Hey JamBanders & Pals!
SAVE THE DATE!!! SUNDAY, May 5th, 2024
(& please try and remember to RSVP for additional 'advertising'...)
Our LVJBS Adopted Highway area needs some additional attention! (It's near Lake Mead Rec. Park, on SR 564, on Lake Mead Parkway, mile posts 6-8, on the westbound side of the road...thru Henderson, heading down Lake Mead Pkwy & we will be on your left, a few mile marker posts before the Lake's pay station!)
Bring your Family & Friends (age 16 and older only allowed per N*Dot Safety Rules).....SUNDAY, May 5th...(9am till 10:30am)--quicker, the more people we have!)
We have safety vests, collection bags (via N*Dot) and some helpful grabber-tools! (PLEASE BRING: gloves, hand & sun protection, some water, and good, closed-toe shoes....SAFETY FIRST!)
Wear those bright tie-dyes or LVJBS shirts! Plenty of roadside parking--yet, try to carpool.