Members’ Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2017
Meeting Begins: 7:45PM @ Tenaya Creek Brewery
In attendance: John, Paige, Jessica, Kathy
Called to order (JT):
*The relationship with RELIX magazine and our volunteer table has been positive. We are now working with RELIX’s Bradley T. (& Brian H.).
Mr. Peter Shapiro came by, during the WEEN table, thanking the LVJBS for our service and help. He took a photo of the table and of an outdated clipboard/sign-up sheet—instructing his people to correct it.
President’s Report (Greg):
Vice President’s Report (Johnnie):
*List of potential investors for the mentioned, future LVJBS Clubhouse were sent.
Recipients include: Zappos, Relix Inc., Agassi Foundation.
Treasurer’s Report (Paige):
*Money has been given back to us from the AMAZONSMILES, for the 2016, 4Q ($12.64)
*No response back from Panera Bread Co. for the ‘Friends & Family’ night. Possible date(s)= TBD.
*Membership cards have been ordered for paid members. 155 cards. Same style at 2016, with different year of expiration.
Secretary’s Report (Jessica):
*We still have to check with ‘Rocky’s Bar & Grill’, for a complimentary website ad-advertisement and/or discount, since we enjoy their establishment for our meetings/get togethers. More info TBD.
Mayor’s Report (Justin): ~absent~
…via former Mayor, Kathy
COLOR: Shimmering Shamrock Green
Committee Reports:
Membership Committee (JT): Calendars were sent out to paid members and only 3 were sent back, due to incorrect addresses.
Archive Committee (Kathy): No report.
No report. More details TBA.
*Kathy still working on contacting the Bunkhouse and the HideAway to see about the mentioned SHAKEY FEELIN’, April show, allowing us to charge at door/split/venue taking care of band’s needs. More details TBA.
Upcoming Brooklyn Bowl shows:
3/17: Umphrey’s McGee
3/23: Donavan Frankenrieter
3/28: Robert Randolph
3/31 & 4/1: STS9
4/15: Toots & the Maytals
4/15: The GarageMahal Takeover
4/23: Orgone & the Monophonics
*Mark your calendars for an upcoming ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY clean-up, SUNDAY, March 19th @ 9am.
It’s quick & easy with more people! The weather should be nice and it is a location with a ‘easy to get to’ drive and doesn’t take long! (Grabber tools, safety vests, and the collection bags are provided!) BRING YOUR FRIENDS!!!! J
Friends & Family Event:
*MARCH’s event will be a Orleans Bowling event, planned by Kathy, at THE ORLEANS, Saturday, March 11th, 3:30pm. $14 for 3 games/shoe rental.
*APRIL’s event will be a community ‘NO PLACE FOR HATE’, Springtime family walk through the ‘Springs Preserve’ on SUNDAY, APRIL 30th, 9-11am.
LVJBS has been given a discounted rate/50%off, for those who sign-up/pre-register, using the ‘code’ JAMBAND50A (for adult price of $10) and JAMBAND50K (kid’s price of $5). Wear those tie-dyes & LVJBS shirts! Look for the Facebook/WildApricot info invite soon! J
Next Meetings:
*Tuesday, April 4th & Tuesday, May 2nd for the Board of Directors/Officers, @ Rocky’s, 7:30pm.
*Tuesday, June 6th @ 7:30pm, for ALL MEMBERS’, OFFICERS, and FRIENDS.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:40pm