August 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes

September 10, 2021 9:16 PM | Tiffany Belcher

August 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

Date: August 3, 2021 

Meeting Start: 7:05 PM

Location: Virtual via Zoom 

Attendees: Johnnie T., Paige T., Tiffany B., Jessica G., Greg S., Dan R.   


Item 1: President’s Introduction (Johnnie) 

 A.   By-Law Committee: Dan will put together a draft of meetings that occurred and come up with a final draft before next month’s meeting. 

B.   Grant Writing Committee: Will meet again soon.

C.  Discussed changes in mask mandates and how that may impact future shows.  Which music venues would be to our advantage to host future endeavors, such as Bootleggers. 


Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

A.  Not in attendance, no report.

Item 3:  Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

A.  Paige reviewed balances from accounts. 

B.  $10K Grant still pending in the bank.

Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Tiffany)

A.  Doug, from Terrapin Flyer in Chicago, continued conversations about potential show on November 14th. Contact information was forwarded to Jammin On.

Item 5: Mayor’s Report (Jay)

A.  Not in attendance.  Color:  Orange

Item 6: Open Floor

 A.  (Greg S.)  Steely Dead Show: waiting on response from Andrew.  

B. (Greg S.)  Grateful Shred is locked in for October 28th and 29th! Pink Talking Fish is locked in for October 30th and 31st! A limited number of tickets will be available to LVJBS members. 

 B. (Greg S.)    Cubensis and Moon Alice are still a possibility and a work in progress. Stay tuned! 

D. (Jessic G.)  Moe announced December 30th and December 31st in Vegas, baby! 

Meeting adjourned:  7:35 PM

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, September 7th via Zoom

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