September Members' Meeting Minutes

September 07, 2021 8:02 PM | Jessica Grant (Administrator)

SEPTEMBER LVJBS Meeting Minutes 

Date: September 7, 2021 

Meeting Start: 7:32 PM (technical difficulties)

Location: Virtual via Zoom 

Attendees: Johnnie T, Paige T., Jessica G., Dan R.,  Adam P., Megan B., David B., & Jenny M.

Item 1: President’s Report (Johnnie)

 “Thanks for your patience with the technical delay!”

  • A.    Our elected Secretary, Tiffany Belcher, has decided to step down from her position for the rest of 2021.  A motion was held to have our former LVJBS Secretary, Jessica Grant, take over the 2021 Office of Secretary.  (Jessica agreed to the task at hand.)
  • B.    The last month’s meeting minutes were not recorded, nor posted to WildApricot.  (JT to send the recording to Paige so the meeting’s minutes can be noted.)
  • C.    An email at September’s end will go out to begin the 2022 Officer Nominations.  In October, the nominated Members will be announced.  In November, the acceptance/denial of the nominated offices will be held & the voting for the 2022 Offices will be held in December.
  • D.    The Bylaw Committee met to make changes to the JamBandSociety of America’s document.  We will soon ensure they are typed, reviewed, and are readied to be shared for the October Members’ meeting (last week of September). 

Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)

  • A.    No new news. 

Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)

  • A.     Review of balances.
  • B.    The AmazonSmile account raised additional funds.

Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Jessica)

  • A.   Glad to be back as part of the LVJBS Officers. 
  • B. Been in contact, via our LVJBS Messenger, with the promotor for Mike Gantzer's AQ & Friends (feat. members of Aqueous, Dopapod, & more! (Oct. 3rd) @ Fremont Country Club & Backstage Bar & Billiards.  We shared their flyer and info on our page.  They are willing to offer up a pair of tickets to their event to raffle off to our Members.  (More info to come!)

Item 5:  Mayor’s Report (Jay)

  • A.    Color:  Turquoise

Item 6: Production Report (Greg—absent)

  • A.     Some comp-tix to the Virgin Event Lawn shows were offered to Members, at the last minute & possibly more for future shows will be provided.  More info to come.

Open Floor

  • A.    (Jessica G.)  We recently got a call from Marc Cutler (N*Dot) about our group still participating in the ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY clean-up area because there are other groups wanting to help the program.  (I did mention that August is a month we often don’t participate due to the heat of the summer—Yet, we drive by to ensure there is not any immediate need.)  Marc did ask for us to ‘pin’ the area that we cover and send his way. The next Adopt-A-Highway clean up date is scheduled for Saturday, September 25th @ 9 AM.  (Facebook and email invite to be sent out soon!)
  • B.    (Dave B. & Megan B.) Due to Covid regulations, we have decided to cancel the 2021 TECOPA TAKEOVER (weekend of Nov. 11-14).  The LVJBS donated (& will still provide) $1k to assist with the bills and it has been decided that a less formal event will still take place, while we celebrate one another, while having a great 2-day party.  So far, MegaScopes, Shaky Feelin’, & a few other local music acts will still be sharing in the fun.  Camping and lodging is up to the individuals who attend. (More info to come.)


            *The Blues Bender (Sept. 10-13) @ The Westgate

            *SteelyDead (Sept. 12th) @ 24 Oxford Virgin Hotel

            *Gary Clark Jr. (Sept. 11) @ 24 Oxford Virgin Hotel

           *Andy Frasco (Sept. 16) @ JamminOn Main

*Catfish John (Sept. 18) @ The SandDollar

*GrooveSession (Sept. 23) @ The SandDollar

*Get the Led Out (Sept. 29th) @ BBLV

*Ween (Oct. 1-3) @ Brooklyn Bowl Las Vegas

*Mike Gantzer's AQ & Friends (feat. members of Aqueous, Dopapod, & more!               (Oct. 3rd) @ Fremont Country Club & Backstage Bar & Billiards (see ad on our    LVJBS Facebook page)

*Reggae Rise-up Festival w/ Matisyahu/Slightly Stoopid/SOJA, etc. (10/9 &                  10/10) @Downtown LV Events Center

        *Wilco (Oct. 22) @ BBLV

         *JJ Grey & Mofro (Nov. 4) @ BBLV

         *moe. (Dec. 30 & 31) @ BBLV


Meeting adjourned:   7:55 PM

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, October 5th @ 7 PM.  Location:  via Zoom

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