July 2021 LVJBS Meeting Minutes
Date: July 6, 2021
Meeting Start: 7:03 PM
Location: Virtual via Zoom
Attendees: Johnnie T., Adam P., Paige T., Tiffany B., Jay M., Jessica G., Jenny M., Jeffrey T., Greg S., Dan R.
Item 1: President’s Introduction (Johnnie)
A. By-Law meeting will be immediately following tonight’s monthly LVJBS meeting via Zoom.
B. Grant Writing Committee will be meeting next week, hopefully.
C. Copa at Bootleggers is reopening! Johnnie will reach out for details in hopes of joint ventures at their facility. We’d also like to consider teaming up with the Blues Society.
D. Ashley, a promoter of a band from Chicago, contacted Johnnie. Johnnie will forward the information to Greg S.
E. We’d like to host another LVJBS concert soon! We are looking at possible dates in August for our next event so stay tuned!
F. Ween is coming October 1st-3rd. Johnnie will contact Brooklyn Bowl to see if they will honor giving LVJBS tickets as planned for the 2020 shows that were cancelled due to Covid.
G. Relix reached out to see if LVJBS is interested in assisting with tables for Ween shows and Halloween after shows.
H. Discussed Scholarship money disbursement of funds.
Item 2: Vice President’s Report (Adam)
A. Adam has kept lines of communication open with The Space. They are booking a lot of shows and events. With higher capacity limits now, they may be open to discussing 2-set shows in the future!
Item 3: Treasurer’s Report (Paige)
A. Paige reviewed balances from accounts.
B. Went through the process for the $10K Grant and the money should hopefully process soon!
C. Basia’s stream party was a success! We sold 12 tickets online and additional tickets in person. We also had a couple sign up for new LVJBS memberships! We are excited to welcome new members.
D. Smith’s Quarterly earnings were $30.10.
Item 4: Secretary’s Report (Tiffany)
A. Doug, from Terrapin Flyer in Chicago, reached out about booking a show on November 14th. Due to the overlap with Tecopa weekend, we will forward the potential interest to other venues.
Item 5: Mayor’s Report (Jay)
A. Color: Turquoise
B. Shows in Oregon often mix 2 bands for one set each. Discussed thoughts about exploring shows like this held by LVJBS in the future.
Item 6: Open Floor
A. (Jenny M.) Let’s follow up on contacting Blues Society about possible joint endeavors. We may discover new local bands.
B. (Greg S.) TV Broken 3rd Eye Open reached out to Greg about their interest in doing a show between 9/19 - 9/23. Greg will refer the information to The Sand Dollar to see if they are interested.
D. (Greg S.) Cubensis and Moon Alice would like to play a show between 10/13 - 10/17. Yak Attack is also interested.
E. (Jeffrey T.)
1. Tecopa is in full force! Jeffrey will be running a side stage variety show so they will be looking for acts! This can be anything from acoustic acts, fun artsy performances, etc.
2. Gambit, formerly known as E-String, is open and their PA system sounds great! They may be a place to consider for live shows.
3. There’s a Rolling Rhythm Cart currently being stored at a space with First Friday. There’s about 30 pieces of percussion instruments sponsored by Remo drums. Perhaps, we could look into peaking interest with Jammin On to store and use for various purposes. For example, Squirt the Shirt events with schools including drums and percussion.
F. (Greg S.) Discussed having another Golf outing in September for LVJBS.
G. (Jessica G.) There’s an online event celebrating Further Festival on July 9th. Check it out on goingfurther.com
Meeting adjourned: 8:18 PM
Next Meeting: Tuesday, Aug 3rd via In-person @ Crown and Anchor Bar