Members’ Meeting Minutes
January 3, 2017
Meeting Begins: 7:35PM @ Rocky’s.
Called to order (Greg): “Alright—Should we start this thing….or what? Well, it’s 2017…2016 was brutal—for pets, for people, for our country!”
Side note:
R.I.P. to the last (heard about) 2016 death: Joey Boots (from the Howard Stern Show)….his name came from him almost being turned away from a nightclub due to wearing ‘boots’….He replied with, “Don’t you know who I am? I’m Joey Boots.” He was then allowed into the nightclub.
President’s Report (Greg):
Email-chatted with the new “media marketing” person for the Brooklyn Bowl about the LVJBS’s volunteer/advertising help for member-ticket raffle-exchange, letting him know about our ‘deal’ and help with tickets and helping RELIX with their tables for the larger events. Welcome, Chris B.!
Will make contact with the House of Blues for their upcoming Dark Star Orchestra (DSO) show on 2/21 and our needed help.
Goal for 2017: To have a September ‘Golf Tournament’ with musicians, members, etc. More details to follow.
Vice President’s Report (Johnnie):
This meeting begins the $5 credit that is given for meeting attendance. (Goes towards the following year’s dues.) The next meeting, in February, will be for the Board of Directors/Offices/former Officers. This next meeting, in MARCH, will be one for all members and guests. (Officers will be given a $10 credit for the ‘Officers’ meetings’ attendance.)
Goal for 2017: To focus more on Fundraising and outside donations. This will help our ‘big picture’ goal of an LVJBS Clubhouse (for our meetings/small gigs, training, music help, etc.)
The 2017 calendars were printed. They are FREE for dues paid members or $10 to purchase. (They look great! Thanks to JT and Paige for their hard work in making it happen.) The Wild Apricot site has had some updates which will help navigate the site a bit easier.
Treasurer’s Report (Paige):
We’ve had some members (new and former) pay their 2017 already. The membership cards have been ordered and the goal is to have them in hand by month’s end. We will have to gather the list of local businesses for available discounts. We still have the Amazonsmiles & Smiths grocery ‘give backs’.
(Suggestion from guest, Tom: The downtown, new grocery store has a lot adjacent to it….Maybe a future outdoor parking lot gig, with certain store hours (i.e. 2pm-5pm) giving some ‘proceeds back to LVJBS’ when you shop inside….) Great idea, Tom! J
Secretary’s Report (Jessica):
The Adopt-A-Highway will happen at the end of Janaury, Sunday, the 29th. It only takes a couple of hours (less if more people!), so come check it out! A FaceBook invite will soon be made. Mark your calendars! J
Goal for 2017: To make Facebook invites for the future meetings, so those ‘interested’ or ‘attending’ can help spread the word and the meetings are better advertised.
Mayor’s Report (Justin): ~absent~
…via phone/Jessica….
Committee Reports:
Membership Committee (JT): Membership cards should be here by month’s end. Pay those dues!
Archive Committee (Kathy): ~absent~
Production Report (Greg): The interests form last month’s minutes haven’t made contact again. Phil Simon (from Simon Says Booking) is looking for a coffeehouse-type place for John Kadlecik to have a solo-gig. Greg to contact him with some thoughts on looking into Jambase for venues and contacting that way.
Upcoming Brooklyn Bowl shows:
1/20-1/22: Phil Lesh & Friends (with Chris Robinson Brotherhood)
2/14: Galactic
2/17-2/19: Ween
2/20: Infamous Stringdusters
2/27: Grateful Ball
2/28: Railroad Earth
3/4: Gov’t Mule
3/17: Umphrey’s McGee
3/23: Donavan Frankenrieter
3/31 & 4/1: STS9
*New (1/4 of the year paid) member, Tom (and his guest, Tamara) offered to volunteer/help with any staging or set-up for future gigs.
*Spread the word about Sunday, Jan. 29th’s ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY clean-up. 9am.
It’s quick & easy with more people!
Friends & Family Event:
*JANUARY’s event will be a Drive-in Movie. Location and date TBA by Greg. Looking at TUESDAY, JAN. 17th or 24th.
*FEBRUARY’s event will be a Bowling night, planned by Kathy. Location TBA and the possible dates would be Saturday the 4th, 11th, 18th or 25th.
Next Members’ Meeting(s):
Tuesday, Feb. 7th for Board of Directors/Officers
Tuesday, March 7th for the Members/Public guests @ Tenaya Creek Brewery.
** Meeting Adjourned: 8:35pm