greg suggested we provide a copy of our charter to use as a template when setting up a 501c3. 

    Paige to help communicate the info regarding a future chapter in Tulsa. 

    1. Greg is in communication with Andrew Courtney (Area15) who is offering to help promote any future jam bands.

    1. Michael Schneider (past & current member) Local Band, THERAININ’ MOONSHINE sent an email early Sept. about an upcoming PUTTERS (6295 S. Pecos) on Saturday, 10/12 (6-9 PM) & wants to collaborate more. Jessica will create a Facebook post to share the word about their upcoming gig.

    1. Liani has been in touch with AJ from the Funk Jam regarding a fundraiser for non-profit Conscious Collective on 11/11. Location to be decided. More info TBD.  (Jammy-Awards/Uganda Fundraiser)


    *Shakedown Table TY to supporters – We plan to give “Thank You Gifts” as end-of-year recap at the Holidaze party. Jessica and Paige will discuss. 

    *PEF Scholarship Plus Letter of Intent was submitted.  (We have a $500 credit.  We’ll give an additional $1500 for the four 2024-2025 Scholarships.) 

    *ZEFFY – Angela offered to help with setup. (Paige to add Liani & Angela with the credentials to view.)


    A.    Jessica provided her agenda to Angela to help with meeting notes.

    ITEM 5:  MAYOR’S REPORT (Shana):


    A.    Orange 

    OPEN FLOOR (all):

    *(Jessica) LVJBS Friends & Family Event:  Sunday, 10/20 @ 4 PM.  Southpoint Hotel Cinemas--Tom Petty’s Heartbreakers Beach Party movie. (A Facebook event was created.)

    *(Jessica) Adopt-A-Highway Fall Clean-up (decided date: Sunday, 10/13). N*Dot made contact with us (new contact person:  Brett) sent an application our way for E-sign & renewal.)

    *(Liani) Henderson’s Hot Rod Days (feat. Mojave Blue)  Saturday, 10/5, 11 AM– 2 PM  (Jessica to post on Facebook)

    *(Liani) Been in touch with AJ (from the Funk Jam) regarding a fundraiser for non-profit Conscious Collective on 11/11. Location to be decided. More info TBD.  (Jammy-Awards/Uganda Fundraiser)

    *Jessica will post about the STOP MAKING SENSE (Talking Heads Remastered IMAX movie which will be in theaters on Wed., 10/2.)

    UPCOMING LVJBS (& non-LVJBS) events:

    *10/1:  Chris Tofield Band @ SandDollar LV

    *10/2:  BlackUhuru @ SwanDive

    *10/2:  The King James Brown Band @ SandDollar LV

    *10/3:  Bootylicious Deluxe @ SandDollar LV

    *10/4:  BluEgyptian Band @ SandDollar Plaza (free)

    *10/4:  The Blues Society @ SandDollar LV

    *10/4-10-6:  Reggae Rise Up Festival (Downtown Events Center)

    *10/5:  Justin Howl @ SandDollar LV (6-9 PM)

    *10/5: Blue River Band @ SandDollar LV (10 PM)

    *10/5:  Sammy Hager B-day Bash w/ Iron Maiden, etc. @ Mandalay Bay

    *10/5:  John Waite @ Santa Fe

    *10/5:  Yachtly Crew @ The Pearl

    *10/6:  Soul Town & Jack Corner @ SandDollar LV

    *10/6:  Dropkick Murphys @ BBLV

    *10/7:  Stanley Avenue @ SandDollar LV

    *10/8:  Johnny Deadly Trio @ SandDollar LV

    *10/9:  Sunsquabi @ The Wall/Area15

    *10/9:  Sonic Shakers w/ Horny Boys @ SandDollar LV

    *10/10:  CROS @ SandDollar LV

    *10/10:  Rival Sons & Clutch @ BBLV

    *10/11:  The Chris Koman Band (6-9 PM) @ SandDollar LV

    *10/11:  Float Like a Buffalo @ SandDollar LV (10 PM)

    *10/12:  Float Like a Buffalo @ SandDollar Plaza

    *10/12:  Catfish John @ Gold Mine Tavern

    *10/12:  Modern English @ SwanDive

    *10/13:  Red Eye Gin @ SandDollar LV

    *10/13:  Blues Society Event @ SandDollar Plaza

    *10/13:  Highly Suspect @ BBLV

    *10/14:  Swayze & Friends @ SandDollar LV

    *10/15:  The Smokestacks @ SandDollar LV

    *10/16:  Dirty Red & The Soul Shakers @ SandDollar LV

    *10/17:  Particle Kid @ The Usual Place

    *10/18 & 10/19:  Shaky Feelin’ @ Garage MaHall

    *10/19:  Headz or Tailz @ Gold Mine Tavern

    *10/22:  The Schmarties @ SandDollar LV

    *10/24:  The Crane Wives w/ Rett Madison @ BBLV

    *10/24:  Chris Tofield @ SandDollar LV

    *10/25:  Bowling For Soup @ BBLV

    *10/25:  Cosmic Miles @ SandDollar LV

    *10/25 & 10/26:  Pretty Lights @ MGM Grand Arena

    *10/26:  Joe Bonamassa @ Lee’s Family Forum

    *10/26:  Cypress Hill w/ Tech Ni9e @ Downtown Vegas Events

    *10/26:  Catfish John @ SandDollar LV

    *10/30:  Tears for Fears @ Fountainbleau

    *10/30:  The Funk Jam @ SandDollar LV

    *10/31:  Bootylicious Deluxe @ SandDollar LV

    Meeting adjourned:  8:28PM

    Next Meeting:  (Virtual, Officers/Committee Heads) 

    Tues., Nov. 5th

    Location: Virtual via GoogleMeet

  • September 03, 2024 7:40 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)


    Members’ (in-person) Meeting Minutes

    Date: Tuesday, September 3, 2024

    Meeting Start: 7:05 PM

    Location: Cheba Hut (4550 S. Maryland Pkwy)

    Attendees: Jessica G., Paige T., David deG.

    Item1: President’s Report (Jessica):

    “Hello & Welcome to the September, quarterly All Members’ Meeting!”

    A.    We have had a successful Marketing/Advertising partnership with Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas for the past month!  They have graciously provided us with 10-20 tickets to ‘lotto’ off to our ‘Members and Friends of’ LVJBS.

    *There are no BBLV September jam-rock events.

    *Will request the following shows for an October partnership:  Dropkick Murphys (10/6), Rival Sons & Clutch w/ Black Stone Cherry (10/10), Highly Suspect w/ Dead Poet Society (10/13), The Crane Wives w/ Rett Madison (10/24), Bowling for Soup (10/25)

    B.  RELIX (Harrision Ezratty) finally replied to the July email on Aug. 29th.  They are not going to be involved with the Bender Jamboree as thought and wanted to discuss future BBLV tables.  I mentioned the lack of ‘jamband’ type events at BBLV for Sept. & asked him to reach out to us once the BBLV calendar has events that He would like RELIX to represent.

    C. The LVJBS did not have a table at the RED EYE GIN CopaRoom show this past Saturday.  We didn’t hear from Taylor until a few days prior, so decided to have a 50/50 Raffle instead.  (The Tuscany couldn’t allow us to do the 50/50 since the words ‘raffle’ were on the flyers/signage & not the word ‘donation’.  (Thanks to Paige for joining me (early) to try to raise some funds & note to ‘selves’ for the donation-wording needs for Tuscany events.) Awaiting more info on the monthly Tuscany/LVJBS presents events.

    D.  LVJBS Holiday Party planning will need to begin soon. More info will be available at our October meeting. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please contact an LVJBS Officer.

    E.  Tecopa Takeover:  Dave B. couldn’t make tonight’s meeting and made contact with me prior.  The event will publically be announced soon. Music is now planned for the late afternoon/eve Friday, Nov. 8, throughout the day on the 9th, and the morning of the 10th (Friday-Sunday). Questions:  Will the Annual Cornhole Tournament be happening, Greg? (No Fuquas this year.)  Donation? The LVJBS will provide $750 for the event since it’s not as ‘large’ as the last event where $1k was provided.  The Tecopa Resort (Amy) will donate $500 to the LVJBS to help with the event’s ‘Porta-Potty’ costs. (Paige sent Dave the non-profit letter copy.)

    Item 2: Vice Presidents/PRODUCTION REPORT(Greg, absent):

    • A.    SHAKY FEELIN’ event: October 18th & 19th @ Garage Mahal.
    • Time:  Facebook event post reads 7:30 PM to 11:30 PM
    • *Payment confirmed?  (Greg to update the Officers)
    • *Paige will finalize the ‘RoyalFlush’ ADA porta-potty & hand-wash station. 
    • *Raffle: RHCP stickered (autographed by Cubensis) Guitar
    • *50/50 Cash Drawing ($5/ea., 5 for $20)
    • *Sales of the extra shirts/merch? License plates? (We welcomed deGroot to have his sticker tub available if He wants to take care of any of his sales.)
    • *We will be having a ‘Facebook Contest’ to help with advertising with a “like this post/share it/tag 3 friends” for a chance to win a guest-list ticket.
    • *BYOB Cooler & Foods (& a Pot-Luck style food share table) *Plates/Utensils (LVJBS will provide.  Jessica to purchase a Costco multi-pack.)
    • B.     Jam Band Society of America (additional chapters).  Jessica reached out to Dan R. to help get those questions answered.  No reply.  Paige reached out to Greg.  No reply.
    • C.     Andrew Courtney’s new venues.  (A few of us went to the Area15 Boombox show.)  Any updates for future events?
    • D.    We checked out the BONFIRE venue for Paige’s birthday gathering.  Thoughts on future events there?


    *We need to have more help with set-ups, volunteering, etc.  We need to come up with a ‘plan’ to get more helpers.

    We made good money with the Shakedown Table weekends. We decided to give a gift card/package (movie cards/candy) to the Shakedown organizers and those volunteers who helped multiple times (decided number TBD) as a ‘Thank You’.

    PEF Scholarship update on the 2024 recipients:  We had $500 returned from the given 3 scholarships. We decided that the 2025 Scholarships would be a total of 4 ($500/ea.) since the credit is had. 

    ZEFFY update:  Awaiting Liani to update us on the new program that was looked into (will replace WildApricot, if so.)

    SECRETARY’S REPORT (Angela, absent):

    A.    Jessica provided her agenda to Angela to help with meeting notes & took notes at the meeting.

    MAYOR’S REPORT (Shana, absent: notes via Jessica):

    COLOR:  CHeBA Hut GREEN (& for the Reno, NV greenery since the new gig started today!)

    ·         A.  Shana will join the Officers for the next two Virtual meetings and, if in town, in December, will join us for the ‘public’ meeting.

    OPEN FLOOR (all):

    *(Liani) Mojave Blue:  Friday, 9/13: SandDollar LV & Saturday, 9/14: Summer Courtyard Series at NuWu LV (downtown Las Vegas:  1235 Paiute Circle)

    Paige to contact Liani to see what is needed for the LVJBS table, which Liani offered to have as a fundraiser at this event.

    *(Jessica) Inquired with the Bender crew regarding any License Plates for their event.  They declined the need at this time.

    UPCOMING LVJBS (& non-LVJBS) events:

    *Sept. 5-8—The Big Blues Bender @ Westgate Resort

    *Sept. 6--Delilah’s Dead @ SoulBelly BBQ

    *Sept. 6—Thee MessArounds @ SDLV

    *Sept. 7—The Wilbury SuperGroup @ AZ Charlies (Decatur)

    *Sept. 12-15—The Bender Jamboree @ Westgate Resort

    *Sept. 13—Mojave Blue @ SDLV

    *Sept. 14—The Smokestacks @ SDLV

    *Sept. 17—Monk & the Po’Boys @ SDLV

    *Sept. 18—The Funk Jam @ SDLV

    *Sept. 20—Planck @ SDLV

    *Sept. 20—Lucinda Williams w/ Mike Campbell & the Dirty Knobs @ The Pearl

    *Sept. 20—Dogstar w/ Sons of Silver @ The Chelsea

    *Sept. 21—Everclear w/ Marcy’s Playground @ Lee’s Family Forum

    *Sept. 21—Catfish John

    *Sept. 21- The Mega-Scopes @ Swan Dive LV

    *Sept. 22 –Red Eye Gin @ SDLV

    *Sept. 23—Swayze & Friends @ SDLV

    *Sept. 26—Down South Jukers @ SDLV

    *Sept. 27 & 28—WuTang Clan @ Virgin Theater

    *Sept. 27—Hendrix Experience @ The Smith Center

    *Sept. 27—Smashing Pumpkins w/ PVRIS @ Fountainbleau

    *Sept. 27—Chris Tofield Band @ SDLV

    *Sept. 28—The Moanin’ Blacksnakes @ SDLV

    *Sept. 28—Kansas @ The Smith Center                         

    *Sept. 29—Electric Church

    Meeting adjourned:  7:40 PM

    Next Meeting:  (Virtual, Officers/Committee Heads) Tuesday, Oct. 1st, 7 PM

    Location: Virtual via GoogleMeet

  • August 06, 2024 7:30 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    LVJBS August 2024 Virtual Meeting

    Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2024

    Meeting Start: 7:02 PM

    Location: Virtual (Officers & Committee Heads)

    Attendees: Jessica G., Paige T., Angela C., Liani D.

    Item1: President’s Report (Jessica):

    “Welcome, Everyone!  We had a hot & busy July and are ready to tackle August!”

    A.    BBLV is continuing our support with our Marketing/Advertising partnership!  The AUGUST events & offered ticket quantities are:

    ·        --August 10—MELVIN SEALS w/ JGB (20 tix)       

    ·        --August 29—STEEL PULSE (20 tix)

    ·        --August 30—THIEVERY CORPORATION (20 tix)

    All Officers received a plus one for the Melvin/JGB show. The GoogleForm will go out on Wednesday, 8/7, for the month’s end shows.

    There are no BBLV September jam-rock events. 

    Jessica will ask Greg if we should contact Virgin Theater again for the other August events’ “Aussie Floyd or America” ad-partnership.

    B. SHAKEDOWN VEGAS TABLE:  One more weekend!  A special ‘thanks’ to Paige for getting the Wednesday set-ups and the after-Saturday clean-ups done for us all.

    C.     The VENMO link has been helpful. Still unsure why the QR-Code doesn’t work for us. Paige has not yet been able to switch our account from a business to a charity. We paid $40 in fees this past weekend. (Paige has not had luck switching the account to a fee-less, non-profit/charity account.)

    D.  Ray’s friend, Rich, donated a large about of random GD shirts/hats (i.e. Dead Sox) to us before He moved out of state.

    Item 2: Vice Presidents/PRODUCTION REPORT(Greg-absent--Notes sent to Jessica):

    • A.    SHAKY FEELIN’ is now scheduled for: October 18th & 19th @ Garage Mahal.
    • a.    Paige to order ‘RoyalFlush’ (one handicap porta-potty) and hand wash station) 
    • b.    We plan to raffle the RHCP (autographed by Cubensis) Guitar. Cost is $5 each or 3 for $10. Winner announced on the second night. Paige will have the raffle tickets.
    • c.    50/50 Cash Raffle, $5– one drawing each night
    • d.    Will offer extra shirts for sale (prices TBD)
    • e.    Starting in September – ‘Facebook Contest’ to help with advertising with a “like this post/share it/tag 3 friends” for a chance to win a guest-list ticket. We will offer 1 ticket for each night and final prize of merch (2 shirts of their choice, license plate)
    • f.    BYOB Coolers with a Pot-Luck style food table to share. Next meeting need to discuss plates and utensils. Paige has purchased 2 tables for LVJBS to use.
    • g.    Payment for Shaky Feelin’ needs to be discussed (Greg to confirm).
    • B.    Robert offered to create more personalized license plates for us to sell at future events. Jessica will check with the Bender.
    • C.     Andrew Courtney contacted Greg. Booking 3 venues now, wants to get us more details. (BoomBox will be there on 8/16) More info TBA.

    Item 3: TREASURER’S REPORT (Paige):

    • A.   Shakedown Table Update
    • a.    Past weekend sales approx. $2k. Total sales approx. $7k.
    • b.    We need to discuss how to thank the Tuscany, Maddy for table use, Robert, Leora and Volunteers that have supported us with the Shakedown Vegas tables.
    • c.    Let’s stay in contact with Grayson at Tuscany. We are excited to have a relationship with him moving forward.
    • B.   New Membership Update – yes, several new members!
    • C.    Scholarship – decided amount needs to be discussed at our upcoming September or October meetings.
    • D.   For Greg – Braham from Oklahoma spoke with Paige. He is interested in creating a Jam Band Society of America chapter in Tulsa, Oklahoma. (Jessica will reach out to Dan to discuss next steps in how to proceed and see if He wants to help the OK chapter proceed.)
    • E.   Zeffy – Paige is exploring this as a cheaper, more user-friendly Software/Membership Platform option to replace Wild Apricot. Liani to send Paige some info to check-out.

    Item 4: SECRETARY’S REPORT (Angela):

    A.    Jessica provided her agenda to Angela to help with meeting notes.

    Item 5: MAYOR’S REPORT (Shana absent)

    A.    Color – Green (chosen by Liani)

    OPEN FLOOR (all):

    (Paige) Keith Kavula stopped at the LVJBS table.  He mentioned his agent and others in his band wanting to collaborate with us. Unsure of the type of music that band is playing. Jessica to reply to him about his recently sent Steve Gadd Band (@ The Smith Center) and request he send some band links our way to listen to. Our December Holiday Party is an option.

    (Liani) September 14 - Liani offered to vend at ‘Summer Courtyard Series’ where Mojave Blue will be playing.

    (Jessica) RELIX table at Bender – Jessica reached out to Harrison about vending details at the Bender on 07/25/24 after his initial contact with JT. (Never heard anything back.) Jessica will reply one more time to follow up.

    Meeting adjourned:  8:02 PM

    Next Meeting:  (In-person, All Members & Guests) Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 7 PM

    Location: Cheba Hut –Maryland Pkwy (@Harmon)

  • July 02, 2024 8:29 AM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    LVJBS JULY Members’ Meeting Minutes:

    Date: Tuesday, July 2, 2024

    Meeting Start: 7:02 PM

    Location: Virtual (Officers & Committee Heads)

    Attendees: Jessica G., Greg S., Paige T., Angela C., Shana B. Liani D.

    Item1: President’s Report (Jessica):

    “Welcome, Everyone!  We are off, hot & ready for the second half of 2024!”

    • A.    BBLV is supporting our Marketing/Advertising partnership!  The JULY events & offered ticket quantities are:
    • --July 4--TAUK (Pink Floyd/Led Zeppelin) (20 tix)       
    • --July 5—TAUK (The Beatles/Jimi Hendrix) (20 tix)
    • --July 6—CIRCLES AROUND THE SUN (20 tix)
    • --July 10—DARK STAR ORCHESTRA (10 tix)
    • --July 30—CITIZEN COPE (20 tix)
    • ·         The June events were Guest List names instead of the Ticketmaster E-Ticket.  Unsure how the July ones will be distributed.  Usually known day-of.  There was an ‘upset’ recipient in June that blasted the LVJBS with ‘where is my ticket’ concern—He ended up winning one for the next night’s event and didn’t read his pick-up instruction email.
    • ·         The GoogleForm went out to all Members for this week’s late nights on 6/29 & on 7/1 for the DSO & Citizen Cope shows. 
    • B.    Liani has asked for better clarification of the ‘process’ for the Ads since the ‘registration’ link was recently filled out by a member, even though those WildApricot links have the ‘how to purchase’ ticket links on it.
    • a.     Google Form, not Wild Apricot is currently being used for ticket registration. JT to speak one-on-one with Liani. Liani to choose a different email template that does not have a registration link. We only need “going” info for LVJBS event when a head count is needed.
    • C.    Recent message on WildApricot about ‘exceeding the size limit of the data plan. Paige is deactivating/archiving inactive users.
    • D.    Virgin Hotel Partnership update
    • a.     Greg is in email communication with new contact. Is still waiting for her response.
    • b.     Upcoming Events: The Theater—Ziggy Marley w/ Lettuce (7/17), Australian Pink Floyd (8/17) (conflicts with Dead South at BBLV), America (8/23), WSP (9/20-9/22)
    • E.    SandDollar LV & Plaza (Anthony from SandDollar has been sending us their Jpegs/Pics of upcoming events.  I mentioned a possibility of them giving the LVJBS some incentive guest list/comps to help with some membership excitement incentives.) No reply. Jessica plans to chat with Max A. about tickets.

    F.    *SHAKEDOWN VEGAS TABLE:  Still has been a fun, success! The volunteer-sign-up sheets to Officers/past volunteers first & then, to the other Members/Friends of to complete. This weekend’s July 4-6 table still needs assistance.

    a.     Jessica has printed some color flyers of the late-night events.

    b.    Jaime H. is going to print more price labels for easy display for the August table dates.

    c.     Shana helped with the VENMO link which has been helpful. 

                                              i.    LASVEGASJAMBAND is VENMO link

                                            ii.    Paige is in the process of switching our Venmo from a business to a charity account to eliminate fees  

    Item 2: Vice Presidents/PRODUCTION REPORT(Greg):

    A.    SHAKY FEELIN’ shows postponed until the fall (due to weather/heat).  Date thoughts – waiting on the announcement of Tecopa Takeover.

    B.    JAZZ IS PHISH made contact – connected them with Sand Dollar

    C.    Ari Joshua – reached out to Greg requesting equipment, keyboard player, and drummer. Connected him with Jeremy of Moksha, but many local musicians are already booked.


    A.    We have done well thus far at SHADEDOWN VEGAS TABLE. It’s been very profitable. Robert has been great to work with. We are discussing future collaborations.

    a.     Paige could use any extra plastic or paper bags at the table.

    b.    We have several new members, which is exciting!

    B.    Contacted Dan R. (previous LVJBS Treasurer) to set up a Zelle account at Wells Fargo. He’s yet to do it. Paige is considering opening a new account at Wells Fargo where she is the Admin.


    A.    Jessica provided her agenda to Angela to help with meeting notes.

    MAYOR’S REPORT (Shana):

    COLOR:  Silver

    • A.    Shana is relocating to Reno this September. She will continue to be available Zoom for LVJBS meetings.

    OPEN FLOOR (all):

    • A.    Any update on those mentioned miracles (1 or 2) for Eppsteiner family for the Bender Jamboree? No. We have been advertising for the BenderCrew at our Shakedown Vegas tables (cards/posters/word of mouth).
    • B.    (Liani) Bonfire Bar/Venue – Discussion of a Sunday Jam Band night. Several local artists have expressed interest. Idea to have a Vegetarian menu only available on Sundays. Greg mentioned historically this has not been well attended.
    • C.    (Paige) Waiting for check from Virgin for Cubensis event several months ago. Plans to call accounting office tomorrow to check the status.
    • D.    (Greg) The Usual Place – Mega Scopes recently played there. Estimates venue can hold 300 ppl, has good stage and sound. Will determine next steps as a future venue.
    • E.    (Liani) Tuscany Copa Room – Has been in communication with Grayson about possible future events. He may not charge us, would keep the sales from the bar, require 100 person minimum, we could not sell tickets at the door. Tickets would be sold before the event.

    UPCOMING JULY LVJBS supported (& non-LVJBS supported) events:

    *July 3—Blink 182 & Pierce the Veil @ TMobile

    *July 4—Dead & Company @ Sphere

    *July 4—Tauk @ BBLV

    *July 5—Dead & Company @ Sphere

    *July 5—Tauk @ BBLV

    *July 6—Dead & Company @ Sphere

    *July 6—My Fellow Astronauts @ SandDollar LV

    *July 6—Circles Around the Sun @ BBLV

    *July 6—Dead Valley @ SandDollar Plaza

    *July 7—Red Eye Gin @ SandDollar LV

    *July 8—Drunk on Sunday @ SandDollar LV

    *July 9—Mojave Blue @ SandDollar LV

    *July 10—Dark Star Orchestra @ BBLV

    *July 10--Chris O’Leary Band @ SandDollar LV

    *July 11—Dead & Company @ Sphere

    *July 11--When in Rome @ SandDollar Plaza

    *July 11—Moksha @ Area15

    *July 11--Jimmy Powers & the Hang Dynasty @ SandDollar LV

    *July 12—Dead & Company @ Sphere

    *July 12—The Moanin’ Blacksnakes @ SandDollar LV

    *July 13—Dead & Company @ Sphere

    *July 14—Swayze & Friends @ SandDollar LV

    *July 16—Down South Jukers @ SandDollar LV

    *July 17—The Funk Jam @ SandDollar LV

    *July 18—Darius Jackson @ SandDollar LV                   

    *July 19—Cosmic Miles @SandDollar LV

    *July 20—Jimmy Carpenter @ SandDollar LV

    *July 21—Dan Fester @ SandDollar LV

    *July 22—The Smokestacks @ SandDollar LV

    *July 24—Jewel & Melissa Etheridge @ The Pearl

    *July 26—Morrissey @ House of Blues

    *July 26—Outshined 3 (Chris Cornell Tribute) @ SandDollar Plaza

    *July 26—Chris Tofield Band @ SandDollar LV

    *July 27—Morrissey @ House of Blues

    *July 27—Passion Nouveau (80s tribute) @ SandDollar Plaza

    *July 27—The Moanin’ Blacksnakes @ SandDollar LV

    *July 30—Citizen Cope @ BBLV

    *July 31—Blue River Band @ SandDollar LV

    Meeting adjourned:  8:08 PM

    Next Meeting:  (Officers’/Committee Heads—VIRTUAL) Tuesday, AUGUST 2nd, 7 PM

    Location: online virtual (Jessica to create GoogleMeet invite soon!)

  • June 09, 2024 1:06 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)


    Date:  June 4, 2024

    Meeting Start: 7:07 PM

    Location:  Village Pub Airport

    In Attendance: Ellen, Paige, Jimmy C, Greg, Angela, Jessica, Shana

    President’s Report (Jessica): “Welcome to June everyone! We’ve had a good first half of the year!”

    *BBLV confirmed comp events for June are as follows— Officers to submit LedZep2 form before tonight--Tues., midnight:

    --6/7 & 6/8:  Led Zeppelin 2 (x10/ea. night)


    --6/20:  Melvin Seals w/ JGB (x10)

    --6/21:  Pink Talking Fish are Dead (x10)

    (& possibly)

    --6/22:  Daniel Donato’s Cosmic Country (x10)

    (GoogleForms for tix have been created—LedZep2 has been sent out to Members (any extras after Tuesday will go to ‘Friends of’ emails on Wednesday & names submitted to BBLV on Thursday.)

    (The ‘Melvin/JGB & ‘PTF are Dead’ email and form will go out next weekend, by 6/9.)

    Will submit our July/Aug. requests soon, at the end of each month for the upcoming month:

    --7/6:  Circles Around the Sun (late night)

    --7/10:  Dark Star Orchestra

    --8/17:  The Dead South

    --8/30:  Thievery Corporation      

    *Virgin Hotel events – No update. Greg to pursue a new contact for marketing. The Theater—Ziggy Marley w/ Lettuce (7/17), Australian Pink Floyd (8/17) (conflicts with Dead South at BBLV), America (8/23), WSP (9/20-9/22) & Event Lawn:  The Movement (6/21)

    *Adopt-A-Highway was followed up with. Thanks to those who helped out this past weekend:  Kathy, Paige, Ray, Jessica & even to Carrie S. who was late to the party, but still stopped by!   The requested data was sent to N*Dot. Next clean-up will be Sept 28th at 9:00 AM to avoid the Bender/WSP weekends.

    *SHAKEDOWN VEGAS TABLE:  It’s been a success and a fun time!  Jessica has been submitting the volunteer-sign-up sheets to Officers/past volunteers first & then, to the other Members/Friends of to complete.

    --Thanks to those donating table/chairs.  Upcoming needs:  Tables, Chairs, DuctTape, print outs of the Copa Room late nights to display on wall & table, LedZep2 image print out for this upcoming weekend’s table. Jessica will send to Paige for printing. Jaime H. has made some great labels/signs for us to easily display.

    --We have been adding Robert’s merch to our table with a percentage being given back to the LVJBS (license plates/T-shirts).  David de Groot had some added sticker/pin merch for the first weekends, yet any of the Dead & Co./Sphere items needed removal per licensing/ShakedownVegas.

    --Reminder that online payments can be made at lvjbs.org (menu: under ‘Donations’ or ‘T-Shirt Donation’—Just have purchaser put ‘what is being bought’ in the ‘memo’ area before submitting.) Invoice # and amount is shown in confirmation (Shakedown Table Volunteers simply take photo of the purchaser’s screen AND/OR note it down in table-notes)

    --Liani created a QR Code that links to our website for credit card payments.


    From LVJBS Messenger:

    *John Lovero (of The Higgs) contacted us, looking into any late night fun for 6/20 to enjoy or possibly jam with. Jessica sent him the BBLV events for that weekend & will get the Tuscany info his way once known in case any of those bands want a sit-in musician to join.

    *SHAKY FEELIN’ weekend, Fri./Sat., June 28/29 @ GarageMahall, 6300 W. Tropical Pkwy

    ($15/ea. night OR $25/both nights), doors at 7:30 PM, show at 8 PM-11 PM.

    --Tickets sold prior OR at the door? Considering a QR code to sell tickets in advance.

    --Volunteer list?

    --Port-a-Potty update – Greg spoke with Matt Alexander (Garage Mahall) and decided they are not needed.

    --Entry Table? Chairs? – Yes, Maddy offered.

    --Raffle (and/or 50/50) will be announced in the future.

    *JAZZ is PHSH contacted Greg in regards to Sept. 26, 27, 28, 29 (Thurs.-Sun.) Greg will connect them with the Sand Dollar

    *Sand Dollar contacted Greg about availability (Downtown) for late night shows on June 21, 22 and July 12, 19. Thoughts are ‘Higgs’, ‘Dune Baboons’, ‘The Alligators’. Greg will connect with ‘The Alligators’.

    *Greg will also reach out to Jesse Dunn of Dead Winter Carpenters (now a 6 piece band) about future possible dates.

    *Liani has available dates for Goldmine – October/November best.


    *David de Groot cashed his check.

    *CPA Mehr has assisted with the needed Form990.

    *Jess will ask Liani if she can send an email to anyone added to our table’s sign-up sheet, sending any helpful info about late night shows during the Dead & Co. residency.

    *We are doing well with online sales at Shakedown Vegas Table.


    Jess has been providing Angela with agenda prior to meeting.

    MAYOR’S REPORT (Shana):

    COLOR:  - purple

    OPEN FLOOR (all):

    Hoping to get miracles (1 or 2) for Eppsteiner family for the Bender Jamboree. We will team up with the BenderCrew to see how we can help trade out the fun!

    Jessica will ask BBLV is they would like our support with June 22.  (Update:  BBLV confirmed us supporting the ‘Daniel Donato Cosmic Country’ event for 10 tickets)

    UPCOMING JUNE LVJBS supported (& non-LVJBS supported) events:

    *June 6-8 –Dead & Co. @ The Sphere

    *June 6th—The Pits Players w/ Johnny Hazard, late night, @ Tuscany Copa Room

    *June 7th—Jimmy Does Jerry2, late night @ Tuscany Copa Room

    *June 7th—Led Zeppelin 2 @ BBLV, late night

    *June 8th—Derek Jordan & Rich Wells Jam @ PTs Pub, E. Lake Mead (5PM)

    *June 8th—Led Zeppelin 2 @ BBLV, late night

    *June 8th—George Clinton & P-Funk @ The Pearl, Palms

    *June 8th—BritFloyd @ Primm

    *June 8th—Catfish John, late night @ Tuscany Copa Room

    *June 11th—Jimmy Carpenter Band @ SandDollar LV

    *June 12th—Alastair Greene @ SandDollar LV

    *June 13th—Alastair Greene @ SandDollar Plaza

    *June 13-15–Dead & Co. @ The Sphere

    *June 14-15—Strangelove (Depeche Mode tribute) @ Santa Fe Station

    *June 18th—Monk & the Po Boys @ SandDollar LV

    *June 19th—The Funk Jam @ SandDollar LV

    *June 20th—Chris Tofield Band @ SandDollar LV

    *June 20-22—Dead & Co. @ The Sphere

    *June 20th –Melvin Seals w/ JGB @ BBLV, late night

    *June 21st—Mega-Scopes @ The Usual Place

    *June 21st—My Fellow Astronauts @ SandDollar LV

    *June 21st—Pink Talking Fish are Dead @ BBLV, late night

    *June 22nd—The Bacon Bros. @ Primm

    *June 22nd –The Moanin’ Blacksnakes @ SandDollar LV

    *June 23rd—Daryl Hall, Elvis Costello, & Charlie Sexton @ Fountainbleau

    *June 27th—Down South Jukers @ SandDollar LV

    *June 28th/29th –Shaky Feelin’ @ Garage Mahall

    *June 29th—Jimmy Carpenter Band @ SandDollar LV

    Next Meeting:  (Officers’/Committee Heads—VIRTUAL) Tuesday, July 2nd, 7 PM

    Location: online virtual (Jessica to create GoogleMeet invite soon!)

  • May 07, 2024 7:00 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

    MAY 2024 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: May 7, 2024

    Meeting Start: 6:45 PM

    Location: Village Pub (airport) after Tree Memorial

    Attendees:  Jessica G., Greg S., Paige T., Liani D., Jimmy C.

    Item 1: President’s Report (Jessica): “Let’s get this started--a bit earlier than usual!  It was a nice Memorial Tree gathering.  Glad you all could make it!”

    A.  Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas (BBLV) confirmed comp events for May are as follows—some offered to ‘Members Only’ and others will be offered to ‘Members & Friends of’ (offering them to join LVJBS as a  May & June Member for $10--having a chance in the upcoming lotteries for May & June—Jessica to create that email soon.):

    --5/3: Cypress Hill (was open to Members & Friends of/Supporters of) (10 tix) 

    --5/10:  Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe (increased to 20 tix)  (*Members)

    --5/17:  Phoenix (10 tix)  (*friends of)

    --5/18:  LP Giobbi Dead House (10 tix) (late night) (*friends of)

    --5/25: Jerry’s Middle Finger (late night)  (10 tix)  (*friends of)

    --5/26:  Jerry’s Middle Finger (late night) (20 tix)  (*friends of)

    --5/30:  Eggy (late night) (10 tix)  (*friends of)

    --5/31:  Eggy (late night)  (10 tix)  (*friends of)

    * Will submit our June/July requests soon, at the end of each month for the upcoming month:

    --6/7:  Led Zeppelin 2 (late night)

    --6/8:  Led Zeppelin 2 (late night)

    --6/20:  Melvin Seals & JGB (late night)

    --6/21:  Pink Talking Fish are Dead (late night)

    --7/6:  Circles Around the Sun (late night)

    --7/10:  Dark Star Orchestra

    --8/17:  The Dead South

    --8/30:  Thievery Corporation

    (Tickets are now sent to Jessica’s ‘Ticketmaster’ Account and then, transferred to the ‘lotto-winners’ Ticketmaster accounts before each event. This helped alleviate the box office lines.  The first distributed event (Cypress Hill) was successful with no concerns or issues.)

    B. Greg will be making contact with Andrew at Virgin Hotel for their upcoming events to see if they would like to partner up for advertisement help/ticket exchanges:

    (Upcoming: Virgin Theater—Ziggy Marley w/ Lettuce (7/17), Australian Pink Floyd (8/17), America (8/23), & WSP (9/20-9/22) & Upcoming: Virgin Event Lawn-- The Movement (6/21))

    C.  Adopt-A-Highway was postponed from 5/5 due to the high wind advisory & changed to June 2 since the May weekends are busy with Mother’s Day and the Dead & Co. shows/late nights.

    D.A few of the Officers & Committee Heads worked a little more on the Archive data for ‘Cinco de Archive’.  We will plan another gathering to work on some more.  Date TBD.

    E.KUNV advertising for May/June radio spots—the communication between Lanice and myself has been unsuccessful.  Messages left on both ends, calls replied to, and nothing since. We decided to give one more attempt for the June/July radio spots instead. More info TBD.

    F.Greg added Liani to our Facebook Admin. to assist in any tasks that might need extra help.  Liani knows to avoid making any page deletions or changes without an Officer’s direction.

    G. Paige has been helpful in getting any emails removed from our database that have been ‘bounced back’ from recently sent emails & in helping to edit any emails for which yahoo.com is preferred over any of the gmail.com, etc.

    H. The homepage of the website has now been edited, removing the Dec. 2023 events that were still showing.

    I. Mojave Blue will be playing The Composer’s Room on Monday, 5/15 at 6 PM.  We all agree that this will be a good time for us to check it out—seeing the ‘behind the scenes’ rooms, etc.

    J.  Greg to make contact with Robert S. in regards to our mentioned ‘LVJBS table’ at the upcoming SHAKEDOWN VEGAS events.  Will we need to provide a table or will one be provided for us?  Indoors/Outdoors? 

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report & PRODUCTION Report (Greg):

    *Review of last month’s contacts:

    • A.    Alligators – No update—Name and info sent to Robert S. for the Shakedown Vegas event.
    • B.    Eminence Ensemble (after-show inquiry) – – No update—Name and info sent to Robert S. for the Shakedown Vegas event.
    • C.    David Nelson Band – – No update—Name and info sent to Robert S. for the Shakedown Vegas event.
    • D.   Mums the Word – Goldmine Tavern is confirmed for 5/23 & 5/24 for Dead and Co pre-party at Shakedown Vegas.

    New contact:

    • A.   Promotors have made contact regarding an event with Steve Parrish (from Sirius XM 23’s Grateful Dead) is looking for a future gig of his Steve Parrish & Friends (includes a comedy routine, Q & A session, and some special guests).  They would require transportation and lodging.  Also, a side project of Kevin Scott (from Gov’t Mule) whose band incorporates professional wrestling and a possible Ric Flair (wrestling legend) as an emcee.  (We decided we are not interested at this time due to the costs and possible lack of LVJBS interest.)
    • B.    SHAKY FEELIN’ wants to return to LVJBS.  Greg to make contact with GARAGE MAHALL in regards to a June 28 & 29 event.  (We would need 100 people at a $10 cover to break even, each night.)  More info TBD.

    Item 3:  Treasurer’s Report (Paige):

    • A.  Scholarship update – The check for the $1500 has cleared, so that is now taken care of. We are awaiting the correspondence from the recipients.  More info TBD.
    • B.   Virgin Hotel (RE:  Cubensis’ 24 Oxford event) Legal paperwork is still needed. Greg made contact once again with Andrew for follow-up.
    • C.   Michael Mehr (CPA) will soon review our 2023 taxes and annual tax forms.  He has kindly offered to help the LVJBS out.
    • D.  Archive: There was an old invoice for the Area51.com website domain, which no longer exists.  The LVJBS.org has been renewed for 2025, with Dan R. still being in charge—sending invoices to Paige, when needed.
    • E.   PayPal account: We decided to keep it active in case the future website (if decided to be changed) can be used as a payment hub.
    • F.   Smith’s Grocery Rewards ‘Activate’ new participants:  Jessica to scan/make a Facebook post with the ‘how to directions’ & Liani to create an email to send to the LVJBS.
    • G.  Jam Band Societies of America:  Greg to contact the other chapters (in different cities) to share the ‘how-to’ make their societies a 2nd chapter or 3rd chapter of the JBS of America. 
    • H.  Paige will soon reply to a recently received email on behalf of the recipients (sent to some past/present Officers) concerning an expected payment from a provided invoice from some created artwork with the LVJBS name. We will ensure that the ‘steps to follow from now on’ for future ‘business deals’ will be shared in the email and ensure the Artist is aware of the ‘past recognition’ that was given.  We are sorry there was a miscommunication in what was needed/provided. (More info to be shared at our next meeting.)
    • I.   We will soon look into a possible new website instead of keeping the pricey WildApricot.  WIX.com was mentioned by Liani. (More info to be discussed at the July 2024 Officers’ Meeting.)
    • Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Angela--absent):
    • A.    Jessica taking notes on the provided agenda
    • Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Shana):
    • A.    COLOR:  Bodacious Blue (in excitement for our pools starting to open!)
    • B.    Shae McKenzie Young (of the DOWN SOUTH JUKERS—Southern rock band w/ horn section, featuring Derek Jordan) has asked that we keep them in mind when booking gigs.
    • Item 6: Open Floor (all): 
    •                         N/A

    --5/3:   Cypress Hill @ BBLV

    --5/10:  Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe @ BBLV

    --5/10:  Dune Baboons (6-9 PM) @ SandDollar LV

    --5/10:  Ian Crawford & Cosmic Miles @ SandDollar LV

    --5/10:  Matt Axton & Dead Winter Carpenters @ SandDollar Plaza

    --5/11:  The Moanin’ Blacksnames @ SandDollar LV

    --5/11:  The Rolling Stones @ Allegiant Stadium

    --5/11:  Blues Traveler @ Primm Resorts

    --5/11: Soul Juice Band @ Lake Las Vegas

    --5/13:  Mojave Blue @ The Composers Room

    --5/16-18:  Dead & Co. @ The Sphere

    --5/16:  Jimmy Carpenter @ SandDollar LV

    --5/17:  The Latin Dead (late night) @ Backstage Bar & Billiards

    --5/17:  Phoenix @ BBLV

    --5/17:  DJ Logic & Friends @ SandDollar Plaza (late night)

    --5/18:  Pearl Jam @ MGM Grand

    --5/18: DJ Logic & Friends @ SandDollar Plaza (late night)

    --5/18:  Catfish John @ SandDollar LV

    --5/18:  BCBC @ Tuscany Resorts (late night)

    --5/18:  LP Giobbi Dead House (late night) @ BBLV

    --5/19:  Dan Fester @ SandDollar LV

    --5/21:  Chris Tofield Band @ SandDollar LV

    --5/23:  The Wailers @ SandDollar Plaza

    --5/25: Jerry’s Middle Finger (late night) @ BBLV

    --5/26: Jerry’s Middle Finger (late night) @ BBLV

    --5/26:  Jimmy Carpenter @ SandDollar LV

    --5/30-6/1:  Dead & Co. @ The Sphere

    --5/30: Eggy (late night) @ BBLV

    --5/30:  Blue River Band @ SandDollar LV

    --5/31: Eggy (late night)  @ BBLV

    --5/31:  Ian Crawford & Cosmic Miles @ SandDollar LV

    Meeting adjourned:  8:00 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, June 4, 2024 @ 7 PM  

                                 (all Members’/Guests meeting)

    Location:  TBD  (possibly Village Pub (airport) again or a new spot!?)

  • April 09, 2024 10:55 AM | Angela Carlson (Administrator)

    Date: April 2, 2024

    Meeting Start: 7:01 PM

    Location: Virtual (Officers & Committee Heads)

    Attendees:  Jessica G., Greg S., Paige T., Angela C., Shana B.

    Item 1: President’s Report (Jessica): “Alright! Welcome all … We are in our 4th month, second quarter of the year already!”

    • A.    BBLV announced some of their employees moving on – One being one of our ticket advertisement/comp ticket connections (Kirk Reed). Jessica communicated with the other contacts from the March lottery tickets to see what ‘April’ tickets they might want to share with us.

      • BBLV replied and offered 10 comp tickets in exchange for event promotion for the following shows – Eggy April 18th, Lil’ Smokies Bluegrass Brunch, April 21st, Front 242 & Nitzer Ebb, April 25th, LP Giobbi, April 21st
      • Names are due to them by 4/16. Jessica will work on the GoogleForm to send to paid members asking for replies by noon, Sunday, 4/14.
    B.   Our March Adopt-A-Highway roadside clean-up happened. Before the next clean-up event, Jessica will notify NDot (per their request) of the date, as well as their needed data (# of bags) afterward, so they can alert one of their crews to stop by and collect the picked-up trash bags.

    C. Officers met at the Gutzats after the March Adopt-A-Highway clean-up to Inventory the LVJBS Archive. The next Inventory meeting will be on SUNDAY, MAY 5th at the Gutzats. We are considering our next Adopt-A-Highway roadside clean-up on this day as well.

    D.    LVJBS Memorial Tree Anniversary Event is planned for TUESDAY, MAY 7th @ 4:20 PM - with the MAY Officers/Committee meeting being held across the street at VILLAGE PUB (Sunset/Eastern—behind the 7-11) afterward. Jessica to send a reminder message to JFree this week. 
    E.    Advertising with KUNV for April/May. We discussed a 30-second clip about the LVJBS with a familiar jam band in the background. Greg will help create the content for the clip.
    F.     Greg will help add Liani as a Facebook Admin
    G.   Many people have inquired about ‘how to vend’ at Robert Shatzer’s recently announced TUSCANY SHAKEDOWN VEGAS events.  Robert asked us to share his name and the vendor form with anyone who makes contact & to have them say ‘the LVJBS sent ‘em’.
    H.   Robert (& his Tuscany crew of four) is asking for help on a viral-video-ad He wants to make…A variety of people saying ‘SHAKEDOWN VEGAS’ in “funny voices/accents”. The Tolsons plan to bring the LVJBS banner to the Sand Dollar and record a video.
    I.     DONATION of the two FLUTES can take place on FRIDAY, APRIL 12th @ 9 AM for 30 minutes.  The Band Director at Las Vegas High School (E. Sahara & Tree Line Road, near Hollywood) was excited and grateful to hear of our donation.  He wanted their ‘advanced band’ to be in class to share a song or two with those who attend. We’ll be meeting at the school around 8:50 AM to sign-in, get a Visitor’s Badge and will leave by 9:30 AM.
    J.   Tiffany B. reached out concerning how the LVJBS Membership info on our website reads:  Single Membership/Couples Membership/Friend of LVJBS (non-Member)…It reads they will be notified of events and “eligible for open ticket offers”.  She asks if those ‘Friends of’ are eligible for lotteries, etc. if the $10/mo. isn’t paid. Jessica told her that it is for random shows, depending on finding more venues & not necessarily the BBLV or VIRGIN ones, unless there are extras. We discussed editing the wording on the website. (Greg to send new wording/edits.)
    K.     WEBSITE:  Still reads December 2023 events on the homepage. We discussed the needed edits so Liani can help us make changes.

    Item 2: Vice President’s Report & PRODUCTION Report (Greg)PRODUCTION REPORT (Greg):
    • A.    Alligators – Greg replied their way via email on 3/31. He’s providing bands that reach out with interest in playing during Dead & Co. residency with Robert Shatzer’s information. We are still seeking a cost-effective venue to host events.

    • B.    PLANK – has reached out asking for support advertising the SDLV event

    • C.   Eminence Ensemble (after-show inquiry) – pending venue location

    • D.    David Nelson Band – Virgin Pool during Shakedown event

    • E.    Mums the Word – Goldmine 05/23 for Dead and Co pre-party. Seeking a venue for 05/06.

    • F.    Wall of Sound – booked 04/20. Sent a video to LVJBS to help promote show.

    • G.    Marcus Rezak

    • H.   Lightening Dan and Crawdads


     Item 3:  Treasurer’s Report (Paige):

    A.    Scholarship update – We are still waiting for an invoice so we can make the payment. Expecting to have it by next Friday. The top 5 candidates will be sent to Paige. We will pick the top 2 by the next meeting.

    B.     Business cards – Paige will send a new email to Angela, Shana, and Liani for their business cards. We are considering a Basic LVJBS business card to share, possibly with a QR code.

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Angela):

    A.    Jessica provided her agenda to Angela to help with meeting notes.

    Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Shana):
    A.    COLOR:  Turquoise

    B.    New Venue Update

    a.     Beach House – Connected with Omar. He’s very nice and friendly. They don’t charge a cover. More of a low-key with events like Oldies-night.

    b.     Composer’s Room –They are excited about any new genre of music. Liani will be there 6-9 PM on Friday if anyone would like to check out the venue. They do not four-wall. The performer is more like an employee if you perform there.

    c.     Fat Cat –They have a great stage. No gaming. Could charge a cover.

    Item 6: Open Floor (all):

    A.    Updating upcoming events on our website (Paige). The plan is to discuss with Liani. 


    4/6 - Jimmy Carpenter @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM

    4/7 – Chris Tofield Band @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM 

    4/9 – LVBS presents Mark Hummel @ SandDollar Plaza, 10 PM

    4/12- Herbie Hancock @ The Pearl, 8 PM

    4/12 –Float Like A Buffalo @ SandDollar Plaza, 10 PM

    4/13 – Float Like A Buffalo @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM

    4/13 – The Benders @ SandDollar Plaza, 10 PM

    4/13 – Brown Chicken Brown Cow @ Hammers Bar & Grill, 8 PM

    4/18 – Eggy @ BBLV, 11:30 PM

    4/18 – Jimmy Carpenter & Joe Marcineck @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM

    4/18-4/21-  Phish @ The Sphere, 8 PM

    4/19 – Mega-Scopes @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM

    4/19 – LP Giobbi (Dead House) @ BBLV 11 PM

    4/19 – DJ Logic & Friends @ SandDollar Plaza, 10 PM

    4/20 – DJ Logic & Friends @ SandDollar Plaza, 11:30 PM

    4/20 – Catfish John @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM

    4/20 – Wall of Sound @ Fremont Country Club, 10 PM

    4/20 – LP Giobbi (Dead House) @ BBLV, 11 PM

    4/21 – Planck @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM

    4/21 – Bluegrass Brunch You In The Eye Feat The Lil Smokies @ BBLV, 12 PM

    4/21 – LP Giobbi (Dead House) @ BBLV, 11 PM

    4/23 – Khruangbin @ BBLV, 7 PM

    4/24 – Khruangbin @ BBLV, 7 PM

    4/22 – Swayze Crazy & Friends @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM

    4/25 – Carlos Guerrero & Friends @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM

    4/26 – Ian Crawford & Cosmic Miles @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM

    4/26- Adam Ant & The English Beat @ Virgin Lawn, 7 PM

    4/27 – The Moanin Blacksnakes @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM

    4/28 – Red Eye Gin Ft. Krantz @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM

    4/29 – The Funk Jam @ SandDollar LV, 10 PM

    Meeting adjourned:  8:15 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, May 7th, 2024; 7pm (After Memorial Tree Anniversary Event)

    Location:  VILLAGE PUB (Sunset/Eastern)

  • March 11, 2024 7:22 PM | Angela Carlson (Administrator)

    MARCH 2024 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

    Date: March 5, 2024

    Meeting Start: 7:08 PM

    Location: In-Person @ Crown & Anchor

    Attendees:  Jessica G., Greg S., Paige T., Angela C., Shana B., Johnnie T., Robert Shatzer, Liani DeGeeter, David DeGeeter, Jeffrey T., David DeGroot., Scott T., Steve Smith

    Item 1: President’s Report (Jessica): “Welcome to our first, in-person, Members’ meeting of 2024.”

    • A.    Quick reminder of how our meetings proceed:  Officer reports, Committee Heads Reports, and Open Floor Discussion of topics.
    • B.     In exchange for future advertising support, BBLV offered 10 comp tickets for the next 2 shows – Lukas Nelson and Badfish-Tribute to Sublime. (Other events/ad-teaming were requested & more info TBA.)
    • a.     Members were emailed a google form to fill out to enter lottery for a complimentary ticket. The deadline to enter is noon on Thursday, March 7th.
    • C.     Emailed with Lanice at KUNV regarding what they can do for advertisement help for $200. We did receive a response and plan to discuss, 6 total time slots to be run on Sunday’s in April, 2x each Sunday. VP & President will discuss specific content for the ad/music clips in background, etc. (Confirmed details TBD.)
    • D.    Thank you to Liani and her company JUKE HOUSE for being a wonderful help in sharing the info from the Facebook page to our WildApricot members’ emails. JUKE HOUSE is a non-profit that supports music in Las Vegas, including the Blues Society. (Liani)
    • E.     Social Media Committee – Liani was nominated Social Media Committee head by Jessica and seconded by Paige.
    • F.     Instrument Donation – The donated 2 FLUTES are at Kessler & Sons for any needed repairs. Possibly readied for pick-up Tuesday, March 5. A date to donate the Flutes to a local High School Band TBD.
    • G.     ‘Archive’ database & ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY Event – We picked the date for the Officers/Committee Heads to go to the Gutzats’ to work on the ‘Archive’ database. It will be after the ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY event Sunday, 3/24 @ 9 AM…Approx. time 10:45 AM
    • H.    LVJBS Memorial Tree Anniversary event has been planned for TUESDAY, MAY 7th @ Sunset Park (4:20 PM Drum Circle Gathering with JFree leading the event.) 
    • I.     Officers’ MAY Meeting is that first Tuesday, May 7th at 7 PM. Our meeting will be at nearby bar after the Memorial Tree event, not virtual.
    • J.     Shana would like to help more in her role as Mayor and will offer support in finding and contacting potential new venues.
    • K.     Venues to check/contact - Composer’s Room, Beverly Theater, Craig Ranch, Beach House (formerly Shakespeare’s Pub on Coronado Center, near South Eastern), Jammin On, The Space LV, Downtown Dollar, The Artisan (now called the Lexi, the first official cannabis friendly venue)


    Item 2: Vice President’s Report & PRODUCTION Report (Greg):


    • A.   Dogs In a Pile are unable to play in April for Phish afterparty. (They will be playing L.A., San Diego, and Phoenix during that weekend.)
    • B.   Eminence Ensemble (Colorado). They would like to play during Dead & Co, Sphere Residency. (Have yet to respond back, as not sure what BBLV is doing yet.)
    • C.   Marcus Rezak – Interested in playing Dead & Co after show
    • D.   Eric Raaen – managing Lightening Dan & Crawdads. More info to be discussed on Officers FB Page.
    • E.    Wall of Sound – Phish after party has been moved to Saturday, 4/20
    • F.    Shaky Feelin’ – will contact the Sand Dollar about a future date in June
    • G.   The Ear Mites– future interest/no dates, but will contact when dates are known.
    • H.   DEAD MUSICIAN SUPER JAM (a Dead/Phish Super Jam) & band, CHANK’s member from the Bay Area looking into a hotel “like Circus Circus, or near the Sphere, to play a pre-Phish Happy Hour or AfterShow, offering a fundraising collaboration with the LVJBS (Will make contact back once possible venues are known—referred to us by Pete Mason).
    • I.     Live Stream Phish during Sphere shows – Angela contacted LivePhish and received a response stating “the band cannot grant permission for public webcast viewings as they do not control all the rights needed to do so.”
    • J.    Dirk Quinn made contact in regards to a new project, 3-Piece Trio  who are hoping to do some recordings and future bookings.
    Item 3:  Treasurer’s Report (Paige):
    • A.   Business Cards - Still have not heard back from Angela and Shana regarding business cards. Will get a business card for Liani.
    • B.    Comp Ticket Lottery – Wild Apricot may be the best way to send mass emails –Liani and Jessica to learn/team on this. 

    Item 4: Secretary’s Report

    • A.   Jessica provided her agenda to Angela to help with meeting notes. 

    Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Shana):
    • A.   COLOR:  Green – St. Patrick’s Day

    Item 6: Open Floor (all):
    • A.  (Robert Shatzer) has been communicating with us via Facebook Messenger in regards to him organizing a large ‘Shakedown Street’ event in a ballroom-size area for many Deadheads to set up in over the Dead & Co. residency.  Sent him the ‘DreamFactory’ flyer (3500 sq. ft. event space) that Jerome Baker/Jen Krause had advertised.
    o   Alaska Music Conference
    o   15 minute walk from sphere, can fit 160 vendors
    o   Will always take locals
    o   Music daily, side room for art show
    o   Will do all 24 shows
    o   11-7pm
    o   Idea is a stand-alone event “dead-con”
    o   Needs help with creating a ‘Deadheads Guide to Las Vegas’. Specifically someone that knows how to sells ads. LVJVS would be given a free ad.
    o   LVJBS would also be given a free booth at the event.
    • B.   (JT) Was contacted by someone wanting to do a podcast after the Dead & Co. shows. It would be a contest where callers would guess what show and year of a particular song. Greg will follow up.
    • C.   (JT) NeonCRM (Luke Nesper) – At this time, we are not going to follow up since he last minute cancelled meetings twice.
    • D.  (Jessica)  Thoughts on a future LVJBS Friends & Family Event:  VGK Hockey Game, March 17th, 12:30 PM game ($60-80)?  Or, a Henderson Silver Knights game ($15-$20) (Possibly a Group event?)
    • o   Future consideration - Silver Knights game preferred (cheaper)
    • E.   (Jessica) Have been helping to advertise the upcoming September Bender Jamboree by leaving flyers/posters around town at various smoke shops/eateries.
    • F.   (Scott Tillotson) Announced a new band, My Favorite Astronauts. They play on June 15 at Goldmine Tavern.
    • G.   (JT ) He’s requested his phone number removed as the contact on the LVJBS website & the Officers names/info needs updating (listed on two pages of the website, with different names on the two).
    • H.  (Jessica)  ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY sign is new again (updated to read ‘LVJBS—Las Vegas Jam Band Society’) Next Event: Sun., 3/24, 9 AM
    • I.   (Jeffrey- ‘J-Free')
    • Memorial Tree Anniversary – May drum circle at Sunset Park. May 7th @4:20PM. (More details TBA).
    • Mickey Hart wants to do 20,000 glow-in-the-dark drum shakers (more into TBD)
    • Provided the $1000 check from Tecopa Takeover 2023 (from the raffle donations)
    • 3/1- Dave Matthews Band @ Park MGM, 8pm
    • 3/1 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ Las Vegas Brewing Company 7pm
    • 3/1 & 3/2- Madonna @ TMobile Arena, 7pm
    • 3/2 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ The Pub Lake Las Vegas 8:30pm
    • 3/3—Jerry Joseph & Kareeta @ SandDollar LV, 10pm
    • 3/3 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ Rhythm & Riffs Lounge 8pm
    • 3/8- Lucas Nelson + POTR @ BBLV, 8pm
    • 3/8- Moanin’ Blacksnakes @ Goldmine Tavern, 8pm
    • 3/8 - Hot Trash Express @ Mickie Finnz 10pm
    • 3/8 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ Marlin Bar @ Town Square 5pm
    • 3/9- Badfish (Sublime Tribute) @ BBLV, 8pm
    • 3/9- Sage Courageous @ Jackpot Bar, 8pm
    • 3/9 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ Blvd Grille (Brunch) 12pm
    • 3/9 & 3/10:  311 @ Park MGM, 8pm

    • 3/11 - The Smokestacks @ SandDollar LV 10pm
    • 3/14 - The Benders @ SandDollar LV 10pm
    • 3/15 - Leather & Lace @ SandDollar Plaza 10pm
    • 3/15 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ Marlin Bar – Town Square 5pm
    • 3/16 - The Benders @ Gold Mine Tavern 8pm
    • 3/16-  Catfish John @ SandDollar LV
    • 3/16- U2 & Police Tribute Band @ Casablanca Resort, Mesquite, NV, 8pm
    • 3/16-  Journey & Toto @ Mandalay Bay Events Center 8pm
    • 3/17 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ Rhythm & Riffs Lounge 8pm
    • 3/18-  Carvin Jones (King of Strings) @ SandDollar Plaza
    • 3/20-  RumoursATL (Fleetwood Mac tribute) @ 24Oxford, 8pm
    • 3/22 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ Marlin Bar – Town Square 5pm
    • 3/22 - Mojave Blue @ Gold Mine Tavern 8pm
    • 3/22-  Bruce Springsteen @ TMobile, 8pm
    • 3/22-  BCBC @ SandDollar LV, 10pm
    • 3/23 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ Blvd Grille (Brunch) 12pm
    • 3/23 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ Big Dog Brewing Company 7pm
    • 3/28 - The Smokestacks @ SandDollar LV 10pm
    • 3/29 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ Las Vegas Brewing Company 7pm
    • 3/29-  Jimmy Carpenter Band @ SandDollar LV, 10pm
    • 3/30 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ Pkwy Tavern Volunteer 8pm
    • 3/30 - Marissa Hollenback @ Boulder Dam Brewing Co. 4pm
    • 3/31 – Donzo’s Cosmos @ Rhythm & Riffs Lounge 8pm
    • 3/31 - Red Eye Gin @ Voodoo Brewery 12pm
    • 3/31- Red Eye Gin @ SandDollar LV 10pm

    Meeting adjourned:

      8:56 PM

    Next Meeting(s):  April 2, 2024 (Virtual for Officers/Committee Heads)


    May 7, 2024 (In-person for Officers/Committee Heads, after Memorial Tree event @ Village Pub, Sunset)

  • February 08, 2024 11:19 AM | Angela Carlson (Administrator)
    • Date: February 6, 2024

    • Meeting Start: 7:11 PM

      Location: Virtual (Officers)

      Attendees:  Jessica G., Greg S., Paige T., Angela C.

    • Item 1: President’s Report (Jessica): “We’re off to a good start to 2024!”

    • A.   Our first LVJBS show, CUBENSIS, was a success! The band members had a great time and were happy to return to Las Vegas. Approximately 148 tickets were sold and 80 tickets with House Seats. We anticipate receiving payment in the next few weeks.
    • B.   The BBLV shows and the comp tickets went well.  All recipients showed up except one who will be removed from the next available ticket-comp lottery. I will continue to create Google Forms for future Lotteries since that seemed to work well.
    • C.   I was able to leave a Fundraising brochure with the box office of BBLV.  JT will also mail one in.
    • D.   Left a message & sent an email follow-up for Lanice at KUNV regarding what they can do for advertisement help for $200.  Awaiting a return call/email. We hope to promote membership for LVJBS.
    • E.   Liani and her company JUKE HOUSE have been a wonderful help in sharing the info from the Facebook page to our WildApricot members’ emails.  Liani is now an honorary member. At the next meeting, we will vote to create a Social Media Committee and nominate her as the Committee Head.
    • F.   Liani has added the LVJBS as an LVBS sponsor for their website we will do the same.
    • G.   The two FLUTES we have had donated from one of the SaddlesNSpurs patrons will be brought to my school’s music directors to send to the repair/check-up shop (Kessler & Sons) to let us know if they can do a little tune-up or let us know what might be needed before our Springtime donation to the High School band.  More info TBD.
    • H.   We need to pick a date for the Officers/Committee Heads to go to the Gutzats’ to work on the ‘Archive’ database/pot-luck.
    • I.   The last two Adopt-a-Highway events were canceled due to weather. One possibility is to schedule work on ‘Archive’ database and Adopt-a-Highway event on same day.
    • J.   Attended the LVBS’s Membership Appreciation Luncheon @ The Composer’s Room in the Commercial Center on East Sahara.  This room has a great stage area with moveable tables for a close-up dance floor space and a bar in a separate area from the stage (possibly for all-age events?) The food from the chefs, that the LVBS provided, was very enjoyable.  The room seems to open in the evenings at 5 PM for music/dinner, but could possibly be rented out for evening events or daytime events like the LVBS Membership event (1 PM-5 PM). The LVBS had photos shared on the screen from their past year’s events/celebrations while folks were entering and mingling.  Also, had projected photos being shared while the musicians were performing.  The LVBS President shared a slideshow of their 2023 recap, their sponsors, and their membership list of names, and gave the LVJBS and myself a shout-out about wanting a future collaboration. Could this be a possible venue?
    • K.     Venues to check out:  Craig Ranch Amphitheater and the Beverly Theater.
    • L.     Our Mayor, Shana, has mentioned what she can be doing to help out more as Mayor instead of simply ‘choosing the safety-alert color’.  Thoughts:  LVJBS Meet-up-at-the Movies for the upcoming BOB MARLEY movie?  Maybe contacting Regal Theaters or Brenden Theaters of the Palms Casino for a 10-pack of tickets to lottery off & make a ‘Meet-up-at-the Movies’ event for the LVJBS to attend? And/or contacting the mentioned new venues (Composer’s Room, Beverly Theater, Craig Ranch) regarding pricing or sharing some of the door proceeds for future events?
    • M.   The Google Spreadsheet will soon be made with a list of upcoming local events where we can ALL jump in the ‘live document’ and add notes of what has been done/what’s still needed so it helps with communicating the tasks.
    • N.  Robert Shatzer has been communicating with us via Facebook Messenger in regards to him organizing a large ‘Shakedown Street’ event in a ballroom-size area (possibly the Venetian) for many Deadheads to set up in over the Dead & Co. residency.  Sent him the ‘DreamFactory’ flyer (3500 sq. ft. event space) that Jerome Baker and Jen Krause had advertised.  He has also been invited to our March public meeting (Tuesday, March 5th, 7 PM—Location - Rocky’s). Our last correspondence was that things were moving in a positive direction for him, but nothing more to report.
    • O.  We are working with Jon at Blackspy Marketing to get fliers and other promotional material for Bender Jamboree.
    • P.   Phish/Dead & Co. after shows: We spoke of possible Phish live Stream before after shows.
    • Item 2: Vice President’s Report & PRODUCTION Report (Greg):

    • A.    Tanner of Eminence Ensemble & Josh Eckhaus of The Great Divide (Phish Tribute) made contact to our LVJBS Facebook messenger in regards to a Dead & Co. aftershow(s). Greg plans to put them in touch with the Sand Dollar.
    • B.    Dogs In a Pile are a consideration for Friday, April 19 for Phish afterparty. We discussed options for a venue. 24-Oxford is already booked.
    • C.    Live Stream Phish during Sphere shows – Angela will make contact Phish regarding options for legally streaming to large groups.
    • D.    Shaky Feeling – Did not work out as a Phish afterparty at the Sand Dollar. We are considering a 2-day event sometime in March at Garage-Mahal and will discuss with Matt & Diane.
    • E.    Wall of Sound – They have booked a venue on Fremont Street for afterparty after first Phish show at the Sphere. They might need additional help with ticket sales/ advertising.
    • Item 3:  Treasurer’s Report (Paige):

    • A.    $33.26, from 8-housholds have signed up with Smiths as part of our community outreach using their Smith’s rewards number.  Greg will do more research on what additional businesses give proceeds to non-profits that we could participate in.
    • B.     Decided to keep same box instead of the option of paying less. This will help us in having to change out addresses & info for the current box
    • C.     22 albums in the Archive were sold for $100 to member Keith K.
    • D.    We need to confirm how much we can donate for scholarship money after figuring out if any monies are coming our way from the Tecopa Takeover raffle.
    • Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Angela):

    • A.    Jessica provided her agenda to Angela to help with meeting notes.


       Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Shana)

         A.    COLOR:  San Fran Kan Red AKA Taylor Swift Red

        Item 6: Open Floor (all):

    • A.    LVJBS Memorial Tree Anniversary is coming up.  We're looking into a Tuesday, May 7th, 4:20 PM Drum Circle gathering @ the Sunset Park Memorial location.  Jessica to contact JFree & Frobi for assistance. More info TBD.

    • Feb 9th – Chris Tofield Band @ The Sand Dollar LV (Blues)
    • Feb 10th – Catfish John @ The Sand Dollar LV
    • Feb 10th – Carlos Guerrero & Friends @ Sand Dollar Downtown
    • Feb 10th - Headz or Tailz @ The Hideaway
    • Feb 14th – Trevor & The Swinging Johnsons @ Sand Dollar LV
    • Feb 15th – Jimmy Does Jerry @ Sand Dollar LV (Blues)
    • Feb 16th - Matisyahu @BBLV
    • Feb 16th – Carlos Guerrero & Friends @ Sand Dollar Downtown
    • Feb 16th – Brown Chicken Brown Cow @ The Goldmine Tavern
    • Feb 17th – The Grateful Zone (Joel Martin) @ Voodoo Brewing
    • Feb 17th Haleamano (Reggae, Roots, & R& B) @ Winchester Theater
    • Feb 18th – Ian Crawford & Cosmic Miles @ Sand Dollar LV
    • Feb 18th – LVBS Blue Jam @ Saddle N Spurs
    • Feb 18th – Gov’t Mule @ The Pearl
    • Feb 18th – Tool @ T-Mobile Arena
    • Feb 18th - Damian & Stephen Marley @ House of Blues

    • Feb 21st – The Funk Jam @ Sand Dollar LV (Funk)
    • Feb 23rd – The Moanin’ Blacksnakes @ Sand Dollar LV (Blues/Rock)
    • Feb 24th – My Fellow Astronauts @ Sand Dollar LV
    • Feb 25th – Chris Tofield Btand @ Sand Dollar LV (Blues)
    • Feb 29th - LA Vation (U2 tribute band) @ Sand Dollar Downtown
    • Feb 29th - Extreme w/ Living Colour @ Virgin Theater
    • March 1st - Dave Matthews Band @ Park MGM
    • March 8th - Lucas Nelson & POTR @ BBLV
    • March 8th - Sara Patterson @ GoldMine Tavern
    • March 9th - Badfish (Sublime tribute) @ BBLV
    • March 16th - Journey & Toto @ Mandalay Bay Arena
    • March 20th - RumoursATL (Fleetwood Mac tribute) @ 24Oxford
    • March 22nd - Bruce Springsteen @ T-Mobile Arena

    Meeting adjourned:  8:37pm

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, March 5, 2024; 7pm

    Location:  Rocky’s or TBD

  • January 07, 2024 7:39 PM | Angela Carlson (Administrator)
    • JANUARY 2024 LVJBS Officers/Committee Meeting Minutes 

      Date: January 2, 2023 

      Meeting Start: 7:02 PM

      Location: Virtual (Officers)

      Attendees:  Jessica G., Greg S., Paige T., Angela C., Shana B., Johnnie T.

      Item 1: President’s Report (Jessica):   “Happy New Year everyone!”

    • A.    For virtual officer meetings Jessica is able to use her work account safely for no-limit GoogleMeets.
    • B.     JT will share the spreadsheet for brochures with other officers once complete. He has sent out 100 so far.  (He had 100 printed and is working on getting them addressed and out.)
    • C.     Recap of the need for new venue:
    • We are looking for a venue without gaming that is willing to allow us to charge a cover. The goal is to establish a mutually beneficial relationship, possibly have an info table, 50/50 raffle, while helping them advertise while supporting a non-profit. We plan remove is to connect with “The Usual Place,” and The Sand Dollar. Many venues book out months in advance, which is a challenge. Las Vegas Blues Society’s President, Jimmy Carpenter is interested in a collaborative future event with us. Other venues we are considering contacting are Craig Ranch Amphitheater and the Beverly Theatre.
    • D.    Business Cards for Officers – We plan to order a smaller amount next time to keep information up to date cost effectively.
    • E.     Recap of Holidaze Party last month:
    • To compensate Matt, Diane, and Richard for hosting we plan to offer complimentary membership and recognize Richard as an “honorary” member. Another option is a gift card if they prefer. One port-a-potty was adequate.
    • F.     Instrument Donation – we plan to donate to a local school, a violin, guitar or trumpet. We will post on Facebook if someone has an instrument to donate. The goal is to donate before the end of school year, May 2024.
    • G.    JT made contact with Brooklyn Bowl in regards to once again providing comp-tix in exchange for advertising- has not received a response yet
    • H.    Committee Heads
    • We have had Archive and Fundraising committees in the past. JT volunteered to be head of the Fundraising Committee. We are in need of IT and Social Media Committees.
    • Item 2: Vice President’s Report & PRODUCTION Report (Greg):


    • A.    CUBENSIS is playing in Tempe, AZ on Thursday, 2/1 & asked about possibly coming here on Friday, 2/2.  Connected with Andrew Courtney about 24 Oxford at Virgin Hotel/Casino as possible venue. Andrew would provide hotel and passes for food. Thoughts on price are $10 for paid members, $15 advance, $20 night of. We would need 60-65 people to break even. He should have more information tomorrow.
    • B.    Plans to come up with date for last year’s mentioned golf event.
    • Item 3:  Treasurer’s Report (Paige):

    • A.    Adjusted membership invoices for new officers.
    • B.     Plans to connect with many key people in the community that are not on our email list.
    • C.     David de Groot invoice – he charged $75 for license plate stickers, $50 for his time, $75 for artwork for Holidaze party handout.

        Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Angela):
    • A.    Jessica sent last December’s meeting information and template for meeting notes.
        Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Shana):
    • A.    COLOR:  gold
    • B.     Goals for her position is to offer support in finding a new venue for events. 
       Item 6: Open Floor (all):
    • A.    Adopt-A-Highway Clean up-Event is scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 7, 9am
    • B.     Archive & Fundraiser Committee Heads will be invited to future Officer meetings.
    • C.     Officers/Committee Heads plan to document what is in the Archive in Feb. / March.
    • D.    We have a new Facebook page for officers. Angela and Shana are now Admins on Wild Apricot.
    • E.     It was suggested that we contact the BBLV to do a live stream party (@ the venue) for the Phish Sphere show(s) for those that did not have tickets but would still like to watch the shows. They could charge a small fee. It’s close to the Sphere venue!  More info TBD.

    *Jan. 5th—That1Guy @ The Usual Place

    *Jan. 5th—WildChild (Doors Tribute) @ House of Blues

    *Jan. 5th—BCBC @ SaddlesNSpurs

    * Jan 7th – Swayze Crawford Band @ The Sand Dollar LV

    *Jan. 11th—Caden Powell & the Ne-er Do Wells @ SandDollar LV

    * Jan 13th – Chris Tofield Band @ The Sand Dollar LV

    * Jan 20th --Ian Crawford & Cosmic Miles @ The Sand Dollar LV

    *Jan. 20th—Collective Soul @ The Pearl

    *Jan. 20th—SpaceProm @ The Usual Place

    * Jan 25th – Keller Williams @ Brooklyn Bowl

    * Jan 26th – Jimmy Plays Jerry @The Sand Dollar LV

    * Jan 27th – Jimmy Carpenter Band @ The Sand Dollar – Downtown

    *Jan. 27th—G3 (Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai) @ The Westgate Theater

    * Jan 28th – Chris Tofield Band @ The Sand Dollar LV

    *Jan 28th – Pink Talking Fish @ Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas (BBLV)

    *Jan. 29th—Unique Masive @ Sand Dollar LV

    * Feb. 1st – Lettuce @ Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas

    *Feb. 5th—Swayze Crawford Band @ SandDollar LV



    Meeting adjourned:  8:00 PM

    Next Meeting:  Tuesday, February 6, 2024

    Location:  Virtual  (Officers/Committee Heads)


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